C H A P T E R  3

Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System

This chapter explains the steps for configuring the Solaristrademark 10 Operating System (OS) that has been preinstalled on your server, if ordered. The preinstalled version is Solaris 10 5/08 or later.

Note - Unlike with SPARC® systems, you will not see the output of the preinstalled Solaris 10 image through a monitor when you power on the server. You will see the BIOS power-on self-test (POST) and other boot information output. The server ships with its console redirected to the serial port. You can choose an option to send the output to VGA (video port). For more information, see (Optional) To Redirect the Console Output to the Video Port.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Before You Begin

Before you begin configuring the preinstalled Solaris 10 OS, do the following:

Tip - To find the server module, PCI Express Module, and SP MAC addresses, see the Customer Information Sheet included with the system box or the server, PCI EM, and SP MAC addresses printed on their respective labels.

Installation Worksheet

Use the worksheet in TABLE 3-1 to gather the information that you need to configure the preinstalled Solaris 10 OS. You only need to collect the information that applies to your application of the system.

TABLE 3-1 Worksheet for Solaris 10 Configuration

Information for Installation

Description or Example

Your Answers:
Defaults (*)


Select from the list of available languages for the Solaris 10 software.



Select your geographic region from the list of available locales.



Select the type of terminal that you are using from the list of available terminal types.


Network connection

Is the system connected to a network?

  • Networked
  • Non-networked*


Can the system use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to configure its network interfaces?

  • Yes
  • No*

If you are not using DHCP, note the network address:

IP address

If you are not using DHCP, supply the IP address for the system.




If you are not using DHCP, is the system part of a subnet?

If yes, what is the netmask of the subnet?



Do you want to enable IPv6 on this machine?

  • Yes
  • No*

Host name

A host name that you choose for the system.



Do you want to configure Kerberos security on this machine?

If yes, gather the following information:

Default realm:

Administration server:

First KDC:

(Optional) Additional KDCs:

  • Yes
  • No*


Name service

Name service

If applicable, which name service should this system use?

  • NIS+
  • NIS
  • DNS
  • LDAP
  • None*

Domain name

Provide the name of the domain in which the system resides.


NIS+ and NIS

Do you want to specify a name server, or let the installation program find one?

  • Specify One
  • Find One*


Provide IP addresses for the DNS server. You must enter at least one IP address, but you can enter up to three addresses.


You can also enter a list of domains to search when a DNS query is made.

Search domain:

Search domain:

Search domain:



Provide the following information about your LDAP profile:

Profile name:

Profile server:

If you specify a proxy credential level in your LDAP profile, gather the following information:

Proxy-bind distinguished name:

Proxy-bind password:


Default route

Do you want to specify a default route IP address, or let the Solaris installation program find one?

The default route provides a bridge that forwards traffic between two physical networks. An IP address is a unique number that identifies each host on a network.

You have the following choices:

  • You can specify the IP address. An /etc/defaultrouter file is created with the specified IP address. When the system is rebooted, the specified IP address becomes the default route.
  • You can let the Solaris installation program detect an IP address. However, the system must be on a subnet that has a router that advertises itself by using the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) for router discovery. If you are using the command-line interface, the software detects an IP address when the system is booted.
  • You can select None if you do not have a router or do not want the software to detect an IP address at this time. The software automatically tries to detect an IP address on reboot.
  • Specify One
  • Detect One
  • None*

Time zone

How do you want to specify your default time zone?

  • Geographic region*
  • Offset from GM
  • Time zone file

Root password

Choose a root password for the system.


Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System

Note - Before you perform this procedure, you need to set up the service processor. If you have not done so, see Chapter 2.

Use the information that you gathered in Installation Worksheet as you perform the configuration.

After configuring the server module ILOM, you can configure the preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System (OS) by using the service processor to connect to the system console.

procedure icon  To Configure the Preinstalled Solaris 10 OS

You can connect to the service processor using a serial terminal, or the Ethernet, as described in Connecting to the Server Module ILOM.

If you connect to the service processor using a serial terminal, you can use one of the following options:

1. Connect and log in to the service processor using one of the methods described in Connecting to the Server Module ILOM.

The server module ILOM CLI prompt appears:


2. Verify that the communication properties of the service processor are set to the defaults. For example:


-> show /SP/serial/host
        commitpending = (Cannot show property)
        pendingspeed = 9600
        speed = 9600

3. If the speed is anything other than 9600, change it by using the command:

-> set /SP/serial/host pendingspeed=9600 commitpending=true

4. Start the serial console mode by entering the following:

-> start /SP/console

Only accounts with Administrator privileges are enabled to configure the SP.

5. When the prompt appears, type y:

Are you sure you want to start /SP/console (y/n)? y

6. Power on main power to the server module by using a pointed object or stylus to press the recessed Power button on the front panel.

POST messages appear on your screen as the OS boots up.

