Demand Planning Administration

This chapter covers the following topics:

Building a New Demand Plan

Once a demand plan has been defined in the Demand Planning Server, you build the demand plan in the Demand Planning Engine.

Building a new demand plan means:

To build a new demand plan:

  1. Log into Oracle Demand Planning.

  2. Select the Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  3. In the Navigator, select Demand Plan Administration. A list of demand plans along with their description and build status appears. Build status could be 'Not built' or 'In-progress/Built' indicating if the demand plan has already been built.

  4. Select the demand plan that you want to work with. If this is new demand plan (where the build status is 'Not built'), you will be asked if you want to build this demand plan. Select Yes.

  5. Result: The Demand Planning databases are built and a download of data from the Demand Planning Server to these databases is initiated. A message appears on the screen to inform you that the download is taking place.

    You will receive a notification when the download is complete. When you next access the Demand Planning Administrator page, the status for Download Data from Planning Server will be set to COMPLETE.

About the Stages in the Planning Cycle

Once a demand plan has been built, you use Demand Plan Administration to run the following stages in the planning cycle:

If you maintain multiple demand plans, you can run stages concurrently.

Note: If any of these processes fail while its status is perceived as running, the system detects the failure to complete. The failed process is stopped and the system is automatically set back to the last successfully completed process. You can resume the failed process without any technical intervention.

Demand Plan Administration interface for running stages in the planning cycle

The Demand Planning Administrator page is the interface for running the stages of the planning cycle.

To access the Demand Planning Administrator page:

  1. Log into Oracle Demand Planning.

  2. Select the Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility,

  3. In the Navigator, choose Demand Plan Administration. A list of demand plans appears.

  4. Select the demand plan that you want to work with, scroll to the bottom of the page, and choose Start Demand Planning. The Demand Planning Administrator page for the plan opens.

    Demand Planning Administrator page

Example 4 Demand Planning Administrator Page

The Demand Planning Administrator page shows the demand plan you have selected.

the picture is described in the document text

Getting help

To view information that is specific to the current page, choose the Help button at the bottom of the page.

To access the full Oracle Demand Planning online Help system for Demand Plan Administration, choose the large Help (?) button at the top of the page.

You can use your browser's print function to print Help topics.

To close an open Help window, choose the Exit (X) button at the top of the page. You will be returned to the current function.

Getting version and system information

To access version and system information, choose About Demand Planning at the bottom left of the page.

Downloading Data from the Planning Server (Stage 1)

After a demand plan has been built, you run the Download Data from Planning Server stage to initiate a new planning cycle. The download stage transfers data from the Demand Planning Server to the shared database in the Demand Planning Engine. You can choose to download all input parameters, or you can limit the download to specific parameters. You can also specify whether to download only new and modified information, or to replace the information in the shared database with current information from the Demand Planning Server.

Note: During the download process, demand plans that have multiple calendars will have slow performance.

To run Download Data from Planning Server:

  1. Access the Demand Planning Administrator page.

  2. In the navigation list, choose the demand plan name. A list of the stages in the planning cycle appears in the right frame.

  3. In the Stage column, choose Download Data from Planning Server.

  4. In the Download Method box, choose the method that you want to use to download data from the Demand Planning Server to the shared database:

    • Full: Downloads all information. Use this method when you know that there have been changes in the Demand Planning Server that extend beyond fact data. For example, you would run a full download to get the most recent prices, events, level values, and so forth.

    • Quick: Downloads all or selected fact data from the Demand Planning Server. Use this method for routine downloads or when one or more streams have updated fact data needed for this cycle.

      Note: When you run a full download, planners' personal databases are not preserved.

  5. If you chose Quick in Step 4, select the input parameters to download:

    • To include an input parameter in the download, check its Download box.

    • To exclude an input parameter from the download, clear its Download box.

  6. To configure the download process to automatically reaggregate all measures when a change in a hierarchy is detected, check the Reaggregate All Measures When Hierarchy Changes Are Detected box. For details about automatically reaggregating hierarchies, see: Reaggregating Measures.

  7. In the Refresh Mode box, choose the method that you want to use to refresh data when it is downloaded from the Demand Planning Server:

    • Update: Downloads only new and modified information (incremental refresh based on net change). Use this method for routine downloads.

    • Complete Refresh: Replaces the information in the shared database with the most current information from the Demand Planning Server. For a quick download, use this method when you want to discard and refresh it with the version from the Demand Planning Server. For a full download, use this method when you know that there have been major changes to data in the Demand Planning Server and you want to replace the data in the shared database with the new data.

  8. Choose Apply. The task is submitted to Oracle Workflow. The Status column indicates when the stage is complete. For details about the associated Workflow process, see: Workflow Processes Within the Demand Planning Cycle.

    Note: You can use the Batch Log to view processing details. For details, see: Batch Log.

If you automate the planning cycle

If you use a concurrent request program to automate the stages in the planning cycle, you need only run the Download Data from Planning Server stage for the initial planning cycle. Thereafter, it will automatically run a full download. For details about automating the planning cycle, see: Automating the Planning Cycle.

Reaggregating Measures

When downloading data from the Demand Planning Sever, you can choose to automatically reaggregate all measures in the shared database when a change in a hierarchy is detected. The Download automatically determines which hierarchy values have been modified, and then reaggregates all Shared Measures and Input Parameters for those values for all time periods. These changes can include:

This option is available for a Full or Quick Download and either the Complete Refresh or Update option. This allows a measure's values to reflect recent hierarchy changes without running a time-consuming repopulate process for the measure.

