Requisitions Tab

Requisitions Overview

You use the Requisitions tab to access the Demand Workbench feature. This feature allows you to access and use requisition demand stored in Oracle iProcurement to autocreate Oracle Sourcing documents. You can use the Demand Workbench to create solicitations with either awards or IDV outcomes. You can define your own views to automatically display only the requisition demand that meets the search criteria you select.

Using the Demand Workbench

Demand Workbench allows you to access and aggregate requisition demand existing in Oracle iProcurement to create new sourcing documents. Using the Demand Workbench, you can:

To use the Demand Workbench, you identify requisitions for which you wish to source, and then use those requisitions to create a sourcing document.

Searching for requisitions

You access the Demand Workbench by clicking the Requisitions tab on the Sourcing Home page. You see all requisitions in the Oracle iProcurement requisition pool to which you have access based on your default view and your default organization.

To select a different organization, select an entry from the Organization drop down menu. This menu displays all organizations you are authorized to access. To select a different view, select the view from the menu. If you change organization or view, only the requisitions for that view/organization are displayed.

To search for requisitions, you can use the views that already exist in the system, any of your personalized views, or you can use the Advanced Search function to define detailed search criteria by which to search.

You can use the Advanced Search function to define any combination of search criteria that is necessary to locate appropriate requisitions. To use the Advanced Search function, click Advanced Search.

Advanced Search allows you to search for requisitions using a combination of values for Buyer, Requisition, Category, and/or Supplier.

When the search results display, you see all requisitions that matched the criteria for the view/search (for organizations to which you have access). For multi-line requisitions, there is an entry for every unprocessed requisition line. Processed lines do not appear in the list.

You can sort the results by clicking any column header. You can see information for the requisition and requisition line by clicking the Requisition and/or Line links. If the suggested supplier has a profile defined in iSupplier Portal, you can view the profile information by clicking the Source link.

Creating Sourcing Documents

Once you have located the requisitions you wish to include in your sourcing document, you use Demand Workbench to create a new solicitation document:

  1. Select a Document Builder Document Type. This indicates the outcome you expect from the Document Builder. The value you can select is New Solicitation.

  2. Select an operating unit for the outcome document by clicking the OU Find icon and selecting an entry from the OU results.

  3. Click the Select check box adjacent to the Requisition row to select the requisition lines you wish to include in your new document, and click Add to Document Builder. Note that the lines still appear in the requisition pool and are available for use by other buyers (although they receive an error message if they try to use them in an additional sourcing document).

  4. To review the lines that were created for the document, click Lines.

  5. By default, the Document Builder page displays the lines that have been created for the sourcing document.

    If you wish to remove a line from the document, select the link and click the Remove icon. The line is returned to the requisition pool and is available for use by other buyers. If you wish to start the creation again, click Clear.

  6. Enter any additional information your document type requires and click Create.

    Optionally, enter a Supplier and Supplier Site, Currency, and click Create. You are taken into Oracle Sourcing with a new sourcing document created. Demand Workbench uses the requisition information to create the lines on the new document.

After the Demand Workbench creates the new sourcing document, you continue with the normal creation process or amend the document.

See: Requisition Amendments

Requisition Amendments

Use the Requisition Amendments tab to review and implement the changes brought in by the Requisition Amendment to the corresponding award document. You might require initiating PR amendments for a variety of reasons during the course of a procurement action. For example, you might require to increase funding on a PR line, or to exercise an option line. Alternatively, you might require changes upon request from the procurement office such as updates to convert an amount-based line to a quantity based line.

You can create a requisition amendment for a PR and maintain it as an individual documents, while maintaining the original requisition. You can have only one amendment per PR at any point of time. You can view the history of all changes to fields across amendments.

The application automatically displays all the fields you entered in the original requisition and enables you to edit them per your requirements, except the PR creation date. You can add new attachments or edit existing ones, add or update supporting documents and exhibits. You can create a requisition amendment even after solicitation, receipt of offers, and creation of a draft award. You can create requisition amendments at any time. However, if the award is closed, then the application ensures that your changes are not implemented.

The requisition amendment goes through its own approval workflow, similar to the original requisition. The application tracks the approvals on the amendment independently from the approvals of the original requisition.

You can cancel requisitions via an amendment until finalization of an award. After finalization of an award, only the contracting officer can cancel or terminate the award. A PR cancellation after the creation of a solicitation requires effort by the contracting specialist or contracting officer to take the appropriate action such as stopping work, canceling the solicitation, and so on.)

You can also print individual PR amendments to maintain records for legislative purposes, as required. For example, if you have made two amendments to a requisition, and require printing the first amendment, the print will contain only changes you made to that specific amendment and not those changes you made in the second amendment.

  1. Click the Amendments tab to amend a requisition.

  2. Search for an amendment based on any of three parameters - Requisition, Negotiation, or Buyer.

  3. In the Results region, you can view details of the Operating Unit (OU), Amendment, Line number, Informational check box, Option, Action, Item/Job, Quantity, Unit Price, Currency, Need-By date, Negotiation, and Negotiation Status. Click the Amendment number link to view details of the amendment. Click the Negotiation number link to view details of the negotiation.

  4. Select an Object from the results region, and click Review and Implement to accept or reject the amendment. The Amendment Changes page displays, showing you the change history for the line.

    Click Accept to accept the changes. The application displays the Draft Awards page or the Draft Modifications page, on which you can enter header changes. Note that a draft award or a draft modification is required before the changes can be implemented. Newly added accounting distribution and SLIN lines automatically get propagated into the award upon accepting the amendment. If the award is already approved, a message displays, prompting you to enter a modification to update the award with changes.

    Click Reject to reject the changes. The application displays a page for you to enter comments or a reason for the rejection. Your comments are visible to the requester in the lifecycle page of the requisition amendment line. The application automatically flags the rejected lines as Rejected in the amendment, and removes them from the amendment list. The buyer cannot view these lines and if required, the requestor must create a new amendment line.