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Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 Installation Guide: Solaris Live Upgrade and Upgrade Planning
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Part I Upgrading With Solaris Live Upgrade

1.  Where to Find Solaris Installation Planning Information

2.  Solaris Live Upgrade (Overview)

3.  Solaris Live Upgrade (Planning)

4.  Using Solaris Live Upgrade to Create a Boot Environment (Tasks)

5.  Upgrading With Solaris Live Upgrade (Tasks)

6.  Failure Recovery: Falling Back to the Original Boot Environment (Tasks)

7.  Maintaining Solaris Live Upgrade Boot Environments (Tasks)

8.  Upgrading the Solaris OS on a System With Non-Global Zones Installed

9.  Solaris Live Upgrade (Examples)

Example of Upgrading With Solaris Live Upgrade

Prepare to Use Solaris Live Upgrade

To Create a Boot Environment

To Upgrade the Inactive Boot Environment

To Check if Boot Environment Is Bootable

To Activate the Inactive Boot Environment

(Optional) To Fall Back to the Source Boot Environment

Example of Detaching and Upgrading One Side of a RAID-1 Volume (Mirror)

Example of Migrating From an Existing Volume to a Solaris Volume Manager RAID-1 Volume

Example of Creating an Empty Boot Environment and Installing a Solaris Flash Archive

To Create an Empty Boot Environment

To Install a Solaris Flash Archive on the New Boot Environment

To Activate the New Boot Environment

10.  Solaris Live Upgrade (Command Reference)

Part II Upgrading and Migrating With Solaris Live Upgrade to a ZFS Root Pool

11.  Solaris Live Upgrade and ZFS (Overview)

12.  Solaris Live Upgrade for ZFS (Planning)

13.  Creating a Boot Environment for ZFS Root Pools

14.  Solaris Live Upgrade For ZFS With Non-Global Zones Installed

Part III Appendices

A.  Troubleshooting (Tasks)

B.  Additional SVR4 Packaging Requirements (Reference)

C.  Using the Patch Analyzer When Upgrading (Tasks)



Example of Detaching and Upgrading One Side of a RAID-1 Volume (Mirror)

This example shows you how to do the following tasks:

Figure 9-1 shows the current boot environment, which contains three physical disks.

Figure 9-1 Detaching and Upgrading One Side of a RAID-1 Volume (Mirror)

The context describes the illustration.
  1. Create a new boot environment, second_disk, that contains a mirror.

    The following command performs these tasks.

    • lucreate configures a UFS file system for the mount point root (/). A mirror, d10, is created. This mirror is the receptacle for the current boot environment's root (/) file system, which is copied to the mirror d10. All data on the mirror d10 is overwritten.

    • Two slices, c0t1d0s0 and c0t2d0s0, are specified to be used as submirrors. These two submirrors are attached to mirror d10.

    # lucreate -c first_disk -n second_disk \ -m /:/dev/md/dsk/d10:ufs,mirror \ -m /:/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0:attach \ -m /:/dev/dsk/c0t2d0s0:attach
  2. Activate the second_disk boot environment.

    # /sbin/luactivate second_disk
    # init 6
  3. Create another boot environment, third_disk.

    The following command performs these tasks.

    • lucreate configures a UFS file system for the mount point root (/). A mirror, d20, is created.

    • Slice c0t1d0s0 is removed from its current mirror and is added to mirror d20. The contents of the submirror, the root (/) file system, are preserved and no copy occurs.

    # lucreate -n third_disk \ -m /:/dev/md/dsk/d20:ufs,mirror \ -m /:/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0:detach,attach,preserve
  4. Upgrade the new boot environment, third_disk

    # luupgrade -u -n third_disk \ -s /net/installmachine/export/Solaris_10/OS_image
  5. Add a patch to the upgraded boot environment.

    # luupgrade -t n third_disk -s /net/patches 222222-01
  6. Activate the third_disk boot environment to make this boot environment the currently running system.

    # /sbin/luactivate third_disk
    # init 6
  7. Delete the boot environment second_disk.

    # ludelete second_disk
  8. The following commands perform these tasks.

    • Clear mirror d10.

    • Check for the number for the concatenation of c0t2d0s0.

    • Attach the concatenation that is found by the metastat command to the mirror d20. The metattach command synchronizes the newly attached concatenation with the concatenation in mirror d20. All data on the concatenation is overwritten.

    # metaclear d10 # metastat -p | grep c0t2d0s0
    dnum 1 1 c0t2d0s0
    # metattach d20 dnum

    Is the number found in the metastat command for the concatenation

The new boot environment, third_disk, has been upgraded and is the currently running system. third_disk contains the root (/) file system that is mirrored.

Figure 9-2 shows the entire process of detaching a mirror and upgrading the mirror by using the commands in the preceding example.

Figure 9-2 Detaching and Upgrading One Side of a RAID-1 Volume (Mirror) (continued)

The context describes the illustration.