Note: Using the Reaggregate option has performance implications, as it causes all measures and input parameters to be reaggregated for all time periods wherever the hierarchy is modified. If the Populate stage is run for all measures, the Reaggregate option should not be selected as Populate recalculates, allocates and aggregates the measures. If the Populate stage is only run for selected measures, then the Reaggregate option can be used to reflect hierarchy changes in all Input parameters and all measures whether selected or not.

After downloading data from the Demand Planning Server

After data has been downloaded from the Demand Planning Server to the shared database in the Demand Planning Engine, you can set up or modify the environment for planners and the Demand Plan Manager. You can perform the following tasks:

Modifying Demand Planning Server settings following a download

Once data has been downloaded from the Demand Planning Server to the shared database, your ability to change the settings for the plan in the Demand Planning Server is limited as follows:

Populating Measures (Stage 2)

Run the Populate Measures stage to calculate measures and run forecasts in the shared database. The process also calculates measures that have been added to the shared database since the last time that measures were populated.

When you do a quick download of one or more Demand Planning input parameters from the Demand Planning Server, and you use the "update" refresh mode, aggregation calculations are performed only for those measures values that changed.

You must run the Populate Measures stage for the initial planning cycle. Thereafter, you can run it on an "as needed" basis. For example, you might use it to update the shared database after running a "quick" download on an input parameter such as Booking History if the shared database included a "Forecast of Booking History" measure based on Booking History. In this case, populating measures would cause the forecast to reflect the changed data in the newly downloaded base measure.

To run Populate Measures:

  1. Access the Demand Planning Administrator page.

  2. In the navigation list, choose the demand plan name. A list of the stages in the planning cycle appears in the right frame.

  3. In the Stage column, choose Populate Measures.

  4. Choose Apply. The task is submitted to Oracle Workflow. The Status column indicates when the stage is complete. For details about the associated Workflow process, see: Workflow Processes Within the Demand Planning Cycle.

    Note: You can use the Batch Log to view processing details. For details, see: Batch Log.

If you automate the planning cycle

If you use a concurrent request program to automate the stages in the planning cycle, you need only run the Populate Measures stage for the initial planning cycle. Thereafter it will run automatically. For details about automating the planning cycle, see: Automating the Planning Cycle.

After you populate measures

If this is the initial cycle for this plan, define planner assignments after you populate measures. Planner assignments determine the dimension value combinations (measures and dimension values) that each planner is responsible for forecasting, as well as the dimension values that each planner sees.

For details about using Demand Plan Administration to work with assignments, see: Planner Assignments.

Distributing to Planners (Stage 3)

Run the Distribute to Planners stage to distribute data in the shared database to planners' personal databases. The process distributes measures that have been calculated in the shared database as well as any measure definitions that have been created or updated by the Demand Plan Manager since the last time that a distribution was run. You can choose to distribute all data or you can limit the distribution to selected measures.

Note: If this is the first time that you are running this stage for the plan, ensure that you have defined measures, defined events, set up assignments, and performed other administrative tasks before you begin. If this is an update, ensure that modifications such as adding or changing planner assignments are complete.

To run Distribute to Planners:

  1. Access the Demand Planning Administrator page.

  2. In the navigation list, choose the demand plan name. A list of stages in the planning cycle appears in the right frame.

  3. In the Stage column, choose Distribute to Planners.

  4. Specify the distribution method that you want to use:

    • Full: Distributes all available information in the shared database to planners' personal databases. A full distribution includes metadata, price lists, all events, Demand Planning Server settings, and all assigned measures. Use this method the first time that you run a distribution.

    • Quick: Distributes selected measure definitions and data and new or modified event definitions that are associated with these measures. Use this method for routine distributions.

      Note: Quick distribution will only be successful for planners who have existing assignment databases. For example, if you want to distribute data for two planner assignments (A and B) and assignment A already has a planner database from a previous distribution but assignment B does not, quick distribution will take place only for planner A. The planner database for planner B will only be created when you run a full distribution.

  5. If you chose Quick, select the measures to distribute:

    • To include a measure in the distribution, check its Distribute box.

    • To exclude a measure from the distribution, clear its Distribute box.

      Note: The Distribute box is disabled for formula measures. If the stored measure on which a formula measure is based is marked for distribution, then the formula measure will be automatically distributed.

  6. Choose Apply. The task is submitted to Oracle Workflow. The Status column indicates when the stage is complete. For details about Workflow processing, see: Stage 3 Workflow process: Distribute to planners on page B-6.

    Note: You can use the Batch Log to view processing details. For details, see: Batch Log.

    Note: If the Distribute to Planner stage does not complete successfully, restart the process from the beginning.

If you automate the planning cycle

If you use a concurrent request program to automate the stages in the planning cycle, you need only run the Distribute to Planners stage for the initial planning cycle. Thereafter, it will automatically run a full distribution. For details about automating the stages of the planning cycle, see:Automating the Planning Cycle.

After distributing to planners

Individual demand planners create and edit forecasts and perform what-if simulations. Alerts that have been defined by the Planning Manager or by demand planners monitor forecast accuracy. If planner assignments have been set up for collaborative planning, users can share data updates.

Once a demand planner is satisfied with his or her forecasts, he or she submits the forecasts for consolidation in the shared database. For details about submitting forecasts, see: Uploading Measures to the Planning Server (Stage 5).

