System Administration and Maintenance

This chapter describes procedures and activities you need to know about to administer data and settings in Oracle Projects.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Understanding Data Processing

Oracle Project Resource Management uses deferred workflow processes and administrative processes to manage changes to your data. You must configure and manage the engines for both types of processes in order to handle the volume of changes happening within your system. For more information on these technologies, refer to:

Most of the changes you make to your data automatically update related information within the application. These changes occur without any intervention on your part. However, some changes require the use of administrative processes to ensure that the change is reflected accurately. In particular, two situations require this level of maintenance:

Deferred Workflow Processes

You use Oracle Workflow to run a variety of workflow processes. You can run some of these processes manually, while others are completely automated and run in the background. The latter kind of workflow processes are called deferred workflow processes. Deferred workflow processes depend on actions, such as a status change to trigger the steps of the process. You can customize messages and approval workflow using the Oracle Workflow Builder.

Deferred workflow processes automate time-consuming tasks in the background so that users can continue working in the application without waiting for the task to complete online. For example, a deferred workflow process controls the application of team template requirements to a project. When the system completes the task, it sends a notification to the user that initiated the action.

These deferred workflow processes need at least one background engine to monitor background activities in order to ensure consistent processing. This engine is called the Workflow Background Process. You must submit a request to enable a concurrent program for workflow background processing. Only a user with system administrator responsibilities can run the Workflow Background Process.

Related Topics

Integrating with Oracle Workflow: Oracle Projects Implementation Guide

Available Item Types

The following item types exist in the Workflow Background Process for Oracle Projects:

Project Resource Management Item Types

Recommended Process Scheduling Parameters

You can schedule all item types in the Workflow Background Process to run in a single request submission, or you can schedule each item type separately in individual requests. To submit all item types in a single request submission, leave the Item Type parameter blank.

Note: When you leave the Item Type parameter blank, the Workflow Background Process runs for all item types across all Oracle applications. Submitting the process for all item types can affect processing performance.

The following table lists the recommended configuration for scheduling the Workflow Background Process for the Project Resource Management item types:

Parameters Request 1 Request 2 Request 3
Repeat Every 10 minutes 24 hours 3 days
Minimum Threshold Leave Blank Leave Blank Leave Blank
Maximum Threshold Leave Blank Leave Blank Leave Blank
Process Deferred Yes No No
Process Timeout No Yes No
Process Stuck No No Yes
Apply the Interval From the completion of the prior run From the completion of the prior run From the completion of the prior run
Increment Date Leave Blank Leave Blank Leave Blank

This configuration demonstrates three concurrently scheduled requests of the Workflow Background Process.

To submit a request, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Requests form.

  2. Submit the Workflow Background Process concurrent program as a request.

  3. Specify the item type and other parameters as appropriate.

  4. Schedule the process to repeat itself at appropriate intervals.

    For more information on submitting and scheduling the workflow processes, see:

    • Submitting a Request,. Oracle Applications User's Guide.

    • Setting Up Oracle Workflow, Oracle Workflow Guide.

Archiving and Purging Projects

When you use Oracle Projects to process activity associated with your projects, data accumulates in the database. This data includes transaction information, asset lines, summary data, historical (prior to Release 12) Multiple Reporting Currency transactions, cross charge transactions, and staffing transactions such as assignments and requirements. You can purge (delete) information that you no longer need to access online.

Purging data can lower operating costs and increase efficiency of the application by:

You can also choose to archive any project data that you purge. Summary information can then be used for status reporting or transfer to other applications.

You can use the following purge programs to purge project data:

For more information on the purge programs, see Archiving and Purging Processes.

Purging Process Overview

You purge project batches by following these steps:

For detailed instructions, see Purge Procedures.

Caution: Purging information from Oracle Projects is a powerful function. The system administrator must set up a special responsibility with appropriate security for purging data. For information on assigning the responsibility and other information about applying business rules to the archive and purge feature, see: Purging Safely and Efficiently.

Archiving Data

When you create a purge batch, you can also specify that you want to archive certain data. The archive function is available only for project information that you are purging. You cannot archive data without purging it.

Note: The archive function saves information about specific projects. It is not intended to be a general backup system for your database. You cannot use the archive and purge feature to restore projects that have been archived.

Purging Data

There are four categories of data that can be purged and archived.

Data That You Can Purge

The data you can archive and purge depends on the Project Type Class and Project Status. The table below shows the combinations of Project Type Class and Project Status that allow purging for each type of data.

Type of Data Project Type Class Project Status
Summary data All Closed
Capital data (asset line details) Capital Closed
- Cost distribution lines
- Expenditure items and related tables
- Cross charge transactions
- Staffing transactions
All Closed
- Customer invoices
- Revenue distribution lines
Contract Closed
- Cost distribution lines
- Expenditure items and related tables
- Cross charge transactions
- Staffing transactions
Note: For open indirect projects, expenditure items and staffing transactions are purged based on the transaction date.
Indirect Open

Querying and Reporting

You cannot query purged records. Purged records are not displayed on standard reports, or in applications that can drill down to project details. For example, you cannot drill down from Oracle Assets to purged asset line details for project assets.

