Configuration Session Change Tracking

This chapter describes the CIO’s Configuration Delta API for tracking changes that have been made to regions of your user interface during a configuration session.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Introduction to Configuration Session Change Tracking

This section is divided as follows:

You can use the CIO’s Configuration Delta API to query a Configuration object about changes (deltas) that have been made to the configuration during the current configuration session.

Note: Although the functionality described in this section uses the terms delta and tracking, this functionality is distinct from the tracking of deltas described in the Oracle Telecommunications Service Ordering Process Guide. In that document, the term delta refers to a change made to a configuration relative to an instance of that configuration residing in an installation repository.

The Configuration Delta API provides a unified interface that enables you to track deltas only on the specific nodes in which you register interest. Contrast this to the set of methods listed Change-Detection Methods for the Configuration Object, which provide change information only for the entire set of the nodes in a configuration.

Change-Detection Methods for the Configuration Object


How Change Tracking Works

Note: This use of the CIO is intended for both custom applications and Configurator Extensions.

Both custom applications and Configurator Extensions can be clients of the Configuration Delta API.

The Configuration Delta API consists of the classes and interfaces in the CIO listed in the table Classes and Interfaces for the Configuration Delta API. The Instances column indicates how many instances of the class exist at runtime, during a configuration session.

Classes and Interfaces for the Configuration Delta API
Class or Interface Role Instances
DeltaManager Manages all changes made by end user actions during a configuration session.
See Role of the DeltaManager.
One per client.
DeltaRegion Maintains list of watched runtime nodes and changes to be tracked on those nodes.
See Role of DeltaRegions.
One per each region of interest in the user interface.
Can register multiple DeltaValidators, one for each type of change to be tracked.
DeltaValidator Manages all defined types of changes. Base class for all DeltaValidators.
See Role of DeltaValidators.
One per each type of change to be tracked.
Can be registered with multiple DeltaRegions.
IValidatorChange Represents any change type.
See Role of the IValidatorChange Interface.
Not instantiated. Implemented by all DeltaValidators.

Relationship of the Classes

The diagram in Example Class Relationships in the Configuration Delta API shows the relationship of the classes in the Configuration Delta API, using a typical example of their use.

Example Class Relationships in the Configuration Delta API

the picture is described in the document text

In Example Class Relationships in the Configuration Delta API, the DeltaManager is managing a UI containing three DeltaRegions (labeled 1, 2, and 3).

Role of the DeltaManager

The DeltaManager object is instantiated once, at the beginning of a configuration session, and is cached on the Configuration object for the session. The DeltaManager manages all the changes made by end user actions during that session.

The DeltaManager is identified by an ID that is passed to the method that creates it, Configuration.createDeltaManager().

You can register multiple DeltaRegions with the DeltaManager, to manage the regions of your client’s user interface.

Role of DeltaRegions

A DeltaRegion object represents a distinct portion of your client’s user interface. For example, your UI might have a navigation region, an update region, and a summary region; your client would create a DeltaRegion object for each of them.

Each DeltaRegion maintains a list of watched runtime nodes in that region. You determine which nodes are to be watched for changes by registering a DeltaRegion object with the DeltaManager, using the method DeltaManager.registerRegion(), which takes as arguments the list of nodes to watch, the list of DeltaValidators to watch them with, and an ID. See Registering a DeltaRegion: All Nodes for an example of registering a region.

Role of DeltaValidators

A DeltaValidator object manages defined types of changes. A DeltaValidator can be thought of as a reusable software component that reports on a particular type of change.

Each particular change type is handled through a specialized subclass of the class DeltaValidator. The CIO provides a set of default change types that correspond to the types of changes that can be made through the CIO. Each subclass defines a change object (in the form of an inner class) that implements methods that provide information about the specified type of change.

The table Default Change Types and Their Change Objects lists a sampling of the default change types, and the specialized DeltaValidators that represent them. For details on the methods of these change object classes, and the complete set of DeltaValidator subclasses, see the CIO reference documentation described in Reference Documentation for the CIO.

You can write custom DeltaValidators for change types that are not already provided by the CIO. For details, see Creating a Custom DeltaValidator.