7. Follow the Solaris 10 preinstallation on-screen prompts.

8. Use the information gathered in Installation Worksheet to help you enter the system and network information as you are prompted.

The screens that are displayed will vary, depending on the method that you chose for assigning network information to the server (DHCP or static IP address).

After you have entered the system configuration information, the server completes the boot process and displays the Solaris login prompt.

procedure icon  (Optional) To Redirect the Console Output to the Video Port

The server module’s console is automatically directed to the serial port. GRUB, the open source boot loader, is the default boot loader in the Solaris OS for x86-based or x64-based systems. The boot loader is the first software program that runs after you power on a system.

1. Use a cable to connect the serial port of the host server (either through the chassis SER MGT port or through a dongle cable’s serial port) to the video port of the client system.

2. From the GRUB menu, you have the option of displaying the installation process to a VGA connection (video port) as shown here:

* Solaris 10 5/08 s10x_u5wos_10 X86  - Serial Port (ttya)         *
* Solaris 10 5/08 s10x_u5wos_10 X86  - Graphics Adapter           *
* Solaris failsafe                                                *
*                                                                 *
*                                                                 *
*                                                                 *
*                                                                 *
*                                                                 *

3. To display output to the video port, choose the following option:

Solaris 10 5/08 s10x_u5wos_10 X86 - Graphics Adapter

Configuring X6240 Server Module RAID Drives

After you configure the Solaris OS, you might need to configure the RAID drives.

RAID Drive Overview

The Sun Blade X6240 server module has two optional RAID expansion module (REM) cards. You can access RAID configuration through the REM card BIOS. To access the LSI REM card BIOS, press CTRL-C during the system boot. To access the Sun StorageTek REM card BIOS, press CTRL-A during the system boot.

TABLE 3-2 Sun Blade X6240 REM cards

REM cards

Press for BIOS

Sun StorageTek


LSI 3081E


The server module has the preinstalled OS on hard disk drive 0 (HDD0). When the Solaris OS installation is complete, the option to upgrade your single-disk OS to a mirrored RAID solution is available.

The configuration procedure is different for each supported REM card. For example, a Sun StorageTek REM card has many more options for RAID configuration than does an LSI REM card. Configure the RAID depending on your needs as shown in TABLE 3-3.

Note - Configuring RAID for the Sun Blade X6240 server module is optional. By default the Solaris preinstalled image is configured in a non-RAID configuration. If anything other than a basic mirror RAID is required, it is recommended to perform a fresh installation of the Solaris Operating System (or other OS) in the desired RAID configuration.

RAID Drive Options

TABLE 3-3 shows the RAID drive options.


TABLE 3-3 RAID Drive Options

REM Card

Drives Supported

RAID Configurations Supported

Drive Usage

Sun StorageTek

Seagate 73GB SAS

Fujitsu 73GB SAS

Seagate 146GB SAS

Fujitsu 146GB SAS

Hitachi 146GB SAS

Fujitsu 200GB SATA

Volume - 1 disk


RAID 0 - stripe - 2 disk minimum

No redundancy

RAID 1 - mirror - 2 disk minimum


RAID 1E - 3 drive minimum


RAID 5 - 3 drive minimum


RAID 5EE - 4 drive minimum


RAID 50 - 6 drive minimum


RAID 6 - 4 drive minimum


RAID 60 - 8 drive minimum


Spanned Volume - 2 drive minimum


RAID Volume - 4 drive minimum


LSI 3081E

Seagate 73GB SAS

Fujitsu 73GB SAS

Seagate 146GB SAS

Fujitsu 146GB SAS

Hitachi 146GB SAS

Fujitsu 200GB SATA

IM (Integrated Mirror array) - 2 disk minimum, plus up to 2 hot spare disks.

Data on Primary disk might be merged.

IME (Integrated Mirror Enhanced array) - 3 to 8 disks including up to 2 hot spares.

All data will be deleted during creation.

IS (Integrated Striping array) - 2 to 8 disks.

All data will be deleted during creation.

Mirroring the Preinstalled Solaris Operating System With LSI RAID

The Solaris OS supports hardware RAID and cannot be installed on an existing array if one has been created. Refer to the Sun Blade X6240 Server Module OS Installation Guide (820-3969) or a REM card product guide.

If you choose the preinstalled Solaris OS and want to make the OS part of a RAID set, and if you are using the LSI REM card only, perform the following procedure to update the preinstalled Solaris OS to a mirrored RAID set. As noted in TABLE 3-3, only Integrated Mirror (IM) allows data on the primary hard disk drive (HDD) to be preserved or merged into an array of disks.

This procedure describes how to create a mirror image of the OS before or after the Solaris installation. The server module has two hard disk drives: HDD0 (with the OS) and HDD1 (which is blank).

procedure icon  To Create a Mirror Image of the Preinstalled Solaris OS

To create a mirror image of the Solaris OS on HDD1:

1. Power on your server module.

2. Press CTRL-C to access the LSI RAID Configuration Utility.

3. Select the REM card, then press Enter.

4. Choose RAID Properties.

5. Create an Integrated Mirror (IM) for the required disk configuration.

6. Select the hard disks to be used. Use the right arrow to move the cursor to the RAID column, and press the Space bar to include disks into RAID.