Collecting Data from Planners (Stage 4)

As planners submit their final forecasts, the data is marked for inclusion in the shared database. Run the Collect Data from Planners stage to collect and consolidate planners' data submissions. The process collects the submitted forecasts and rolls them up to obtain the final consolidated forecast. You can also view the status of submissions by assignment.

Note: If a planner has not yet submitted a forecast for a scenario, then Oracle Demand Planning uses the default measure for the scenario as the value for the planner's submission if a default measure for the scenario has been set. If no default measure has been set for the scenario, then the data collected from a planner who has not submitted data will be NA for that scenario.

Within the Collect Data function, you have the following options:

For details about how Workflow accomplishes these processes, see: Workflow Processes Within the Demand Planning Cycle

To run collect Data from Planners:

  1. Access the Demand Planning Administrator page.

  2. In the navigation list, choose the demand plan name. A list of stages in the planning cycle appears in the right frame.

  3. In the Stage column, choose Collect Data from Planners.

  4. To view the status of planners' forecast submissions, scroll down to view the Assignment status box. The box displays the assignment name, user ID, and submission status for each scenario in the demand plan.

  5. To specify a date on which to end data collection, proceed as follows:

    1. In the Date to end data collection period box, click the arrow in the box and select a collection deadline date. This establishes the final date for collecting submissions from planners.

    2. If you want the system to notify planners who have not yet submitted data as the collection deadline approaches, check Enable reminder messaging and enter a number in the Days in advance of collection end to begin reminder messaging box. The number specifies the number of days before the date on which data collection ends that Workflow will begin to send out reminder messages to planners.

  6. To collect and consolidate submissions and cancel a collection process that is currently running, choose End collection period.

    Note: This option is only available when a collection process is running.

  7. To collect and consolidate submissions and continue the collection process, choose Collect available submissions now.

  8. Choose Apply. The task is submitted to Oracle Workflow. The Status column indicates when the stage is complete. For details about the associated Workflow process, see: Workflow Processes Within the Demand Planning Cycle.

    Note: You can use the Batch Log to view processing details.

If you automate the planning cycle

If you use a concurrent request program to automate the stages in the planning cycle, you need only run the Collect Data from Planners stage for the initial planning cycle. Thereafter, it will run automatically. For details about automating the planning cycle, see: Automating the Planning Cycle.

After collecting data from planners

At this point the Demand Plan Manager may choose to review the overall forecast and make revisions. He or she can use the same techniques as the planners to view, analyze, and edit data. If the consolidated submission measure does not contain the data that the manager wants to transfer to the shared database, he or she can edit the data or select an alternate measure to upload.

Uploading Measures to the Planning Server (Stage 5)

After the Demand Plan Manager has reviewed and approved the consolidated forecasts, run Upload Measures to Planning Server to transfer data from the shared database to the Demand Planning Server.

Note: The Demand Plan Manager has the option to perform the upload when he or she selects measures to upload for scenarios in the demand plan. If the manager has run the upload, then this stage will be marked as complete.

Once measures have been uploaded to the Demand Planning Server, the data can be published back to the source Oracle Applications transaction system and used by Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning (ASCP), Oracle Collaborative Planning (CP), and Oracle Inventory Optimization (IO).

To run Upload Measures to Planning Server:

  1. Access the Demand Planning Administrator page.

  2. In the navigation list, choose the demand plan name. A list of stages appears in the right frame.

  3. In the Stage column, choose Upload Measures to Planning Server.

  4. Choose Apply. The task is submitted to Oracle Workflow. The Status column indicates when the stage is complete. For details about the associated Workflow process, see: Workflow Processes Within the Demand Planning Cycle.

    Note: You can use the Batch Log to view processing details.

If you automate the planning cycle

If you use a concurrent request program to automate the stages in the planning cycle, you need only run Upload Measures to Planning Server stage for the initial planning cycle. Thereafter, it will run automatically. For details about automating the planning cycle, see:Automating the Planning Cycle.

Note: You can use the Batch Log to view detailed status information.

Automating the Planning Cycle

If your site has a predictable planning cycle, you might want to consider automating batch processing. This is particularly useful for businesses that have a consistent demand planning cycles where the cycles repeat after fixed intervals and a new rolling forecast is created every cycle.

A concurrent program, predefined as a request in the Demand Planning Server, enables you to automate processing through a program that runs a master Workflow process. Note that midcycle collections can also be performed as needed.

You can schedule the first three planning cycle activities (Download Data from the Planning Server, Populate Measures, Distribute Data to Planners) as a sequence to occur periodically at specific times. The workflow process waits there for a user specified interval before running the Collect Data from Planners stage.

You can also specify the number of days to wait before running the Upload to Planning Server stage. This gives the Demand Plan Manager a preset time period in which to review forecasts that have been submitted to the shared database. When this time period has elapsed, Workflow uploads the data to the Demand Planning Server.

Note that the automated program runs a full distribution and a full download. If you want to run quick downloads and quick distributions, you can do so between cycles.

Note: Before automating batch processing, ensure that you manually run all batches at least one time. The initial run of each batch sets the default parameters for the concurrent program.

Example 5 Automating the planning cycle

For example, you could specify the master workflow program to run every 30 days with wait period of 5 days. In this case, the following would occur:

Customizing automated processing

The concurrent program that automates batch processing includes basic functionality. An individual who has knowledge of Oracle Workflow and PL*SQL can customize the program to adapt to specific site requirements.

Running the request to automate the planning cycle

The concurrent program that automates the planning cycle prompts for the demand plan name, the number of days to run the collection, and the number of days to wait after data is consolidated in the shared database before uploading the data to the Demand Planning Server.

To run the request to automate the planning cycle:

  1. Log into Oracle Demand Planning with the Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. In the Navigator, select Other > Requests.

  3. In the Find Requests window, select Submit a New Request.

  4. Select Run a Single Request.

  5. In the Name list of values field, select Demand Planning Engine Master Workflow Process.

  6. In the Parameters window, provide the following parameters for the request:

    • Demand Plan Name: the name that was assigned when the plan was built.

    • Number of days to run the collection period: the number of days following the run of the Collect Data from Planners batch that data will be consolidated in the shared database.

    • Number of days to delay upload: the number of days following the run of the Collect Data From Planners batch that the data will be uploaded to the Demand Planning Server.

  7. Choose Submit to run the request.

Viewing the Workflow Process List

After you run the concurrent program, you can access the workflow process list in Oracle Workflow and see a visual depiction of the process.

the picture is described in the document text

Rolling demand plan dates forward

User can use the existing demand plan definition to start the next forecast cycle by rolling the demand plan dates forward to next cycle. Once the request set is launched with the appropriate parameters, the Roll demand plan dates forward concurrent program implements the required changes in the original plan definition, and the Validate Rolled Demand Plan concurrent program validates the demand plan definition.

To roll demand plan dates forward to the next forecast cycle:

  1. Log into Oracle Demand Planning with the Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. In the Navigator, select Other > Requests.

  3. In the Find Requests window, select Submit a New Request.

  4. Select Request Set in the Submit a New Request window.

  5. In the Submit Request Set window, select the LOV in the Request Set field. Roll demand plan dates forward to next cycle populates into the field.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Click in the Parameters field of the Demand Plan Rolling Process program.

    the picture is described in the document text

  7. Complete the following fields:

    Name Description
    Demand Plan Name Select at least one demand plan from the LOV of valid demand plans.
    Roll dates forward by period select either Day (default) or Gregorian Month. The demand plan dates are rolled forward based on the type of period (bucket) selected here.
    Roll dates forward by number of periods Enter a number from 1 to 999. The start and end dates for input parameters, scenario history period, and scenario horizon are rolled forward by the specified number of periods.
    For example, if 31 days are specified, 1-Jan-2002 will become 1-Feb-2002 and 1-Feb-2002 will become 4-Mar-2002. If 1 month is specified, 1-Feb-2002 will become 1-Mar 2002.
  8. Select OK. Now the Roll demand plan dates forward to the next cycle concurrent program rolls the dates forward.

    For details on how the dates are rolled when the Exclude from Rolling Cycle check box is not checked, see: Input Parameters.

    Note: You must validate the demand plan after the dates have changed. The Roll demand plan dates forward to the next cycle program errors out if the dates rolled forward are not valid dates for the calendars included in the demand plan.

Viewing the Batch Log

The Batch Log displays detailed date and time information about the status of activities in the demand planning cycle. The log displays automatically while a batch process is running. You can also view the log on an ad hoc basis.

To view the batch log:

  1. Log into Oracle Demand Planning with the Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. In the Navigator, select Batch Log.

  3. Scroll through the log to view activity detail.

  4. To exit, select another item in the navigation list or close the page.

Example 1 Batch Log

The following illustration shows an example of events recorded in a typical batch log.


05/18/2002-19:37:19 -> Begin Downloading Data from Planning Server.

05/18/2002-19:37:20 -> Generating Express metadata structures.

05/18/2002-19:37:21 -> Connecting to Planning Server.

05/18/2002-19:37:22 -> Loading specified Demand Plan information.

05/18/2002-19:37:25 -> Loading Dimension information.

05/18/2002-19:37:25 -> Loading Hierarchy and Level information.

05/18/2002-19:37:28 -> Generating DP Dimension metadata.

05/18/2002-19:37:28 -> Generating the Gregorian Time hierarchy within Express.

05/18/2002-19:37:28 -> Generating DP Hierarchy and Level metadata.

05/18/2002-19:37:29 -> Processing Attributes.

05/18/2002-19:37:29 -> Loading Time dimension values.

05/18/2002-19:37:44 -> Loading dimension values.

05/18/2002-19:39:09 -> Verify that all dimensions have values.

05/18/2002-19:39:09 -> Setting backend hierarchy information.

05/18/2002-19:39:17 -> Loading Input Parameters and Scenarios.

05/18/2002-19:39:24 -> Loading Item Unit of Measure information.

05/18/2002-19:39:31 -> Loading events.

05/18/2002-19:39:35 -> Loading data for specified Input Parameters.

05/18/2002-19:39:35 -> Loading data for the following Input Parameter: INTEGRATION.

05/18/2002-19:39:40 -> Loading Unit of Measure conversion information.

05/18/2002-19:39:45 -> Calculating conversion coefficients for Product dimension.

05/18/2002-19:40:06 -> Loading variable Product pricing information.

05/18/2002-19:40:09 -> Converting for Express Objects.

05/18/2002-19:40:11 -> Converting for OSA.

05/18/2002-19:42:04 -> Synchronizing variable names.

05/18/2002-19:42:05 -> Creating required worksheet objects.

05/18/2002-19:42:05 -> Creating required Workflow objects in the Master database.

05/18/2002-19:42:07 -> Allocating the historical data.

05/18/2002-19:42:07 -> INTEGRATION

05/18/2002-19:42:18 -> Aggregating the historical data.

05/18/2002-19:42:35 -> Setting DP system flags.

05/18/2002-19:42:36 -> Disconnecting from Planning Server.

05/18/2002-19:43:00 -> Completed Downloading Data from Planning Server.



05/18/2002-19:46:06 -> Begin Populating Measures.

05/18/2002-19:46:06 -> Confirming database attach logic.

05/18/2002-19:46:08 -> Calling driver for Measure population.

05/18/2002-19:46:08 -> Populating Measures according to Measure definitions.

05/18/2002-19:46:09 -> Performing forecast calculations for the following measure: Forecast of INTEGRATION.

05/18/2002-19:46:23 -> Completed Populating Measures.



05/18/2002-19:47:44 -> Begin Distributing Data to Planners.

05/18/2002-19:50:16 -> Building personal database A1.

05/18/2002-20:00:03 -> Build of personal database A1 was successful.

05/18/2002-20:00:24 -> Creating Submissions Measures.

05/18/2002-20:00:28 -> Performing measure copy for the following measure:

Submissions, Roger_fr1 (18-MAY-2002).

05/18/2002-20:00:41 -> Completed Distributing Data to Planners.



05/18/2002-20:10:40 -> Collect Available Data Submissions was requested and is initiating a collect and consolidate.

05/18/2002-20:10:40 -> Begin Collecting Data from Planners.

05/18/2002-20:10:41 -> Collecting submitted data into DATA database.

05/18/2002-20:11:27 -> Consolidating the collected data.

05/18/2002-20:11:40 -> Completed Collecting Data from Planners.



05/18/2002-20:21:14 -> Begin Uploading Scenarios to Planning Server.

05/18/2002-20:21:14 -> Simultaneous upload programs: 10

05/18/2002-20:21:15 -> Not writing back numbers less than 0.500000000000000

05/18/2002-20:21:15 -> Rounding off numbers after 2 decimal places


05/18/2002-20:21:21 -> Scenario ID: Roger_fr1

05/18/2002-20:21:22 -> Dimension value counts:

05/18/2002-20:21:22 -> TIM: 59 values at level DY

05/18/2002-20:21:22 -> Writing back TIM at level DY.

05/18/2002-20:21:22 -> GEO: 2 values at level 15

05/18/2002-20:21:22 -> Writing back GEO at level 15.

05/18/2002-20:21:22 -> ORG: 2 values at level 7

05/18/2002-20:21:22 -> Writing back ORG at level 7.

05/18/2002-20:21:23 -> PRD: 4 values at level 1

05/18/2002-20:21:23 -> Writing back PRD at level 1.

05/18/2002-20:21:23 -> DP.CMP: 16 values in composite at writeback levels

05/18/2002-20:21:23 -> Writing dimensions: TIM, GEO, ORG, PRD.

05/18/2002-20:22:57 -> Roger_fr1: Number of lines written to table: 857.

05/18/2002-20:22:57 -> Roger_fr1: Number of lines skipped for zero amounts: 0.

05/18/2002-20:22:57 -> Roger_fr1: Number of lines skipped below threshold amount

: 87.

05/18/2002-20:22:59 -> Completed Uploading Scenarios to Planning Server.


Administering OLAP Sessions

While working with Demand Planning, you can check the status of the current OLAP sessions. In particular, you can:

To View All OLAP Sessions

  1. Choose Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. To open the Session Administration window listing all open OLAP sessions, select Other > Session Administration.

    the picture is described in the document text

    The following information is provided for each OLAP session:

    Field Description
    Plan Name The name of the open plan.
    Assignment The planner's assignment.
    Responsibility The user's demand planning responsibility.
    User The name of the plan owner.
    Status The status of the plan. Valid values are:
    • Active

    • Inactive

    • Killed

    Delete The delete button terminates the OLAP session.

To View OLAP Sessions for a Specific Plan

  1. Choose Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. Select Other > Session Administration.

    The Session Administration window listing all open OLAP sessions appears.

  3. Enter the plan name.

    The Session Administration window shows only OLAP sessions for the specified plan.

    the picture is described in the document text

To Terminate an OLAP Session

  1. Choose Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. Select Other > Session Administration.

  3. Click the delete button for any hung or inactive OLAP session.

    A confirmation message is displayed.

  4. Choose Yes to terminate the session. Choose No to not delete the OLAP session.

Publishing Forecast Data Back to the Source

Once the forecast data reaches the Demand Planning Server, it may be published back to the source Oracle Applications transaction system, where then it can optionally be loaded into a Master Demand Schedule for the purpose of consuming it against available sales orders. Publishing of forecasts back to the source is optional. For details, see: Defining a Demand Plan.

To publish forecast data from the Planning Server to an Oracle Applications source instance:

  1. Choose the Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. To open the Publish Forecast window, select Collections > Publish Forecast in the Navigator.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Complete the following fields in the Publish Forecast window:

    Field Function Legal Value
    Demand Plan The demand plan containing the scenario to be published back to the source. List of values.
    Scenario The scenario to be published back to the source. List of values.
    Out-of-calendar Dates If a date in the scenario to be published falls outside the working days of the manufacturing calendar of the destination organization, perform the action listed here. Reject, Shift Forward, and Shift Backward. This is applicable to manufacturing calendars with nonworking days in the week.
    Instance The instance code of the source instance to which the forecast will be published. List of values.
    Forecast The forecast name on the source. If this already exists, the existing forecast entries in the source will be overridden. If it does not already exist, it will be created. List of values from across the link (source instance).
    Forecast Set The forecast set name on the source. If this already exists, the existing forecast entries in the source will be overridden. If it does not already exist, it will be created. List of values from across the link (source instance).
    Demand Class This is the demand class to which you would like to publish the forecast. Sales orders that have an associated specific demand class consume the forecast with a matching demand class or the forecast without any demand class. Sales order demand without demand class consume the forecast with the organization's default demand class or the forecast without any demand class.
    If the forecast consumption process does not find forecasts with demand class, then it consumes the forecasts without demand class or the forecasts with the demand class 'Other'.
    List of values from across the link (source instance).
    Level Select a demand planning level that maps to the demand class selected in the previous field. List of values.
    Value Value for the level specified in the previous field. List of values.
    Customer The customer for which you would like to publish the forecast. If publishing to a customer level forecast set, select the name of a customer. List of values.
    Location The customer ship to site for which you would like to publish the forecast. If publishing to a ship to level forecast set, select the name of a customer (previous field) as well as the location. List of values.
    Use System Forecast Check this if you want to use the baseline forecast. This field is not used any more. Check or uncheck
  4. Select Publish Forecast.

    Only one scenario with one demand plan can be published at a time.

    Note: If the demand class, customer or location fields are populated, only the elements from the scenario with demand class, customer and location dimension values matching the populated values will be published into the designated forecast.

Using Forecast Data for Advanced Planning

Optimization by selecting the scenario name in the inventory plan. For details, see: Oracle Inventory Optimization User's Guide.

You can bring, analyze, and forecast your customers' sales history as well as forecasts from Oracle Collaborative Planning into Oracle Demand Planning. Customer's sales history can then be used to create customer's sales forecast in Oracle Demand Planning. This customer's sales forecast or the one directly collected from Oracle Collaborative Planning serves as an input to the consensus forecasting process within Oracle Demand Planning. The demand planning forecast can then be fed to Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning to drive supply planning or into Oracle Collaborative Planning to drive VMI replenishments.

To bring and analyze customer's data:

You need to have your customers, customer sites, external inventory organizations, VMI items and replenishment controls, and blanket sales orders already defined in your ERP system.

  1. Collect customer's sales history or forecast from Oracle Collaborative Planning into Oracle Demand Planning.

    If Oracle Collaborative Planning is not implemented, customers' sales history or forecast can be loaded into Oracle Demand Planning via flat files.

    1. Choose the Advanced Planning Administrator responsibility.

    2. Select Collaboration > Receive Forecast/History from Customer.

    3. Click on Parameters field and specify the following:

      • Forecast/History Name: name for the data that will be collected.

      • Receive Forecast/History Type: select Historical sales to collect customer's sales history. Select Sales Forecast or Order Forecast to collect customer's forecast.

      • Organization, planner, item, customer, and customer site (available if customer is selected): optional filters to restrict information.

        By default all the available data is collected for all organization, planner, item, customer, and customer site.

      • Horizon start date: the date from which you want to bring in the history.

      • Number of Horizon Days: number of days from which you want to bring in the history beginning from horizon start date.

      the picture is described in the document text

  2. Include the customers' data in your demand plan.

    1. Choose Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

    2. Select Demand Plans.

    3. Select Input Parameters.

    4. In Type of input parameter, select Historical Sales from Customers, or Sales Forecast from Customers, or Order Forecast from Customers to bring customer's sales history, sales forecast, or order forecast, respectively.

      For details, see: Input Parameters. For creating a forecast based on the customer's sales history or for analyzing the customer's data in worksheets and reports, see: Using Sales Forecasts and Opportunities.

      the picture is described in the document text

  3. After forecasting and analysis in Oracle Demand Planning, the output consensus forecast can be used in two ways:

    • Publish the forecast from Oracle Demand Planning to Oracle Collaborative Planning to drive replenishment planning. Then, as a separate process, use the forecast to drive supply planning in Oracle Inventory Optimization and Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning.

    • Use the forecast to drive supply planning in Oracle Inventory Optimization and Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. Then publish order forecast or supply commits from Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning to Oracle Collaborative Planning.

To publish the forecast from Oracle Demand Planning directly to Oracle Collaborative Planning:

  1. Choose Advanced Planning Administrator responsibility.

  2. Select Collaboration > Publish Forecast to Customer.

  3. Click on Parameters field and specify the following parameters:

    the picture is described in the document text

    • Forecast designator: name for the forecast data.

    • Publish Forecast Type: select Sales forecast.

    • Demand Plan Name: name of the demand plan.

    • Scenario Name: forecast scenario name for the selected demand plan.

    • Organization, planner, item, customer, and customer site (available if customer is selected): optional filters to restrict the history information.

    • Horizon Start Date: the date from which you want to bring in the history.

    • Number of Horizon Days: number of days from which you want to bring in the history beginning from horizon start date.

    • Automatic Versioning: select Yes to maintain multiple forecast versions in Oracle Collaborative Planning.

To publish forecast data from Oracle Demand Planning to Oracle Process Manufacturing:

  1. Select Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. Complete all the stages (1-5) of Oracle Demand Planning.

    • Download Data from Planning Server (Stage 1)

    • Populate Measures (Stage 2)

    • Distribute to Planners (Stage 3)

    • Collect Data from Planners (Stage 4)

    • Upload Measures to Planning Server (Stage 5)

  3. In the Navigator, select Collections > Publish Forecast.

  4. Enter details into the Publish Forecast window and select Publish Forecast.

  5. Log on to the source instance.

  6. Select the OPM All responsibility.

  7. Run the OPM Forecast Designator (Feedback from DP) program.

    The Parameters window opens.