Default Change Types and Their Change Objects
Change Type Class for Change Object
ATP (Availability to Promise) AtpDeltaValidator.AtpChange
Availability (for selection) AvailabilityDeltaValidator.AvailabilityChange
Connection ConnectionDeltaValidator.ConnectionChange
Count (of runtime nodes) CountDeltaValidator.CountChange
Deletion DeletionDeltaValidator.DeletionChange
Price PriceDeltaValidator.PriceChange
Selection status (change between selected and deselected) SelectionDeltaValidator.SelectionChange
Logic state (of a node) StateDeltaValidator.StateChange
Satisfaction (change between satisfied and unsatisfied) UnsatisfactionDeltaValidator.UnsatisfactionChange
ValidationFailure messages ValidationDeltaValidator.ValidationChange

Each change object (inner class) implements the method getType() of the interface IValidatorChange. Each inner class must also implement any methods that are appropriate to their particular change type. See Custom Method to Update a Region for examples of how you would use both the IValidatorChange methods and the type-specific methods.

Role of the IValidatorChange Interface

The IValidatorChange interface:

Starting a Session

Your client should perform the following steps once, at the beginning of a configuration session.

  1. Create a Configuration object.

    See Creating a Configuration Object in Creating a Configuration Object.

  2. Create a DeltaManager object and associate it with the Configuration object.

    See Associating a DeltaManager with a Configuration in Associating a DeltaManager.

  3. Specify the DeltaValidators corresponding to the change types you want to track during the configuration session.

    See Specifying DeltaValidators in Specifying DeltaValidators.

  4. Get a list of the nodes in the region whose changes you are interested in tracking and register that region.

    See Registering a DeltaRegion: All Nodes or Registering a DeltaRegion: Subset of Nodes in Registering DeltaRegions.

Creating a Configuration Object

If you are working with a custom application, create a Configuration object, as described in see Creating Configurations for required background information. See especially Creating a Configuration Object (

Creating a Configuration Object

// Create a new Configuration and DeltaManager
ConfigParameters params = new ConfigParameters(modelId);
Configuration config = cio.startConfiguration(params, context);

Note: The fragmentary code examples in this section are meant to be read together, as parts of a larger example. Identifiers are shared between examples; where the same identifier occurs in multiple examples, it refers to the same object. These fragmentary examples are assembled together in Tracking Session Changes (

Associating a DeltaManager

Associate a DeltaManager object with the Configuration object for the current configuration session.

Associating a DeltaManager with a Configuration

DeltaManager deltaMgr = config.createDeltaManager("MyDeltaMgr");

Specifying DeltaValidators

Create DeltaValidator objects for the change types that you want to track during the configuration session. Then add them to a list that can be used to register the DeltaValidators for a DeltaRegion (shown in Registering a DeltaRegion: All Nodes).

Specifying DeltaValidators

// Create a Navigation (Tree) region. This is interested in watching
// all runtime nodes for instance name, instantiation, and unsatisfaction
// changes.
List dvList = new ArrayList();

Registering DeltaRegions

Register a DeltaRegion with the DeltaManager, passing it the list of nodes to watch and the list of DeltaValidators to watch them with (dvList, defined in Specifying DeltaValidators).

You can also register an individual DeltaValidator, using DeltaManager.registerDeltaValidator().

Registering a DeltaRegion: All Nodes shows the registration of a region using all of the runtime nodes in the Configuration (config.getRuntimeNodes()). If you want to use some subset of the runtime nodes (such as only the nodes visible in the user interface), then you must implement a custom method to do so. This alternative is shown in Registering a DeltaRegion: Subset of Nodes, using the hypothetical custom method getRuntimeNodesInSelectedComponent().

Registering a DeltaRegion: All Nodes

List watchedNodes = config.getRuntimeNodes();
DeltaRegion treeRegion = deltaMgr.registerRegion(watchedNodes, dvList, "MyTreeRegion");

Registering a DeltaRegion: Subset of Nodes

// Create a component region. This region displays a Component screen and is
// interested in watching all nodes in that component for availability, count,
// price, state and unsatisfaction changes

watchedNodes = getRuntimeNodesInSelectedComponent(); // a custom method, not defined here

DeltaRegion compRegion = deltaMgr.registerRegion(watchedNodes, dvList, "MyCompRegion");

Tracking Session Changes

Your client should perform the following steps each time it needs to track a session change to the current configuration. Most of the code examples shown in this section are shown in a more complete context in Tracking Session Changes (

  1. Begin a configuration transaction. See Using Logic Transactions for background.

    ConfigTransaction tran = config.beginConfigTransaction();
  2. Perform the change, by making an assertion. For background details, see Getting and Setting Logic States and Getting and Setting Numeric Values. The following example fragment shows how to select the Option node named Option1.

