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Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Error Message Reference
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1.  Oracle GlassFish Server Error Messages






































CORE10000 Cannot read logging configuration file {0}

Description: TBD

CORE10001 Cannot load specified formatter class file : {0}

Description: TBD

CORE10002 Exception thrown while setting ConsoleHandler formatter : {0}

Description: TBD

CORE10003 Updated log levels for loggers.

Description: TBD

CORE10004 Exception in getting instance Log File from Remote maching using SFTPClient: {0}

Description: TBD

CORE10005 Exception in fetching record using query: {0}

Description: TBD

CORE10006 Exception in log viewer back end code: {0}

Description: TBD

CORE10007 Requested Log file is not Found: {0}

Description: TBD

CORE10008 Cannot find sniffer for module type: {0}

Description: TBD

CORE10009 Cannot find any sniffer for deployed app: {0}

Description: TBD

CORE10010 Loading application {0} done in {1} ms

Description: TBD

CORE10011 IOException while opening deployed artifact

Description: TBD

CORE10012 Application previously deployed is not at its original location any more: {0}

Description: TBD

CORE10013 Source is not a directory, using temporary location {0}

Description: TBD

CORE10014 Cannot stop application {0}: {1}

Description: TBD

CORE10015 Cannot create unloading context for {0}: {1}

Description: TBD

CORE10016 Exception while deploying

Description: TBD

CORE10017 IOException while deploying

Description: TBD

CORE10018 Attempting to start the {0} container.

Description: TBD

CORE10019 Done with starting {0} container in {1} ms.

Description: TBD

CORE10020 Could not start container , no exception provided.

Cause: The container could not be started.

Solution: Ensure the libraries for the container are available.

CORE10021 Exception while starting container {0}.

Cause: An exception occurred while attempting to start the container.

Solution: Please resolve issues mentioned in the stack trace.

CORE10022 Exception while mapping the request.

Cause: An exception occurred while mapping a request to the container.

Solution: Please resolve issues mentioned in the stack trace.

CORE10100 Web Container not installed

Cause: The web container does not install properly.

Solution: Please check the web container libraries are installed properly.

CORE10101 Done with starting {0} container.

Description: TBD

CORE10102 Unable to start container (no exception provided)

Cause: The web container does not start properly.

Solution: Please check the web container libraries are installed properly.

CORE10103 Unable to start container {0}

Cause: The web container does not start properly. Most probably, there is a class loading issue.

Solution: Please resolve issues mentioned in the stack trace.

CORE5001 Exception :

Description: TBD

CORE5002 [{0}] reloaded successfully!

Description: TBD

CORE5003 [{0}] failed to reload!

Description: TBD

CORE5004 Resource Deployed: [{0}].

Description: TBD

CORE5005 Error in resource deploy.

Description: TBD

CORE5006 Resource UnDeployed: [{0}].

Description: TBD

CORE5007 Error in resource un-deploy.

Description: TBD

CORE5008 Resource Redeployed: [{0}].

Description: TBD

CORE5009 Error in resource re-deploy.

Description: TBD

CORE5010 Resource Enabled: [{0}].

Description: TBD

CORE5011 Error in resource enable.

Description: TBD

CORE5012 Resource Disabled: [{0}].

Description: TBD

CORE5013 Error in resource disable.

Description: TBD

CORE5014 Error occurred while getting deployed application list from config.

Description: TBD

CORE5015 Error occurred while loading applications

Description: TBD

CORE5016 Unexpected error occurred while loading applications

Description: TBD

CORE5017 Error occurred while redeploying application

Description: TBD

CORE5018 Error while loading connector module

Description: TBD

CORE5019 Error occurred while reloading ejb module

Description: TBD

CORE5020 Error while loading ejb module

Description: TBD

CORE5021 Application NOT loaded: [{0}]

Description: TBD

CORE5022 All ejb(s) of [{0}] were unloaded successfully!

Description: TBD

CORE5023 Error while unloading application [{0}]

Description: TBD

CORE5024 EJB module [{0}] unloaded successfully!

Description: TBD

CORE5025 Error while unloading ejb module [{0}]

Description: TBD

CORE5026 ********Application Environment Dump*********

Description: TBD

CORE5027 Error occurred while reloading war module

Description: TBD

CORE5028 Exception while creating mime ts file

Description: TBD

CORE5029 File IO exception :

Description: TBD

CORE5030 Unsupported Javac option [{0}] found in server configuration.

Description: TBD

CORE5031 License exception occurred while loading license.

Description: TBD

CORE5032 Unexpected error occurred, license file is not valid.

Description: TBD

CORE5033 Thank you for trying the Sun Java System Application Server. Your evaluation license has expired. Please contact your Sun Microsystems representative to obtain the released software. You can also visit the Sun Microsystems Web Site at for Sun Java System product information and downloads.

Description: TBD

CORE5034 Unexpected error occurred while setting remote permissions

Description: TBD

CORE5035 Unexpected error occurred while setting instance limit

Description: TBD

CORE5036 Your license is invalid. Please go to to get a valid license.

Description: TBD

CORE5037 Thank you for trying the Sun Java System Application Server. Your evaluation license will expire in [{0}] days. Please contact your Sun Microsystems representative to obtain the released software. You can also visit the Sun Microsystems Web Site at for Sun Java System product information and downloads.

Description: TBD

CORE5038 Thank you for trying the Sun Java System Application Server. Your evaluation license has expired. Please contact your Sun Microsystems representative to obtain the released software. You can also visit the Sun Microsystems Web Site at for Sun Java System product information and downloads.

Description: TBD

CORE5039 Resource named {0} [Type: {1}] is disabled. It was not loaded.

Description: TBD

CORE5040 Application [{0}] is disabled. It was not loaded.

Description: TBD

CORE5041 EJB module [{0}] is disabled. It was not loaded.

Description: TBD

CORE5042 Resource Undeployed: [{0}]. Server restart needed.

Description: TBD

CORE5043 Resource Redeployed: [{0}]. Server restart needed.

Description: TBD

CORE5044 Resource Enabled: [{0}]. Server restart needed.

Description: TBD

CORE5045 Resource Disabled: [{0}]. Server restart needed.

Description: TBD

CORE5046 Unexpected error occurred while loading the applications

Description: TBD

CORE5047 Config exception occurred while loading the applications

Description: TBD

CORE5048 Config exception occurred while retrieving the dynamic reload enabled attribute value

Description: TBD

CORE5049 Unexpected error occurred while shutting down applications

Description: TBD

CORE5050 Error occurred while shutting down applications

Description: TBD

CORE5051 Shutting down all J2EE applications ...

Description: TBD

CORE5052 Application shutdown complete.

Description: TBD

CORE5053 Application onReady complete.

Description: TBD

CORE5054 Unexpected error occurred while calling onReady

Description: TBD

CORE5055 No such resource {0}

Description: TBD

CORE5056 Error in reading connector resources from domain.xml

Description: TBD

CORE5057 No resource deployer for resource type {0}

Description: TBD

CORE5058 No such resource type {0}

Description: TBD

CORE5059 Error in loading resource

Description: TBD

CORE5060 IOException :

Description: TBD

CORE5061 Exception :

Description: TBD

CORE5062 Exception :

Description: TBD

CORE5063 j2eerunner.startupError.

Description: TBD

CORE5064 Error serializing descriptor for application {0}; continuing

Description: TBD

CORE5065 Error deserializing descriptor for application {0}: {1} \ncontinuing

Description: TBD

CORE5066 Unexpected type {1} found deserializing descriptor for application {0}; continuing

Description: TBD

CORE5068 Stopping all J2EE Connector 1.5 Compliant resource adapters ...

Description: TBD

CORE5097 Exception occurred while satisfying optional package dependencies : {0}

Description: TBD

CORE5098 Satisfying Optional Packages dependencies...

Description: TBD

CORE5100 Loading system apps

Description: TBD

CORE5101 Exception occurred while deploying system apps

Description: TBD

CORE5102 Deploying system apps to target {0} from directory {1}

Description: TBD

CORE5103 Deployed system apps to target {0}

Description: TBD

CORE5104 Directory {0} not found or cannot read

Description: TBD

CORE5105 Exception occurred while getting targets

Description: TBD

CORE5106 Exception occurred while finding application registration

Description: TBD