  8. In the Forecast Designator field, select an existing Forecast Name from the list of values.

    The forecast names in the list include the entire Demand Planning forecast names published back to your OPM instance. If you select a Demand Planning forecast name that has the same name as an existing OPM forecast, the existing OPM forecast is overridden by the Demand Planning forecast data. Otherwise, a new OPM forecast is created. Required.

  9. In the Warehouse Name field, select a warehouse from the list of values to import forecast data for only one warehouse. You can leave the field blank to import forecast data for all warehouses.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Click Submit.

  12. Select Process Planning > Forecasting > Forecast.

  13. View the forecast published from Oracle Demand Planning.

For more details, see Using Oracle Advanced Planning and Scheduling with Oracle Process Manufacturing User's Guide.

Renewing the Forecasting Cycle

After one cycle is complete, the Demand Planning Server holds the following data:

Any data collected or imported will override the data in the tables for the date range the data was collected. Incremental data can be imported if a non-overlapping different date range is specified. This is something that the Demand Planning System Administrator needs to consider before importing the next set of data. The issue is whether to add the last period incremental data from the source to the data already existing or refresh it completely.

Collecting data for the next forecast cycle

If additional data needs to be collected for Oracle Demand Planning, follow the procedure described in on page 4-2.

Once data is collected and pulled into the fact tables, the Demand Planning System Administrator can either define a new demand plan or choose to use the previously defined demand plans. Also, it is possible to copy a demand plan with a new name, modify it, and use it for the next forecasting cycle.

To copy a demand plan:

  1. Choose the Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. In the Navigator, select Demand Plans.

  3. Select the name of the demand plan to be copied. The Demand Plans window for the demand plan you selected appears.

  4. Select Copy To from the Demand Plans window to open the Copy To window.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Enter a name for the new demand plan. All data fields are copied automatically from the demand plan you selected.

  6. Select OK.

Modifying a demand plan for the next forecast cycle

Following are modifications that would make a demand plan suitable for a subsequent cycle. You make these modifications in the Demand Plan window:

Scenario persistence

A scenario is a statement of forecast horizon and basis. The basis consists of the bookings and shipments. The statistical forecast so generated gets the name of the respective scenario. The capability for scenarios to be persistent allows the forecasts to be usable from one planning cycle to another despite the changes in the underlying data between the cycles.

Example 1

Planning cycle 1; September 2002 has the following features:

Planning cycle 2; October 2002 has the following features:

Retaining old level values

After the data is collected from the source instance to the planning instance, the level values and the aggregation hierarchies have changed in the source instance. For example, the level value item A has an aggregation hierarchy where item A is rolled up to product category B. When the data is collected again, the old level values are retained in the Demand Planning Server.

Persistent forecast scenarios

A previous cycle forecast can be used again in the next forecasting cycle for comparison despite the change in the underlying data. Even with in the same planning cycle, the aggregation hierarchies may change after generating the forecast in Oracle Demand Planning but before using the forecast for supply chain planning. However, demand planning scenarios which serve as independent demands can still be used for operations planning within the same cycle or later despite the changes in the underlying data. There is no change in setups or user procedures and the user is not required to do anything for this feature to take effect.

Limitations to scenario persistence

There are two limitations to scenario persistence:

Purging data

As recent data is brought in to Oracle Demand Planning, the old data accumulates with time, and some of this accumulated data is not used any more. For example, if you use only the latest forecasts from your customers, the previous forecasts are redundant.

Oracle Demand Planning allows users to purge data, such as redundant data, for the preseeded as well as custom data streams. You can selectively delete unwanted data from a user interface for any specified time period.

Selective deletion of data

As fact and dimension data accumulates for an installation of the Demand Planning Server, you can purge unwanted data by selecting the fact data elements for deletion within an instance, such as bookings or shipments. This means that it is possible to delete shipment, booking, and manufacturing forecast data while keeping the remaining data for that instance intact.

Some examples of selective purging of data are:

To purge data from the Demand Planning fact table:

  1. Choose the Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. To open the Parameters window on top of the Purge Fact Data window, select Other > Purge Fact Data in the Navigator.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Complete the following Parameters:

    • In the Instance field, select the instance from which you want to delete the data.

    • Specify the From Date and To Date using the format DD-MON-YYYY.

      You need to specify the purge data range in such a way that it covers the entire time period for booked dates as well as requested date.

    • For the rest of the fields, select either Yes or No. Please note that for Manufacturing Forecast, Time Data, and Pricing Data, if you select Yes, you can supply a subqualifier which are Forecast Designator, Calendar, and Price List, respectively. If you do not supply a subqualifier, all the data is deleted.

    • If you select Yes for Custom Data, you can supply two subqualifiers: data stream name and stream designator.

    • If you select Yes for Scenario Entries, you can supply three subqualifiers: Demand Plan, Scenario, and Revision in this order. This means that Scenario qualifies a Demand Plan with multiple Scenarios for a Demand Plan, and the Revision qualifies a Scenario with multiple Forecast revisions for a Scenario. If you do not supply a subqualifier at any level, all the data is deleted. For example, if you select Yes for Scenario Entries, but do not specify a Demand Plan, all the scenarios entries (forecasts) for all the demand plans will be purged. Since scenarios are instance independent, scenarios for all the other instances will also be deleted in addition to the scenarios of the specified instance.