7. Because HDD0 contains data, select merge or delete:

8. Press C to create the RAID and start the sync operation.

9. Click Exit to save the configuration and close the menu.

10. Press Esc to exit the Configuration Utility.

11. Reboot the Solaris OS.

Creating a RAID Set to Incorporate a Preinstalled OS Using the Sun StorageTek REM Card

The Sun StorageTek REM card enables you to choose from many RAID configurations. How you configure your system depends on your system requirements and the available hard disk drives in the system.

This procedure describes how to mirror the preinstalled Solaris OS. This is the better option, and all remaining disks (should there be more than 2) are incorporated into a DATA RAID set using the available options as shown in TABLE 3-3.

You will need the Sun Blade X6240 Server Module Tools & Drivers CD (707-0257).

procedure icon  To Incorporate a Preinstalled Solaris OS Using the Sun StorageTek REM Card

Follow these steps to mirror your configured Solaris OS:

1. Using your Solaris server, log in and start Xserver.

This graphical user interface is required for StorageTek Software Management.

2. Make a new directory on your Solaris server, type:

mkdir /StorMan

3. Insert the supplied Tools & Drivers CD, and copy the StorMan.dss application, located in the /mount-point/RAIDmgmt/StorageTEK/Solaris directory, to the new directory you created on your Solaris server, for example, /StorMan.

4. Change the permissions of the new directory and StorMan application, by typing:

chmod 777 StormMan.dss

5. Type the following command to install the application:

pkgadd -d StorMan.dss

6. Choose to install all components when prompted.

7. To run the application, type the following:

sh /usr/StorMan/StorMan.sh

A split screen appears.

8. Click the screen to activate the Managed Systems List.

9. Double-click the local machine.

The local machine can be identified by the IP Address of the Primary ENET connection.

A prompt appears.

10. At the prompt, log in as root, using the OS password that was assigned during Solaris installation.

11. Click the SUN STK RAID Controller.

All attached hard disk drives on Enclosure 0 and 1 appear.

Tip - HDD0 (OS) should be Enclosure 0 Logical Volume 1.

12. To mirror the OS, right-click Logical Device 1 and choose Expand or Change Logical Device.

13. Choose the appropriate RAID option (in this example, RAID 1 for Mirror).

14. Choose a disk to mirror the OS with, from the physical disk list.

Select the hard disk drive that best fits your needs.

15. After you select the HDD, click Next, and then view the configuration summary.

16. Click Apply to start the mirroring process.

You can also click Schedule to perform the mirroring process at a later time.

17. In the confirmation screen, click Confirm to start the mirroring process.

The OS begins to mirror. Mirroring may take several hours, depending on the amount of data and the HDD size.

Solaris 10 Operating System User Information

This section provides pointers to information about the Solaris 10 Operating System.

Solaris 10 User Documentation

You can access the various collections of the Solaris 10 OS user documentation at:


Solaris 10 OS Training

Sun provides flexible training options that accommodate your personal schedule and learning style. The training options include instructor-led, web-based online, CD-ROM, and Live Virtual Class. For Solaris 10 Training and Certification options at a glance, go to:


Using the Solaris Installation Program

The documentation listed in this section provides instructions for using the Solaris installation program and is available at the following web site:


Follow the instructions for x86-based systems, not SPARC-based systems. For more information, see the Solaris 10 Release and Installation Collection for the version of the Solaris 10 Operating System you have installed. This documentation is available at:


After you configure the preinstalled Solaris OS, the Solaris installation program reboots the system and prompts you to log in. The system displays the message of the day, indicating the preloaded software that comes with your system:

Sun Java Enterprise System

Sun Java Enterprise System (Java ES) is a set of software components that provide services needed to support enterprise-strength applications distributed across a network or Internet environment.

Sun Studio 11

Sun Studio 11 includes high-performance, optimizing C, C++, and Fortran compilers for the Solaris OS on SPARC and x86/x64 platforms. It also includes command-line tools and a NetBeans-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for application performance analysis and debugging of mixed source language applications. The tools offer multi-platform support, compatible with gcc, Visual C++, C99, OpenMP, and Fortran 2003.

Reinstalling the Solaris Operating System

If you want to reinstall the Solaris OS or to install a different version of the Solaris OS, you can install the OS in one of several ways, including by using DVD and network (using the Jumpstart Enterprise Toolkit [JET]).

For step-by-step procedures, see the Solaris 10 Installation Guide: Basic Installations (820-0176). See also the Sun Blade X6240 Server Module Operating System Installation Guide (820-3969).

Downloading the Solaris Operating System

If you need to reinstall software, you can download the software from the following sites:

