Part 4: Publishing the Workbooks
In this tutorial you have developed two desktop integration-enabled workbooks. In this final part you publish them.
Step 1: Publish the DepartmentsList Workbook
  1. Back in JDeveloper, double click DepartmentsList_src.xlsx to open it in Excel.

    Application Navigator
  2. In Excel click Workbook Properties and check that the value in the ApplicationHomeFolder field identifies the location of the application. Then click the more button in the WebPagesFolder field and navigate to the public_html folder to specify where the published workbooks will be stored. Note that if you have not set a value for the WebPagesFolder property, you will be prompted to set one when you attempt to publish the workbook.

    Workbook and WebPagesFolder Properties

    Click OK and OK again.

  3. It is recommended that you keep your "source" and "published" workbooks in separate locations. The integrated "source" workbooks are stored in the source directory in the workspace. Show more or lessRead more...

    When you created your workbook from the New Gallery in an earlier step, the wizard directed you to save it under src\excel.

    Create Excel dialog

    Published workbooks can be stored under public_html if you want them to be accessible from web pages.
  4. In the Oracle ADF tab of the Excel ribbon, click Publish.

    Oracle ADF tab of the Excel ribbon
  5. The Publish Workbook dialog displays. Navigate to the public_html folder and then click the Create New Folder icon to create a location for your published workbooks.

    Publish Workbook dialog
  6. Type excel as the name of the folder, then click the Open button.

    Publish Workbook dialog
  7. Type DepartmentsList as the file name and click Save.

    Publish Workbook dialog
  8. The name you provide here for the published workbook must be different from the name of the source file. Otherwise it will cause an Excel error. Show more or lessRead more... It was pointed out earlier in this tutorial that it is good practice to reserve the more meaningful name for the published version.
  9. A message displays, saying the publish operation has been successful.

    Publish Workbook success
  10. Close the DepartmentsList workbook and follow the steps below to publish the EditDept_LOV workbook.

Step 2: Publishing the EditDept_LOV Workbook

The steps for publishing the EditDept_LOV workbook are basically the same as for publishing the DepartmentsList workbook.

  1. Back in JDeveloper, double-click the EditDept_LOV_src.xlsx to open it.

    Application Navigator
  2. in Excel, click Workbook Properties to open the dialog.

    Excel ribbon

  3. Click the more button in the WebPagesFolder field and navigate to the public_html folder as before, to specify the location of the published workbooks.

    WebPagesFolder properties

    Click OK and OK again.

  4. In the Oracle ADF tab of the Excel ribbon, click Publish.

    Oracle ADF tab of the Excel ribbon
  5. Navigate to the public_html | excel folder, type EditDept_LOV as the file name and click Save.

    Publish Workbook
  6. As before, a message displays, saying the publish operation has been successful.

    Publish Workbook success
  7. Exit from Excel. Your workbooks are now published and are ready to be deployed with your application to the WebLogic server.

In this tutorial you learned how to use JDeveloper and Oracle ADF 11g Desktop Integration to develop Excel workbooks that are integrated with an ADF Web application. You learned how to: To learn more about ADF Desktop Integration, refer to:

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