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Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions User's Guide
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Document Information


1.  Introduction to Solaris Trusted Extensions Software

2.  Logging In to Trusted Extensions (Tasks)

3.  Working in Trusted Extensions (Tasks)

4.  Elements of Trusted Extensions (Reference)

Visible Features of Trusted Extensions

Labels on Trusted Extensions Desktops

Trusted Stripe

Trusted Symbol

Window Label Indicator

Device Security in Trusted Extensions

Files and Applications in Trusted Extensions

.copy_files File

.link_files File

Password Security in the Solaris OS

Front Panel Security (Trusted CDE)

Workspace Switch Area

Trusted Path Menu

Clock Security

Calendar Security

File Manager Security

Text Editor Security

Personal Applications Subpanel

Mailer Security

Printer Security

Style Manager Security

Application Manager Security

Trash Can Security

Workspace Security (Trusted JDS)



Password Security in the Solaris OS

Users who change passwords on a frequent basis shorten the window of opportunity for intruders to use illegally obtained passwords. Therefore, your site's security policy can require you to change your password regularly. The Solaris OS can set content requirements for passwords and enforce password resetting requirements. The following are possible resetting requirements:

If your administrator has implemented one of the preceding options, you are sent an email message that warns you to change your password prior to the cutoff date.

Passwords can have content criteria. At minimum, passwords in the Solaris OS must meet the following criteria:

You can change your password by using the Change Password menu item from the Trusted Path menu. For the steps, see Performing Trusted Actions.