      Scenarios are instance independent. Thus, deleting scenario is not instance specific. If you delete a scenario or all scenarios when a specific instance has been specified, data for all the instances will be deleted.

  4. Select OK.

  5. Select Submit.

To purge data from the Demand Planning staging tables:

  1. Choose the Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. In the Navigator, select Collections > Purge Interface Tables to open the Parameters window.

    Note: The interface tables are synonymous with staging tables.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Complete the following:

    • Select the Instance Code from the LOV. This is the instance where the data is to be purged.

    • Indicate Yes or No for Delete Rejected Records Only.

  4. Select OK to open the Collection Utility window.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Submit the concurrent request for Oracle Demand Planning Purge Program.

Purging demand plans

Demand plans that are no longer in active use should be purged. This saves disk space in the Demand Planning Server, which holds the demand entries that make up the output scenarios associated with a demand plan.

You can purge a demand plan definition and the associated analytic workspace data (including output scenario data) at the same time. Or you can purge just the analytic workspace data associated with a demand plan, while retaining the demand plan definition and the output scenario data. You might do the latter if you can use the existing demand plan definition, possibly with minor modifications, for future demand planning activities. You would then save the effort of redefining an entire demand plan from scratch.

To purge a demand plan definition:

  1. Choose the Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. In the Navigator, select Demand Plans.

  3. In the Find Demand Plan window, choose the demand plan to be purged.

  4. From the Edit menu toolbar, select Delete.

    A warning message appears.

  5. Select Yes to open the Delete Plan window.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. The Delete plan even if background Workflow processes are active checkbox causes Oracle Demand Planning to delete the demand plan definition and the associated analytic workspace data, even if the Oracle Demand Planning forecasting cycle is currently in process and uploading the consensus forecast to the Demand Planning Server has not yet occurred. Do not check this box if, in this situation, you want the demand plan purge process to exit without deleting any demand plan data whatsoever.

    If you have built a cube for the plan definition, then the plan definition will only be deleted if the cube is purged successfully. If you have not built a cube for the plan definition, then the plan definition will be deleted.

  7. Select OK.

    This launches a concurrent request to purge the demand plan and the associated analytic workspace data (including output scenario data).

To purge the Analytic Workspace data associated with a demand plan:

  1. Choose the Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. In the Navigator, select Demand Plans.

  3. In the Find Demand Plan window, choose the demand plan to be purged.

  4. From the Tools menu toolbar, select Purge Plan to open the Purge Plan window.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. If you select Delete plan even if background Workflow processes are active, Oracle Demand Planning deletes the associated data in the analytic workspace even if the Oracle Demand Planning forecasting cycle is currently in process and uploading the consensus forecast to the Demand Planning Server has not yet occurred. Uncheck this check box if in this situation you would like the demand plan purge process to exit without deleting any demand plan data.

  6. Select OK.

    This launches a concurrent request to purge the analytic workspace data associated with the demand plan, but leaves the demand plan definition and associated output scenario data intact.

    Note: To delete specific output scenarios associated with a demand plan, use the procedure in Selective deletion of data.

Archiving and Restoring Demand Plans

Demand plans can be individually archived in the ODPDIR, the Demand Planning default directory. This feature allows you to backup active plans, and keep copies of plans that have been purged. Archived demand plans can be restored when required, and they function like a normal plan. You can schedule when specific plans are archived, backing them up periodically or on specific days.

Before starting the archive or restore processes, the Demand Planning system administrator should ensure that there is enough space before starting. The space required is at most as much as the demand plan occupied prior to being archived. When the plan is archived, it is saved with its plan ID. If the same plan is already archived, the old plan is overwritten. When plans are recovered, the recovered plan replaces the plan in Demand Planning. Archived plans that are no longer required can be deleted by the system administrator.

To archive a demand plan:

  1. Choose the Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. In the Navigator, select Other > Requests > Submit a new request. The Submit a New Request dialog box appears.

  3. Specify Single Request and click OK.

  4. In the Name field, select the concurrent program 'Archive demand plan'. The Parameters dialog box appears.

  5. Select the demand plan you want to archive and click OK.

    Select Submit. A message appears confirming that the request was submitted. Please note the Request ID. The Decision dialog box appears.

  6. Select No to close the window to indicate that you do not want to archive another demand plan and to open the Find Requests window.

    the picture is described in the document text

  7. Choose All My Requests and click Find to open the Requests window, which lists the status of all the concurrent requests.

    the picture is described in the document text

    The status of the archive demand plan is shown.

    Note: The demand plan ID is listed in the parameters field, not the demand plan name.

    The archive process writes the demand plan to a log named "arch[plan_id].log located in the ODPDIR, the default Demand Planning directory. The default directory is defined by the MSD:OLAP Directory Alias profile option.

To recover a demand plan:

  1. Choose the Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility.

  2. In the Navigator, select Other > Requests > Submit a new request. The Submit a New Request dialog box appears.

  3. Specify Single Request and click OK.

  4. In the Name field, select the concurrent program 'Recover demand plan'. The Parameters dialog box appears.

  5. Select the demand plan you want to recover and click OK.

    Select Submit. A message appears confirming that the request was submitted. Please note the Request ID. The Decision dialog box appears.

  6. Select No to close the window to indicate that you do not want to recover another demand plan. The Find Requests window appears.

  7. Choose All My Requests and click Find. The Requests window appear, which lists the status of all the concurrent requests.

    The status of the recovered demand plan is shown.

    Note: The demand plan ID is listed in the parameters field, not the demand plan name.