Creating E-mail Activities

Overview of E-mail Activities

Use this procedure to create an E-mail campaign activity.


  1. Define the e-mail products and offers.

  2. Define the e-mail cover letters.

  3. Define click-through destinations.

  4. Define target groups.

  5. Define control groups.

  6. Define costs, revenues, and metrics.

  7. Define budgets.

  8. Execute the e-mail activity.

  9. Track e-mail activities.

Related Topics

Understanding Fatigue

Sending Monthly Newsletters to a Set of Customers

Defining E-mail Cover Letters

Use the Collateral subtab to create and associate cover letters to e-mail campaign activities. Sales people can review the cover letter while working with a responding lead.


Notes for Creating Cover Letters

End Users Changing Contact Preferences

End users prefer to receive marketing communication via some channels and opt out from others. Administrators control most of these settings. But if you receive an e-mail communication that contains an unsubscribe link, click it to navigate to the Contact Preference page and select the channels via which you do not wish to receive Marketing communications. Channels supported include E-mail, Phone, Fax, Direct Mail, and All. This information is stored in the database and used during campaign activity execution.

End users can also update their primary contact e-mail address and phone number.

An administrator sets up the page to provide this functionality, and can modify the seeded text and seeded options to not include the end users' primary contact points and channel preferences. See the Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide for more information.