    // Make an assertion to change the current configuration
    try { 
    Option option1 = (Option)config.getRootComponent().getChildByName("Feature").getChildByName("Option1");;
     } catch (LogicalException loe) { } 
  3. Close the configuration transaction.

  4. Query the configuration for the changes of interest. Update the list of changes that you can use to update a region that you registered. The following example updates the change map for the region registered in Registering a DeltaRegion: All Nodes.

    // Get the deltas due to this assertion and update the tree and component regions
    Map treeChanges = deltaMgr.getUpdateMapForRegion("MyTreeRegion");
  5. Update the region that you registered (as in Registering a DeltaRegion: All Nodes), using a custom method. The custom method updateTreeRegion() is described in Updating a Region.

    // Now update the tree region cache and UI with treeChanges

Updating a Region

When you need to update a region with the a list of the changes that your client has been tracking with the DeltaManager, you can invoke a custom method such as updateTreeRegion(), whose definition is shown in Custom Method to Update a Region. This method operates as follows:

  1. Take as an argument the changes object that is a Map of the changed nodes in the registered region (MyTreeRegion). See Tracking Session Changes for a description of when this updating takes place.

    The map of changed nodes consists of a set of pairs, in which the key is a RuntimeNode object, and the value is a collection of IValidatorChange objects.

  2. Iterate over the nodes in the Map of changed nodes. Use a custom method, such as getUiNode() in the example, to get access to the UI node corresponding to the changed node object.

  3. Iterate over the List of changes for the node, using each change to set the value of the IValidatorChange object change.

  4. For each change, call IValidatorChange.getType(), which returns the type of the change in a form that corresponds to one of the change types defined in the class DeltaValidator, such as INSTANCE_NAME_DV.

  5. Using a switch control structure, switch on the change type. For each change type, cast the change object to the actual implementing class of the change, such as InstanceNameChange.

    InstanceNameDeltaValidator.InstanceNameChange nameChange = InstanceNameDeltaValidator.InstanceNameChange)change;
  6. Using the particular change object for the change, use a custom method to update the UI node corresponding to the changed node object.

    String newName = nameChange.getInstanceName();
    uiNode.setName(newName); // custom method on uiNode

Custom Method to Update a Region

public static void updateTreeRegion(Map changes) {
  for (Iterator iter = changes.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
    RuntimeNode changedNode = (RuntimeNode);
    uiNode = getUiNode(changedNode); // custom method
    Collection nodeChanges = (Collection)changes.get(changedNode);
    for (Iterator iter2 = nodeChanges.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) {
      IValidatorChange change = (IValidatorChange);
      switch (change.getType()) {
        case DeltaValidator.INSTANCE_NAME_DV:
          InstanceNameDeltaValidator.InstanceNameChange nameChange = InstanceNameDeltaValidator.InstanceNameChange)change;
          String newName = nameChange.getInstanceName();
          uiNode.setName(newName); // custom method on uiNode
        case DeltaValidator.INSTANTIATION_DV:
          InstantiationDeltaValidator.InstantiationChange iChange = (InstantiationDeltaValidator.InstantiationChange) change;
          Collection added = iChange.getNewlyAddedInstances();
          Collection deleted = iChange.getNewlyDeletedInstances();
          uiNode.updateInstances(added, deleted); // custom method on uiNode
        case DeltaValidator.UNSATISFACTION_DV:
          UnsatisfactionDeltaValidator.UnsatisfactionChange uChange = (UnsatisfactionDeltaValidator.UnsatisfactionChange) change;
          boolean unsatisfied = uChange.isUnsatisfied();
          uiNode.setUnsatisfied(unsatisfied); // custom method on uiNode

Handling Screen Changes

When a screen change (such as a screen flip to another UI page) occurs in your client’s user interface, you should update the list of watched nodes in each DeltaRegion, so that you can get a list of the changes made to the nodes whenever you need such a list.

The manner in which you update the watched nodes depends on how extensive are the changes to the region you are watching.

Creating a Custom DeltaValidator

It is possible, but unlikely, that you may need to write custom DeltaValidators for change types that are not already defined in the CIO. See Role of DeltaValidators for an explanation of DeltaValidators and a description of the default DeltaValidators provided with the CIO.

In order to create a custom DeltaValidator, you must do the following:

Unified Code Example for Change Tracking

The code in Tracking Session Changes ( assembles together the fragmentary examples shown elsewhere in this chapter.