You cannot use the drill down feature for inter-company invoices if the source expenditure items are purged. Adjustments such as cancellation of invoices and write-offs are not allowed.

Data That Is Not Purged

The archive and purge function does not purge project setup information (such as work breakdown structures), budgets, status reports and team templates.

Purging Adjusted Expenditure Items

You can also purge adjusted expenditure items.

Expenditure Items That Resulted from a Transfer

If the expenditure item being purged resulted from a transfer, the purge process creates a record in the PA_EXPEND_ITEM_ADJ_ACTIVITIES table for the original expenditure item. This record is flagged to indicate that the new expenditure item has been purged.

Expenditure Items That Have Been Transferred

If the expenditure item being purged has been transferred (and therefore has a matched negative expenditure item associated with it), the purge process does the following:

See also: Adjusting Expenditures, Oracle Project Costing User Guide.

Purging Safely and Efficiently

There are several steps you can take to purge safely and efficiently:

Prerequisites for Purging Projects

All projects in a purge batch must meet certain prerequisites for the batch to be purged or archived and purged.

Prerequisites for All Projects in a Purge Batch

All projects in a purge batch must meet the conditions shown in the following table before the batch can be purged or archived and purged. The conditions vary by project type class (indirect, contract, or capital):

Indirect Project Contract Project Capital Project Condition
yes yes yes All related records in transaction interface tables must be interfaced to Oracle Projects. See: Transaction Import.
yes yes yes All related supplier invoices must be interfaced from Payables to Oracle Projects. See: Interface Supplier Costs.
yes yes yes The project must not have pending commitments. See: Commitments from External Systems, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide
yes yes yes Expenditure item costs must be distributed. See: Distribution Processes.
yes yes yes Accounting for costs must be successfully created in Oracle Subledger Accounting. See: Generate Cost Accounting Events and Create Accounting.
  yes   Events having completion dates must be processed. See: Events, Oracle Project Billing User Guide.
  yes   Accounting for revenue must be successfully created in Oracle Subledger Accounting. See: Generate Revenue Accounting Events and Create Accounting.
  yes   Draft invoices must be interfaced to and accepted in Oracle Receivables. See: Interface Invoices to Receivables, Oracle Project Billing User Guide.
  yes   Unbilled receivables and unearned revenue for the project must be zero. See: Reviewing Revenue, Oracle Project Billing User Guide.
  yes   Project-related Receivables invoices must have a zero balance (that is, the invoice must be paid). Contract projects with invoices that have a balance due amount cannot be purged. See: Oracle Receivables Reference Guide.
    yes If you have chosen Purge Capital Data in the Purge Batch Details window, all asset lines must be generated and successfully interfaced to Oracle Assets. Also, all project-related assets must be posted in Oracle Assets. See: Generate Asset Lines and Interface Assets.
yes yes yes AP discount lines must be interfaced to Oracle Projects. See: Interface Supplier Costs.
yes yes yes All allocation runs must be in either the Release Success status or the Reversed status for any task of a project that is purged.
yes yes yes All project-related supplier invoices in Oracle Payables must be fully paid.
yes     Project-related records in Oracle Time & Labor must be interfaced to Oracle Projects.
yes     The project must not be an Organization Forecast project. See: Organization Forecasting.
yes yes yes Receipt accrual amounts for project-related purchase items must be interfaced to Oracle Projects. See: Revenue Accruals, Oracle Project Billing User Guide.
  yes   All retentions must be billed and the retention balance must be zero. See: Customer Billing Retention.
yes yes yes Project transactions must not be referenced in Oracle Project Contracts, Oracle Property Manager, or Oracle Commitment Administration.

Note: The summarization and burden cost distribution checks can be part of client extensions. The creation of a summarized burden component can be part of a client extension.

Prerequisites for Cross Charge Transactions in a Purge Batch

Cross charge transactions must meet the conditions shown in the following table before they can be purged or archived and purged.

Indirect Project Contract Project Capital Project Condition
yes yes yes Accounting for borrowed and lent transactions must be successfully created in Oracle Subledger Accounting. See: Generate Cross Charge Accounting Events and Create Accounting.
yes yes   Cross charge projects can be purged after intercompany invoices are interfaced to Receivables and tied back to Projects.
  yes   Intercompany billing projects cannot be purged.
  yes   If the Reclassify Costs for Cross Charged Transactions option on the Internal Billing tab in Implementation Options is set to either Raw Cost or Burden Cost, then accounting for cross-charged transactions must be successfully created in Oracle Subledger Accounting. See: Generate Cross Charge Accounting Events and Create Accounting.
  yes   For inter-project billing, the provider project must be purged before purging any receiver project.
  yes   For inter-project billing, the provider project can be purged after draft invoices belonging to the provider project are interfaced to Receivables and transferred to Payables as supplier invoice costs for the receiver project.
yes yes   For inter-project billing, if the receiver project is an indirect project, then it can be purged multiple times in a time phased manner.

Prerequisites for Staffing Transactions in a Purge Batch

Staffing transactions must meet the conditions shown in the following table before they can be purged or archived and purged.

Indirect Project Contract Project Capital Project Condition
yes     For open projects, requirements are not purged if an open requirement exists on the project with an end date earlier than the purge through date.
yes yes yes For closed projects, the entire project is not purged if an assignment exists on the project with an end date later than the project close date.

Extend Archiving and Purging Requirements

In addition to the default prerequisites listed in the Data That You Can Purge table, you can create additional prerequisites for purging and archiving project data. See: Archive Purge Validation Extension, Oracle Projects APIs, Client Extensions, and Open Interfaces Reference.

Statuses Associated with Purging

There are three types of statuses that relate to purging or archiving project data:

These statuses are described in the following sections.

Project Status for Purged Projects

During the purging process, the status of the purged project is updated. The following table lists the default project statuses related to purging.

Project Status Meaning
Partially Purged The project actuals have been purged, but the system has retained specified summary information.
Pending Purge The system has marked the project as eligible for purging and has included the project in a purge batch. You cannot modify or enter transactions on a project with Pending Purge status.
Purged The project has been purged. Project setup information (such as project numbers, budgets, and work breakdown structures) remains in the system.

You can define additional project statuses that map to the Partially Purged or the Purged system statuses. You cannot map statuses to the Pending Purge system status. For more information, see: Project Statuses.

The system assigns the status of the purged project as specified in the Project Verification client extension. For more information, see: Project Verification Extension, Oracle Projects APIs, Client Extensions, and Open Interfaces Reference.

Open projects return to their original status after being purged. For open projects, the default status changes like this:

original project status-->Pending Purge-->original project status

For closed projects, the default status changes like this:

original project status-->Pending Purge-->Purged or Partially Purged

Projects with a status of Partially Purged can be purged completely at a later time.

Project Validation Status

As shown in the following table, the validation status indicates where the project is in the validation process. When you submit projects to be validated, this status is updated to indicate whether the project passed the validation. You will find the validation status on the Purge Validation Report and also listed on the Purge Batch Details window that lists the projects included in each purge batch.

Validation Status Meaning
New The project has not been processed by the Validate Purge Batch process.
Valid The project has been processed by the Validate Purge Batch process, and has passed the validation criteria.
Invalid The project has been processed by the Validate Purge Batch process, and has failed the validation criteria. You must correct the errors identified by the process or delete the project from the purge batch before the batch can be purged.

After a project has passed validation and its validation status is set to Valid, you cannot change any of the transactions tied to the project.

Purge Batch Status

A purge batch is a list of projects that you want to purge or that have already been purged. Purge Batch Statuses are associated with purge batches as shown in the following table:

Purge Batch Status Meaning
Working The system is creating a batch (validation has not occurred), or the validation process is over.
Note: When the validation process is over, the system returns to Working status, even if the system has encountered errors.
Validating The system is validating a batch.
Released The system has released the batch, and the batch is ready to purge. You cannot make any changes to the batch.
Purging The system is running the purge process, or the process has failed due to a system error. If a system error has occurred, you should query the batch again, and then choose the Purge button to restart the process.
Completed The system has run a purge process for the batch.

Purge Procedures

Following are descriptions of the steps for purging projects in Oracle Projects.

  1. Create a purge batch, or modify an existing purge batch. A purge batch is a list of projects whose data you want to purge and/or archive.

    See: Create a Purge Batch.

    To modify an existing purge batch, see Modifying a Purge Batch.

  2. Review and revise the list of projects in the batch. See: Review and Refine the List.

  3. Run the ADM: Validate Purge Batch process to determine whether the projects in the purge batch are eligible for purging. See: Validate the Projects in the Purge Batch.

  4. Release the batch for purging. (You cannot release a batch that contains errors.) See: Release the Purge Batch.

  5. Finally, run the purge process (ADM: Purge Project Data), which purges batches that have passed the validation process. See: Start the Purge Process.

Instructions for Archiving and Purging Projects

The following steps provide detail instructions for purging (or archiving and purging) in Oracle Projects.

Step One: Create a Purge Batch

You can populate a purge batch either by providing selection criteria or by selecting specific projects to purge. You can remove projects from the purge batch at any time before you release the batch.

You can define as many purge batches as you want. Each batch can contain either open or closed projects, but not both.

To create a purge batch:

  1. Log in using the Projects System Administrator responsibility. See: Assigning Purge Responsibility.

  2. Navigate to the Purge Batches window. To navigate to the Purge Batches window, log on with the Projects System Administrator responsibility and choose Purge Project Data.

    Note: To modify an existing purge batch, see Modifying a purge batch.

  3. Create a purge batch by completing applicable fields (described in the following table) in the Purge Batches window.

    For this field or region Do this
    Operating Unit If you are creating a new purge batch, enter the name of the operating unit to which the batch belongs
    Batch Name Description Enter a batch name and description of your choosing.
    Batch Status Display only. Both the Batch Status and Purged Date fields are display only.
    Projects Choose Open to select open indirect projects or Closed to select closed projects.
    Note: If you select Open, you can only purge and archive actual data from indirect projects.
    Administrative Projects Enable the Administrative Projects check box to purge and/or archive only administrative projects.
    Purge Options Choose the types of data that you want to purge or archive by selecting the appropriate options:
    - Purge Actuals (Default, required for open projects)
    - Purge Summary Data
    - Purge Capital Data
    - Archive Actuals
    - Archive Summary Data
    - Archive Capital Data
    You cannot choose to archive data without also selecting the corresponding purge option for that data.
    Purge options set here take effect for all the projects in the batch. You can, however, change the purge options at the project level.

    Important: If you change the purge options here after you generate a batch, the change does not affect the projects in the batch.

    Purge-Through Date For open projects, enter the date through which you want to purge and/or archive actuals.
    Next Purge Status Select the project status to be assigned to closed projects after the purge process has run. (Open projects are assigned their original status after the purge.)
    The Next Purge Status is used for closed projects where actual amounts, summary data, and capital data are purged.
    The Next Partially Purged Status is used for closed projects that retain summary data or capital data. Open projects are assigned their original status after the purge.
    The default statuses are Purged and Partially Purged. You can change these to any valid user-defined project status that is mapped to a system status of Purged or Partially Purged. See Project Status for Purged Projects.
  4. Create a list of projects to purge:

    • If you want to select each project to include in the batch, choose Enter Details. In the Purge Batch Details window, use the list of values in the Project Number or Project Name fields to select each project you want to purge, and then skip to Step 2: Review and Refine the List.

    • If you want to generate a list of projects based on a set of criteria that you define, choose Generate Details.

      • In the Generate Details window, set the criteria for the list of projects you want to purge by filling in the fields shown in the following table:

        For this field Do This
        Closed - Through Date Enter a date. The date refers to the date on which the project status was set to Closed.
        Note: This field is available only if you have selected Closed Projects in the Purge Batches window.
        Organization (Optional) Select from the list of values.
        Project Type (Optional) Select from the list of values.
        Project Status (Optional) Select a status from the poplist.

        If you make a mistake, choose Clear.

      • Choose Generate to display a list of the projects that meet the criteria. The Purge Batch Details window opens.

Step Two: Review and Refine the List

After you create the purge batch, review the list of projects to be purged.

To review and refine the list:

  1. Examine the list of projects to purge and further refine the list as shown in the following table.

    To Do This
    Delete a project (record) from the list Select the line containing the project, and then choose Delete Record from the Edit menu.
    Add a project (record) to the list Select a blank line or choose New Record from the Edit menu. Then choose a project number or name from the list of values.
    See more information about the selected projects Select Project Information from the poplist to display information about the projects to be purged. Add or delete projects as needed.
    See or alter the archive and purge options for each project Select Purge Options from the poplist to display the purge options you specified for the batch. Select or deselect the check boxes. For open indirect projects, you can purge (or archive and purge) actuals only.
    Note: Purge options set on the Purge Batches window take effect for all the projects in the batch when you generate or manually select projects. (You can see the results on the Purge Batch Details window.) Changing the purge options on the Purge Batches window after you generate a batch will not affect the purge options for the projects in the batch.
  2. If you want to change purge options at the project level, then change the poplist from Project Information to Purge Options. Change the options for each project as appropriate.

  3. Save the list of projects and close the Purge Batch Details window.

Step Three: Validate the Projects in the Purge Batch

After you create purge batches, you validate them by running the ADM: Validate Purge Batch process. The validation process identifies errors in a purge batch. If a purge batch contains errors, you must correct the errors (see: Modifying an Existing Purge Batch), or remove the invalid projects from the list of projects in the purge batch. After you correct the errors, you run the validation process again.

The validation process verifies that the projects to be purged are eligible for purging. All of the projects in a purge batch must be eligible for purging before you can release the batch for purging.

To validate a purge batch:

  1. Choose Validate from the Purge Batches window.

    The system starts the ADM: Validate Purge Batch process.

    You can also validate the batch by running the process from the Submit Requests window. See Validate Purge Batches.

    You can view the status of the process by navigating to the Completed Requests window.

  2. When the process is complete, review the Purge Validation Report.

    • If the Validation Exceptions section lists any errors, return to the Purge Batch Details window and correct the errors. See Correcting Errors.

    • If the system validates the purge batch, you can release the purge batch. See: Release the Purge Batch.

      Note: If you add projects after the system validates the purge batch, you cannot release or purge the batch until you run the Validate Purge Batch process again.

      For information about validation requirements, see: Prerequisites for Purging Projects. Your implementation team may define additional rules in the Validation Extension. See: Validation Extension, Oracle Projects APIs, Client Extensions, and Open Interfaces Reference.

Step Four: Release the Purge Batch

After all the projects in the batch are validated (required), you release the batch for purging. You cannot release a batch that contains errors.

To release a purge batch

Step Five: Start the Purge Process

When you are ready to purge (or archive and purge) a batch, run the ADM: Purge Project Data process.

To start the purge process:

Modifying an Existing Purge Batch

Following are instructions for modifying an existing purge batch:

To modify an existing purge batch:

  1. Log in using the Projects System Administrator responsibility. See: Assigning Purge Responsibility.

  2. Navigate to the Purge Batches window (from the Projects System Administrator responsibility, choose Purge Project Data).

  3. In the Batch Name field, query the batch name.

    • To add projects to an existing batch using selection criteria, choose Generate Details. In the Generate Details, set criteria for the list of projects you want to add to the batch, and then choose Generate.

    • To add or remove individual projects, or change the purge options at the project level, choose Edit Details.

  4. In the Purge Batch Details window, use the poplist to view the alternative areas.

    • To add or remove a project from the list, choose Project Information.

    • To change the purge options for a project (if you have permission to change the purge options), choose Purge Options.

  5. Proceed with the review, validation, release, and initiation steps. See: Review and Refine the List.

Deleting a Purge Batch

Following are instructions for modifying a purge batch:

To delete a purge batch

  1. Log in using the Projects System Administrator responsibility. See: Assigning Purge Responsibility.

  2. Navigate to the Purge Batches window (from the Projects System Administrator responsibility, choose Purge Project Data).

  3. In the Batch Name field, query the batch name. Then choose Edit Details to go to the Purge Batch Details window.

  4. For each project in the batch:

    • Select the project and choose Edit > Delete Record.

  5. After you delete all the projects from the batch, choose File > Save.

  6. Close the Purge Batch Details window to return to the Purge Batches window.

  7. In the Purge Batches window, choose Edit > Delete Record. Then choose File > Save.

Correcting Errors

You can release a purge batch only if every project in the batch has passed validation. All projects in the batch that do not pass validation must be corrected or removed from the batch.

Projects that have passed validation have a validation status of Valid. Projects that do not pass validation have a status of Invalid. You can view the validation status of the projects in the Purge Batch Details window or the Purge Validation Report, which lists invalid projects and the reasons that the project failed validation.

To identify errors in a purge batch:

  1. Navigate to the Purge Batches window.

  2. In the Batch Name field, query the purge batch name and choose Edit Details. The Purge Batch Details window opens.

  3. In the Purge Batch Details window, select a project that failed validation.

    For more information about the selected projects, use the Purge Batch Details Window (see: Step Two: Review and Refine the List).

  4. Choose the Errors button to display the errors in the Validation Errors window. You can also view the errors in the Purge Validation Report.

  5. Correct the errors. You can either remove the problem project from the purge batch (Choose Delete Record from the Edit menu) or correct the condition in the project that is causing the error.

    For more information about the conditions that must be met before a project can be purged, see: Prerequisites for Purging Projects.

  6. Run the validation process again (see: Validate the Projects in a Purge Batch.)

After Purging

This section describes steps you can take to manage purged and partially purged projects.

Managing Purged Projects

You cannot query purged information. Projects with a status of Purged or Partially Purged are not listed on standard reports.

You cannot query purged projects in applications that drill down to project details. For example, in Oracle Assets, you cannot query purged line details for project assets.

To see what information has been purged from a batch, query the batch in the Purge Batches window and view the purge details.

To view purged information in a printed report, you must write reports using the archive tables that hold the transactions for the purged project.

Projects with a status of Partially Purged can be purged (or archived and purged) at any time.

Purging Project Information from Other Oracle Applications

After you purge a project, you can purge transactions related to the project in other Oracle applications.

In Oracle Payables, you can purge invoices, purchase orders, and requisitions.

In Oracle Receivables, you can purge customer invoices.

Note: You can purge data in Oracle Receivables only if you use accrual based accounting.

Summarization of Purged Projects

There are several processes that you can run to summarize different types of purged projects, including closed projects and open indirect projects. You can also summarize project amounts.

Closed Projects

After you purge transactions from a closed project, the summarization processes in Oracle Projects do not calculate the To-Date summary amounts for that project. Running the summarization processes against this project will have no effect.

Open Indirect Projects

When you purge an open indirect project, you must decide how you want to calculate the project's summary amounts after the purge. You use two processes to control the summary amounts:

Summarize Only Amounts That Have Not Been Purged

If you want the To-Date summary amounts for a project to include only amounts that have not been purged, you must follow these steps:

Summarize All To-Date Amounts

If you want the To-Date summary amounts for a project to include all to-date amounts, including amounts that have been purged, you must follow these guidelines:

See also: Refresh Project Summary Amounts and Update Project Summary Amounts.

Managing the Archive Tables

Your database administrator must decide what to do with the data in the archive tables. The database administrator should back up the data, and if necessary, move it to a different location from your production database. By moving the data, you reduce the load on your production system and database.

Setting Up for Archiving and Purging

The implementation team and system administrator can determine some of the functionality of the archive and purge feature, as described in these sections:

If you need to write custom reports using archived data, refer to the following section:

Assigning Purge Responsibility

To protect the information in your database, the system administrator must set up a special responsibility for the person who is authorized to purge Oracle Projects data. .

To set up the project purge administrator responsibility

  1. Start Oracle Applications and choose the System Administrator GUI responsibility.

  2. Navigate to the Users window.

  3. Assign the following responsibilities to the new user ID:

    • Projects System Administrator

    • Project Billing Super User (if necessary)

  4. Set MO: Operating Unit to the applicable operating unit.

  5. Save your changes.

    For more information, see: Managing Oracle Applications Security, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.

Profile Option

Use the profile option PA: Commit Size for Archive and Purge to control the batch size for archive and purge processes. For more information, see: PA: Commit Size for Archive and Purge, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide.

Client Extensions

You can use client extensions to extend the functionality of the archive and purge processes. See:

Transaction Tables Used in Archiving and Purging

The archive purge transaction tables store archive and purge data. Use these tables to:

The archive purge transaction tables are listed below:

For full table definitions, see the Oracle Projects eTechnical Reference Manual (eTRM).

Purged Tables and Archive Tables

The purge function deletes data from the major transaction tables. As the system purges the specified data, Oracle Projects creates a parallel table for each purged table and stores the archived data in the parallel tables. An additional attribute in the parallel tables identifies the run in which the data was archived.

The following sections list the tables that are purged and their corresponding archive tables, depending on the purge options that you select.

Actuals Tables

The following table shows the tables that are purged if you choose the Purge Actuals and Archive Actuals purge options.

Table to be Archived and Purged Archive Table
PA_Billing_Messages PA_Billing_Messages_AR
PA_CC_Dist_Lines_All PA_CC_Dist_Lines_AR
PA_Cost_Distribution_Lines_All PA_Cost_Dist_Lines_AR
PA_Cust_Event_RDL_All PA_Cust_Event_RDL_AR
PA_Cust_Rev_Dist_Lines_All PA_Cust_RDL_AR
PA_Distribution_Warnings PA_Dist_Warnings_AR
PA_Draft_Invoice_Items PA_Draft_Inv_Items_AR
PA__Draft_Invoices_All PA__Draft_Invoices_AR
PA_Draft_Revenue_Items PA_Draft_Rev_Items_AR
PA_Draft_Revenues_All PA_Draft_Revenues_AR
PA_EI_DeNorm PA_EI_DeNorm_AR
PA_Events PA_Events_AR
PA_Expend_Item_Adj_Activities PA_Exp_Item_Adj_Act_AR
PA_Expenditure_Comments PA_Exp_Comments_AR
PA_Expenditure_History PA_Exp_History_AR
PA_Expenditure_Items_All PA_Expenditure_Items_AR
PA_Retn_Invoice_Details PA_Retn_Inv_Details_AR
PA_Routings PA_Routings_AR
<Custom Table> <Custom Table>

Note: For historical (prior to Release 12) Multiple Reporting Currency transactions, additional tables related are also deleted. See: Multiple Reporting Currencies Tables.

Summarization Tables

The following table shows the tables that are purged if you choose the Summarized Data purge option.

Table to be Archived and Purged Archive Table
PA_Project_Accum_Actuals PA_Prj_Accum_Actuals_AR
PA_Project_Accum_Budgets PA_Prj_Accum_Budgets_AR
PA_Project_Accum_Commitments PA_Prj_Accum_Commit_AR
PA_Project_Accum_Headers PA_Prj_Accum_Headers_AR
PA_Resource_Accum_Details PA_Res_Accum_Details_AR
PA_Txn_Accum PA_Txn_Accum_AR
PA_Txn_Accum_Details PA_Txn_Accum_Details_AR
<Custom Table> <Custom Table>

Capitalization Tables

The following table shows the tables that are purged if you choose the Capital purge option.

Table to be Archived and Purged Archive Table
PA_Project_Asset_Line_Details PA_Prj_Asset_Ln_Dets_AR
<Custom Table> <Custom Table>

Multiple Reporting Currencies Tables

The following table shows the tables that are purged for historical (prior to Release 12) Multiple Reporting Currencies transactions.

Table to be Archived and Purged Archive Table
PA_MC_CC_Dist_Lines_All PA_MC_CC_Dist_Lines_AR
PA_MC_Cost_Dist_Lines_All PA_MC_CDL_AR
PA_MC_Cust_Event_RDL_All PA_MC_Cust_Event_RDL_AR
PA_MC_Draft_Inv_Details_All PA_MC_Draft_Inv_Dets_AR
PA_MC_Draft_Inv_Items PA_MC_Draft_Inv_Items_AR
PA_MC_Draft_Revs_All PA_MC_Draft_Revs_AR
PA_MC_Events PA_MC_Events_AR
PA_MC_Exp_Items_All PA_MC_Exp_Items_AR
PA_MC_Prj_Ast_Line_Dtls PA_MC_Prj_Ast_Ln_Det_AR
PA_MC_Retn_Inv_Details PA_MC_Retn_Inv_Detls_AR
<Custom Table> <Custom Table>

Cross Charge Tables

The following table shows the tables that are purged if you are using Oracle's cross charge features.

Table to be Archived and Purged Archive Table
PA_Draft_Invoice_Details_All PA_Draft_Inv_Dets_AR
<Custom Table> <Custom Table>

Staffing Transaction Tables

The following table shows the tables that are purged for staffing transactions.

Table to be Archived and Purged Archive Table
PA_Action_Set_Line_Aud PA_Actn_Setln_Aud_Ar
PA_Action_Set_Line_Cond PA_Actn_Set_Ln_Cond_Ar
PA_Action_Set_Lines PA_Action_Set_Lines_Ar
PA_Action_Sets PA_Action_Sets_Ar
PA_Assignment_Conflict_Hist PA_Asgmt_Cnflt_Hist_Ar
PA_Assignments_History PA_Asgmts_Hstry_Ar
PA_Candidate_Reviews PA_Candidates_Rev_Ar
PA_Candidates PA_Candidates_Ar
PA_FI_Amount_Details PA_FI_Amount_Details_AR
PA_Forecast_Item_Details PA_Frcst_Item_Dtls_Ar
PA_Forecast_Items PA_Frcst_Items_Ar
PA_Project_Assignments PA_Project_Asgmts_Ar
PA_Project_Parties PA_Project_Parties_Ar
PA_Schedule_Except_History PA_Sch_Excpt_Hstry_Ar
PA_Schedules PA_Schedules_Ar
PA_Schedules_History PA_Schedules_Hstry_Ar

Resource Unassigned Time Tables

The following table shows the tables that are purged for resource unassigned time.

Table to be Archived and Purged Archive Table
PA_FI_Amount_Details PA_FI_Amount_Details_AR
PA_Forecast_Item_Details PA_Frcst_Item_Dtls_Ar
PA_Forecast_Items PA_Frcst_Items_Ar

Mass Update for Projects and Tasks

Use the Mass Update Batches window to change the organization of multiple projects and tasks. The Mass Update window performs both of the following functions:

Related Topics

Create Batch for Mass Update

Creating A Mass Update Batch

You can use the following two methods, alone or in combination, to create a mass update batch:

To generate a mass update batch based on selection criteria:

  1. Navigate to the Mass Update Batches window.

  2. Enter a Batch Name, Description, and Effective Date for the batch.

  3. In the Generate Detail Lines region of the window, enter the selection criteria to select the projects and tasks you want to update. See: Mass Update Batches Window Reference.

  4. Choose Generate Detail Lines to generate the mass update batch lines.

  5. If you want to review and/or revise the mass update batch, choose Details. See: Batch Lines Window Reference.

To generate a mass update batch by entering each project and task:

  1. Navigate to the Mass Update Batches window.

  2. Enter a Batch Name, Description, and Effective Date for the batch.

  3. To enter batch lines in the Batch Lines window, choose Details.

  4. For each batch line, enter a Project Name, Task Name (optional), New Value (new organization to be assigned), and Effective Date, and indicate whether the item should be marked for recalculation. See: Batch Lines Window Reference.

Related Topics

Mass Update Batches Window Reference


Mass Update Batches Window Reference

Operating Unit. Enter the name of the operating unit for the Mass Update Batch.

Batch Name. Enter a unique name for this Batch.

Description. Enter a unique, descriptive name for this batch.

Status. This field displays the status of the batch. It can have the following values:

Attribute. The project and/or task attribute that you want to update. Currently, this field defaults to Organization and cannot be modified.

Effective Date. The date you enter in this field is used for two purposes:

Rejection Reason. The reason that the batch was rejected. Following are the possible rejection reasons:

Processed By. This field displays the name of the employee who last submitted the batch for update.

Processed Date. The date when the batch was last processed.

Descriptive Flexfield. Standard descriptive flexfield.

Generate Detail Lines Region

From Project. You can generate lines for a single project or a group of projects, depending on the criteria you enter:

Task. You can narrow the selection by entering task criteria:

New Organization. The new organization that will be assigned during the update process. This field is required for processing a mass update batch.

Mark for Recalculation. If this check box is checked, the selected transactions will be marked for recalculation.


Submit. Changes the status of the batch from Working to Submitted. When a batch is in Submitted status, you cannot modify it. You cannot submit a batch unless it contains at least one detail line.

Rework. Returns a submitted batch to Working status.

Update. Runs the Batch Process for Mass Update online. This button is active only if the status of the batch is Submitted.

Details. Displays the Batch Lines window.

Generate Detail Lines. Generates the mass update batch detail lines based on the criteria specified in the Generate Detail Lines region.

Batch Lines Window Reference

The Batch Lines window displays all the detail lines for the batch. Use this window to enter new detail lines, or to modify them after you have entered them or after you have automatically generated them.

If your batch has been rejected, you can use this window to view the rejection reason for each rejected line. You can then correct the data or uncheck the Update check box.

Project Name. The name of the project for which you want to update the organization. Each detail line in the batch must be a unique project/task combination.

Task Name. The name of the task for which you want to update the organization. If you want to update the organization on the project, leave this field blank.

Old Value. This field displays the current organization that owns the project or task.

New Value. The new organization you want to assign to the project or task.

Effective Date. The effective date of the line. This value will default to the Effective Date you entered for the batch. You can override the default value.

Update. This check box indicates if a line will be processed when you run the update process for the batch. You can update this check box only if you have the security to update the specified project.

Mark for Recalculation. This check box indicates if the expenditure lines associated with the project or task will be marked for recalculation. You can update this check box only if you have the security to mark expenditure items for cost and revenue recalculation. See: Security in Oracle Projects.

Rejected. This check box is checked if the line was rejected during the latest update process.

Rejection Reason. For rejected lines, the reason the current line was rejected during the last update process.

Related Topics

Processing a Mass Update Batch

Processing A Mass Update Batch

You can process a mass update batch either online or as a concurrent program.

To run the Mass Update Batch process online

  1. Navigate to the Mass Update Batches window.

  2. Choose Update.

To run the Mass Update Batch process as a concurrent program

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. Select the PRC: Process Mass Update Batches process.

  3. Select a batch name.

  4. Submit the process.

Mass Update Batch Verifications

For each detail line in the batch, the Mass Update Batch process performs the several verifications before processing the line. If a detail line fails any of the verifications, the Rejected check box is checked and a Rejection Reason can be viewed for the record.

Following are the verifications that the Mass Update Batch process performs:

  1. Verify that the Update check box is checked.

  2. Verify that the project status is not Closed.

  3. Verify that the submitter of the process has security to update the project.

  4. Verify that the change specified for the line is allowed. This check includes a call to the Verify Organization Change client extension.

  5. Update the organization of the project or task.

  6. If the Mark for Recalculation check box is checked for the line, the process marks the related expenditure items for recalculation.


After all the batch lines have been processed, if any error has occurred during the processing, none of the updates are processed and the batch status is set to Rejected.

If no error occurs during the process, the updates are processed and the batch status is set to Completed. The Processed By, Processed Date, and Rejection Reason fields of the batch are updated.

Processing Errors

The following errors can occur during the Mass Update Batch process:

  1. The batch must have Submitted status in order to be processed.

    This error can occur when the batch process is run as a concurrent program. It indicates that the status of the batch changed after the concurrent request was submitted.

    Solution: Reset the batch status to Submitted and submit another request to process the batch.

  2. This user is not yet registered as an employee.

    The user who is running the batch process does not have an employee record. Contact your System Administrator to create an employee record for this use before continuing.

  3. You do not have permission to update this project.

    You do not have permission to update the specified project on a detail line.

  4. The new organization is not allowed to create projects or tasks for the given project type class.

    The new organization is invalid for the organization change, because it is not set up to own projects with the specified project's project type class.

    Solution: Enter a valid organization for the line, or uncheck the Update check box for the line.

  5. Project/Task Organization cannot be changed due to costed items/revenues/invoices.

    The project/task organization of the project specified for the batch line cannot be changed because costed items, revenue, or invoices exist for the project or task.

  6. User-defined error messages.

    You can build business rules in the Verify Organization Change Extension to determine whether the organization change is allowed, and to define error messages when the rules are violated.

Related Topics

Verify Organization Change Extension, Oracle Projects APIs, Client Extensions, and Open Interfaces Reference

Process Mass Update Batches

Impacts of Merging Customer Information

Oracle Projects supports the merging of customer information through its integration with Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

When you merge customer information, the system merges the customer reference on project customers, agreements, and draft invoices in Oracle Projects. Similarly, when you merge customer addresses, the system updates address references on project customers, tasks, and draft invoices in Oracle Projects.

Entities Affected by Customer Merge Operations

Certain Oracle Projects entities are affected whenever you perform a customer merge operation. These entities are:

Related Topics

AR Merge, Oracle Project Billing User Guide

Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide