Survey Resource Administration Tasks

Administering Survey Resources

Survey resources are objects defined as part of a survey campaign that display for scripts at runtime to users of the Scripting Engine Web interface.

Survey Resource Display Types

Each survey campaign can include up to four survey resources:

Each survey resource has a display type, as shown in the following table:

Display Type Survey Resource
Section resource Header section
Footer section
Page resource Error page
Final page

When a script is executed in a Web browser, each panel is represented by a separate HTML page. For each panel at runtime, header and footer sections (if associated with a survey campaign) appear just above or below panel contents, respectively.

The page resources are the full HTML pages that display when a script is executed in a Web browser, but do not contain panel content (nor do they include header and footer sections).

Error page resources are displayed when an error condition occurs during script execution in a Web browser. (If no error occurs, this page is not displayed.)

Final page resources are displayed for every script transaction for which they are associated, after the Scripting Engine processes the last panel in the flow of a script.

Resource Definition and Physical Resource File

Survey resources consist of two components:

The survey resource definition serves as a logical pointer to the physical survey resource. Survey resources are defined (and HTML resources uploaded to the database) from the Survey Resources tab of the Survey Administration console.

As for physical survey resources, no provisions are made to create HTML or JSP files within the context of the Oracle Scripting product. However, in order to display survey resources when you execute a script in the Web interface, physical survey resource HTML or JSP files must be created and uploaded appropriately. Creation of survey resources is required customization. For more information on creating physical survey resources, see the topic Survey Resources in the Oracle Scripting User Guide.

Resource Types

There are three resource types, which display in the survey administration screens as follows:

Type of Resource Displayed in Resource Type field as ...
HTML file HTML File Upload
JavaServer Page (JSP) Deprecated - JSP
URL URL For Redirect

Resource Type Usage

Physical HTML files corresponding to a survey resource definition are stored in the applications database. These are uploaded when defining an HTML survey resource.

JSP files must be uploaded to the $OA_HTML directory on the applications server. This is conducted manually, as you cannot do this in Oracle Scripting.

URL resources must refer to an absolute URL accessible to the Apache Web server at runtime. Assuming the page to which users are being redirected exists, there is no physical file required to be uploaded.

Attributes of Survey Responses

Although survey resources differ in many ways based on the technology stack to be used at runtime, the following are attributes of all survey resources:

Compatibility Statement

Oracle Scripting supports two technology stacks for executing a script in the Scripting Engine Web interface. These technology stacks employ different underlying technologies during the execution of a script in a Web browser at runtime. The resource types available for each stack is as follows:

Stack Survey Resources Used
Deprecated JTT technology stack JSP survey resources
OAF technology stack HTML survey resources or URLs

All survey resources are created and administered from the Survey Resources tab.


You can perform the following tasks:


For more information, see the topics in the Survey Resources concepts section of the Oracle Scripting User Guide


Creating Survey Resources

No provisions are made to create HTML or JSP files within Oracle Scripting. However, physical survey resource HTML or JSP files must be created and uploaded, and subsequently defined in the Survey Administration console, in order to use survey resources when you execute a script in the Web interface. Creation of survey resources is required customization.

Including Graphics in Survey Resources

Survey resources, like any other HTML or JSP page, may include images and hyperlinks. Survey resources for JTT survey campaigns must be located in the $OA_HTML directory on the applications server to use at runtime. Survey resources for OAF survey campaigns are loaded into the database when defining the survey resources.

Regardless of technology stack, any objects (such as GIF or JPG images) referenced in a survey resource page must also be available to the application server at runtime. Thus, ensure you reference these objects accordingly when creating survey resources, and ensure the graphics are loaded to the appropriate directory accessible to the Apache Web server at runtime. For more information, see Uploading JSP Survey Resources.

Seeded JTT Test Survey Resources

For JTT survey campaigns, test survey resource JSP files ship with Oracle Applications, seeded in the appropriate directory ($OA_HTML) on the applications server. You can use the provided test resources to test your implementation and to serve as building blocks for creating your own resources. Ensure you retain the seeded resources for testing.

No seeded footer survey resource sample is included with Oracle Applications. For test purposes, you can reference a header resource in the Footer Section field, to ensure it displays as appropriate at runtime.

For more information, see the topics "Seeded JSP Survey Resources" and "Test Survey Resources" in the Oracle Scripting User Guide.

Note: Files with a JSP file extension must be tested on an existing Web server to view appropriately.

You must have the requisite knowledge and resources to create or modify HTML and JSP files in order to administer survey resources for use with Oracle Scripting to execute scripts in a Web browser.


Creating Survey Resource Definitions

A survey resource definition serves as a logical pointer to a physical survey resource file intended to display at runtime.

Survey resources must be defined before they can be associated to a survey campaign.

Once defined, survey resource definitions persist; the same resources can be used by any number of survey campaigns (of the same technology stack) without limit.

Different restrictions apply to defining survey resources, based on the technology stack for which they are intended to be used, and based on the function of the resource. For more information, see the Guidelines for Entering Survey Resource Information.

Use the following procedure to create survey resource definitions.



Log into Oracle applications using the Personal Home Page login, or the Single Sign-On login if implemented.


Survey Administrator

Guidelines for Entering Survey Resource Information

When you select a Resource Type, you must also provide survey resource information in one of three different fields, as follows:

Resource Type Field Name Notes Must Field Name File Exist at Definition Time?
HTML File Upload File to Upload Select a file name after clicking Browse.
You must have local or network access to the file, as the definition process includes the file upload to the applications database.
The file must have an extension of HTM, HTML, or XML.
Deprecated - JSP Resource JSP Enter the file name - of the form <filename>.JSP - of the physical file containing the survey resource definition. The file name is case-sensitive for Oracle applications hosted on a UNIX server.
Before the survey deployment is executed, the file must be uploaded to the $OA_HTML directory on the applications server.
For survey campaigns executed using the deprecated JTT technology stack:
  • Three resources must be defined: header section, error page, and final page.

  • Footer section resources are optional.

File must be loaded by runtime.
URL For Redirect Resource URL Enter the absolute URL of an HTML page - such as - accessible to the Apache Web server at runtime.
You cannot specify a relative path.
The location of the URL designates the physical file that displays upon request.
File must be available at URL at runtime.


  1. Click the Survey Resources tab.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Enter a Resource Name.

    This serves as a logical name pointer to the physical survey resource file.

  4. Optionally, enter text in the Description field.

  5. From the Language list, select a language.

  6. Select a Resource Type:

    • HTML File Upload

      These resource types can be designated for any survey resource of any display type (header sections, footer sections, error pages, or final pages) for survey campaigns executed using the OA Framework technology stack.

    • Deprecated - JSP

      These resource types can be designated for any survey resource of any display type (header sections, footer sections, error pages, or final pages) for survey campaigns executed using the deprecated JTT technology stack.

    • URL For Redirect

      These resource types can be designated for page display survey resources (error pages or final pages) for survey campaigns executed using the OA Framework technology stack.

  7. Depending on your choice of Resource Type, a different field name appears, where you must select or enter further survey resource information.

    See the Guidelines for Entering Survey Resource Information.

  8. Click Apply.

Viewing or Deleting Survey Resource Definitions

You can view or delete existing survey resource definitions from the Survey Resources page of the Survey Administration console.

For more information on deleting survey resources, see the Guidelines for Deleting Survey Resource Definitions.




Log into Oracle applications using the Personal Home Page login, or the Single Sign-On login if implemented.


Survey Administrator

Guidelines for Deleting Survey Resource Definitions

  1. To delete a survey resource definition, it must not be associated with an active survey deployment.

    If you need to delete a survey resource that is currently in use, first define another suitable resource, and assign the new resource in its place for all active survey campaigns.

  2. The impact on the file containing the survey resource definition depends on the Resource Type:

    1. When you delete a survey resource definition of the HTML File Upload resource type, you also cause the corresponding physical survey resource file to be deleted from the database.

    2. Since survey resource definitions of the other types do not upload a file automatically, deleting these definitions causes no change to physical files. If you wish to remove a file uploaded to $OA_HTML (for the deprecated JTT technology stack), you must manually delete the corresponding physical file.

    3. Deleting a survey resource definition of the URL For Redirect resource type does not affect the file located at that URL.


  1. Click the Survey Resources tab.

  2. Search for the survey resources that you want to view or delete.

    For details, see Performing Survey Campaign and Survey Resource Searches.

  3. For deletions, select each survey resource definition that you want to delete, click Delete, and confirm your deletion.

Uploading JSP Survey Resources

For HTML For Upload survey resources, the corresponding physical HTML or XML files are uploaded as part of the survey resource definition process.

For URL For Redirect survey resources, the corresponding physical HTML or XML files to which the survey resource definition points must be uploaded independently, as part of the maintenance of that Web site by its administrator.

For Deprecated - JSP survey resources, the physical JSP survey resource files must be physically uploaded to the $OA_HTML directory on the applications server. This is required to make those files accessible to the Apache Web server at runtime, so the resources can display as appropriate.

Seeded Test JSP Survey Resources

Test JSP survey resources are already seeded in $OA_HTML.

Graphics and Survey Resources

If you employ graphics in custom survey resources, the appropriate physical image files (typically in GIF or JPG file format) must be uploaded to a server location accessible to the Apache Web server at runtime.

Since images supporting Oracle Applications are stored in the $OA_MEDIA directory on the server, this is one possible location to store graphics associated with survey resources. You can reference the graphic using its relative path. For example, if you store graphics in the $OA_MEDIA directory, reference your code to the appropriate path as in the following sample image source tag:

<IMG SRC="/OA_MEDIA/image_name.gif" WIDTH="50" HEIGHT="10" ALT="image description" BORDER="0">

Consult with your system administrator to determine if there are different requirements for your environment.



Not applicable


Not applicable


  1. On your local computer (or over a network), locate the <filename>.JSP files created for use as survey resources.

  2. Connect to the applications server through an appropriate method such as TELNET.

    If you do not have permissions to access the appropriate environment, consult your system administrator.

  3. Navigate to the $OA_HTML directory.

    $OA_HTML is a variable to point to a physical directory. JSP resources for Oracle Scripting must physically exist in this directory path in order to execute a script in a Web browser in the deprecated JTT technology stack.

  4. Using an appropriate protocol such as FTP, "put" or copy the target JSP files to the $OA_HTML directory.

    Specify ASCII format for file transfer.

  5. If any survey resource file includes references to graphics, navigate to the appropriate directory specified in the survey resource (for example, $OA_MEDIA).

    $OA_MEDIA is a variable to point to a physical directory in which media items for Oracle Applications are stored. The physical directory path may differ based on your specific environment or enterprise requirements for storing customized images in support of Oracle Applications.

  6. Using an appropriate protocol such as FTP, "put" or copy the target graphic files to the appropriate directory (for example, $OA_MEDIA).

    The survey resources (and any supporting image files) are now available to Survey administrators through the Survey Administration console. Before these files can be used, resources must be defined in the Survey Administration console, and a survey campaign designated as using a base technology stack of Deprecated - JTT must be created and activated.