C H A P T E R  7

Installing a Windows Server 2003 Image From a RIS Server

This chapter is intended for advanced system administrators who want to incorporate the Sun Blade X6440 server module driver package into a Windows Server 2003 SP2 image that resides on a Remote Installation Services (RIS) server and then install that RIS image on the Sun Blade X6440 server module. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the Windows 2003 SP2 operating system are supported.

RIS can be used to set up computers remotely by using a RIS network shared folder as the source of the Windows operating system image. You can install the Windows operating system on remote boot-enabled computers that are connected to the network by booting from a PXE ROM or Remote Boot Disk. The Sun Blade X6440 server module is one such computer.

This chapter is not a tutorial on RIS; it provides guidance on how to incorporate the Sun Blade X6440 server module-specific drivers into a RIS image.

The following sections are included in this chapter:

Determining Required Drivers

The Sun Blade X6440 server module server-specific drivers that must be incorporated into a Windows 2003 SP2 RIS image are shown in TABLE 7-1.

TABLE 7-1 Sun Blade X6440 Server Module-Specific Drivers for RIS Installation



Required for 32-bit Windows Server 2003 SP2

Required for 64-bit Windows Server 2003 SP2

AMD K8 Processor



AMI Virtual Floppy






NVIDIA nForce4 HyperTransport Bridge



NVIDIA nForce4 Low Pin Count Controller



NVIDIA nForce4 PCI System Management



NVIDIA nForce4 Networking Controller



NVIDIA Network Bus Enumerator



Obtaining Driver Files for the RIS Image

To incorporate the Sun Blade X6440 server module driver package files into a RIS image you need to have the driver packages available for Windows Server 2003 SP2 PXE installation. The Tools and Drivers DVD (708-0347) that shipped with the server module contains the driver files that you need.

Configuring a RIS Image

This procedure describes how to add the drivers to a RIS image that is located on the RIS server. The name of the RIS image is:


Separate installation procedures are provided for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 2003 Server systems.

Configuring a RIS Image for a Windows Server 2003 SP2 32-bit System

Use this procedure for the 32-bit Windows Server 2003 SP2 operating system.

procedure icon  To Configure a RIS Image for a Windows Server 2003 SP2 32-bit System

1. Install RIS support on a system that is running the Windows Server 2003 operating system.

Note - Before you can create a RIS image of the Windows Server 2003 SP2 operating system, you must install RIS support on a system that is running the Windows Server 2003 operating system.

For a complete set of instructions on how to install RIS support on Windows Server 2003, go to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/325862/en-us.

2. To create an image of Windows Server 2003 SP2 on the RIS server, perform the following steps:

a. Insert the Windows Server 2003 SP2 32-bit CD-ROM into the RIS server CD drive.

b. From the Start menu choose Run.

c. Type risetup.exe in the Run field.

The Welcome to the Remote Installation Services Setup Wizard screen appears.

d. Click Next.

e. Select Add a new OS image to this remote installation server, and click Next.

f. Select the drive into which you inserted the Windows Server 2003 SP2 32-bit CD, and click Next.

g. Type a descriptive name for the stored Windows Server 2003 SP2 32-bit CD, and click Next. For example:

Sun Blade X6440_Windows_2003_SP2_32bit

h. Type a description and Help text for the end user, and click Next to continue.

i. Select Use the old client installation screens, and click Next.

j. Review the settings, and click Finish to install the image.

k. After the image is installed on the server, click Done.

3. To modify the RIS image that you created in Step 2 with the server-specific RIS Intel Ethernet drivers, perform the following steps:

The RIS Intel Ethernet drivers are on the Tools and Drivers DVD.

a. Insert the Tools and Drivers DVD into the RIS server CD drive.

b. To copy the Windows 32-bit RIS Intel Ethernet driver files locally to the RIS server, type:

> copy <cdrom_drive>:\drivers\windows\RIS\2003\32bit\* C:temp\intel

Where cdrom_drive is the drive that contains the Tools and Drivers DVD.

c. Copy all the files in the c:\temp\intel directory to the RIS image on the RIS server. For example:

> copy C:temp\intel\*.* D:\RemoteInstall\Setup\English\Images\image_dir\i386

Where image_dir is the directory on the RIS server that contains the RIS image.

4. To modify the ristndrd.sif file, perform the following steps:

The ristndrd.sif file is located at

Where image_dir is the directory on the RIS server that contains the RIS image.

a. Edit the ristndrd.sif file to add the following entries:


b. Depending on the controller card type in the RIS server, use one of the following procedures to edit the ristndrd.sif file to include the entries specified:

5. To add the $oem$ directory and its subdirectories to the RIS image directory, perform the following steps:

a. Add the $oem$ directory to the RIS image directory located at

Where image_dir is the directory on the RIS server that contains the RIS image.

b. Create the following subdirectories under the $oem$ directory:



c. Create the following subdirectories under the \$1\drivers directory:







6. Depending on the type of controller in the RIS server, use one of the following procedures to copy the driver files into the $oem$ directory tree:

Note - The Tools and Drivers DVD contains the drivers for Windows Server 2003 SP2 32-bit systems for three types of controllers: LSI 3081E, Sun StorageTek, and NVidia.

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\RAID\lsi\drivers\2003\32bit\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\textmode

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\RIS\2003\32bit\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\i386

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\NIC\pro1000\win32\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\nic\intel

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\chipset\2003\32bit\ethernet\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\nic\nvidia

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\TPM\driver\32bit\*Driver\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\tmp

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\video\2003\32bit\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\video

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\32bit\ide\winxp\sata_ide\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\sata_ide

> copy cdrom_drive:drivers\windows\chipset\2003\32bit\smbus\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\<image_dir>\$oem$\$1\drivers\smbus


> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\RAID\StorageTEK\drivers\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\textmode

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\RIS\2003\32bit\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\i386

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\NIC\pro1000\32win\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\nic\intel

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\32bit\ethernet\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\nic\nvidia

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\TPM\driver\32bit\*Driver\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\tpm

> copy cdrom_drive:drivers\windows\video\2003\32bit\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\video

copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\32bit\ide\winxp\sata_ide\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\sata_ide

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\32bit\smbus\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\smbus


> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\32bit\ide\winxp\sataraid\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\textmode

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\32bit\ide\winxp\sata_ide\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\textmode

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\RIS\2003\32bit\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\i386

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\NIC\pro1000\win32\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\nic\intel

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\chipset\2003\32bit\ethernet\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\nic\nvidia

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\TPM\driver\32bit\*Driver\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\tpm

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\video\2003\32bit\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\video

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\32bit\ide\winxp\sata_ide\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\sata_ide

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\32bit\smbus\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\smbus


7. To modify the txtsetup.oem file, perform the following steps:

a. In a text editor, open the D:\RemoteInstall\Setup\English\Images\image_dir\$oem$\textmode\txtsetup.oem file.

Where image_dir is the directory on the RIS server that contains the RIS image.

b. If dll files are present in the [Files.scsi.RAIDClASS] or [Files.scsi.BUSDRV] sections, comment them out by adding a semicolon at the beginning of each line.

c. Save the changes and exit the file.

8. To stop and start the Remote Installation Service (BINLSVC) on the RIS server, type the following at the command prompt:

net Stop binlsvc

net Start binlsvc

9. Install the RIS image on to the Sun Blade X6440 server module.

For instructions on installing the RIS image on to the Sun Blade X6440 server module, see Installing the RIS Image on a Client System.

Configuring a RIS Image for a Windows Server 2003 SP2 64-bit System

Use this procedure for the 64-bit Windows Server 2003 SP2 operating system.

procedure icon  To Configure a RIS Image for a Windows Server 2003 SP2 64-bit System

1. Install RIS support on a system that is running the Windows Server 2003 operating system.

Note - Before you can create a RIS image of the Windows Server 2003 SP2 operating system, you must install RIS support on a system that is running the Windows Server 2003 operating system.

For a complete set of instructions on how to install RIS on Windows Server 2003, go to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/325862/en-us.

2. To create an image of the Windows Server 2003 SP2 on the RIS server, perform the following steps:

a. Insert the Windows Server 2003 SP2 64-bit CD-ROM into the RIS server CD drive.

b. From the Start menu choose Run.

c. Type risetup.exe in the Run field.

The Welcome to the Remote Installation Services Setup Wizard screen appears.

d. Click Next.

e. Select Add a new OS image to this remote installation server, and click Next.

f. Select the drive into which you inserted the Windows Server 2003 SP2 64-bit CD, and click Next.

g. Type a descriptive name for the stored Windows Server 2003 SP2 64-bit CD, and click Next. For example:

Sun Blade X6440_Windows_2003_SP2_64bit

h. Type a description and Help text for the end user, and click Next.

i. Select Use the old client installation screens, and overwrite the old ones, and click Next.

j. Review the settings in the Review Settings window, and click Finish to install the image.

k. After the image is installed on the server, click Done.

3. To modify the RIS image created in Step 2 with the server-specific RIS Intel Ethernet drivers, perform the following steps:

The RIS Intel Ethernet drivers are on the Tools and Drivers DVD.

a. Insert the Tools and Drivers DVD into the RIS server.

b. To copy the Windows 64-bit RIS Intel Ethernet driver files locally to the RIS server, type:

> copy <cdrom_drive>:\drivers\windows\RIS\2003\64bit\* C:temp\intel

Where cdrom_drive is the drive that contains the Tools and Drivers DVD.

c. Copy all the files in c:\temp\intel directory to the RIS image on the RIS server. For example:

> copy C:tmp\intel\*.* D:\RemoteInstall\Setup\English\Images\image_dir\amd64

Where image_dir is the directory on the RIS server that contains the RIS image.

4. To modify the ristndrd.sif file, perform the following steps:

The ristndrd.sif file is located at

Where image_dir is the directory on the RIS server that contains the RIS image.

a. Edit the ristndrd.sif file to add the following entries:


b. Depending on the controller card type in the RIS server, use one of the following procedures to edit the ristndrd.sif file to include the entries specified:

5. To add the $oem$ directory and its subdirectories to the RIS image directory, perform the following steps:

a. Add the $oem$ directory to the RIS image directory located at

Where image_dir is the directory on the RIS server that contains the RIS image.

b. Create the following subdirectories under the $oem$ directory:



c. Create the following subdirectories under the \$1\drivers directory:







6. Depending on the type of controller in the RIS server, use one of the following procedures to copy the driver files into the $oem$ directory tree:

Note - The Tools and Drivers DVD contains the drivers for Windows Server 2003 SP2 64-bit systems for three types of controllers: LSI 3081E, Sun StorageTek, and NVidia.

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\RAID\lsi\drivers\2003\64bit\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\textmode

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\RIS\2003\64bit\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\amd64

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\NIC\pro1000\winx64\*Driver\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\nic\intel

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\64bit\ethernet\*Driver\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\nic\nvidia

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\TPM\driver\64bit\*Driver\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\tmp

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\video\2003\64bit\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\video

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\64bit\smbus\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\<image_dir>\$oem$\$1\drivers\smbus


> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\RAID\StorageTEK\drivers\amd64\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\textmode

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\RIS\2003\64bit\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\amd64

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\NIC\pro1000\winx64\*Driver\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\nic\intel

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\64bit\ethernet\*Driver\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\nic\nvidia

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\TPM\driver\driver\64bit\*Driver\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\tpm

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\video\2003\64bit\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\video

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\64bit\smbus\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\smbus


> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\64bit\ide\win64\sataraid\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\textmode

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\64bit\ide\win64\sata_ide\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\textmode

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\RIS\2003\64bit\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\amd64

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\NIC\pro1000\winx64\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\nic\intel

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\chipset\2003\64bit\ethernet\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\nic\nvidia

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\TPM\driver\64bit\*Driver\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\tpm

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\video\2003\64bit\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\video

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\64bit\ide\winxp\sata_ide\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\sata_ide

> copy cdrom_drive:\drivers\windows\chipset\2003\64bit\smbus\* D:\remoteinstall\setup\english\images\image_dir\$oem$\$1\drivers\smbus


7. To stop and start the Remote Installation Service (BINLSVC) on the RIS server, type the following at the command prompt:

net Stop binlsvc

net Start binlsvc

8. Install the RIS image on to the Sun Blade X6440 server module.

For instructions on installing the RIS image to the Sun Blade X6440 server module, see Installing the RIS Image on a Client System.

Installing the RIS Image on a Client System

This procedure describes how to install the RIS image that you created and modified to a Sun Blade X6440 server module. Before you perform this procedure, you must configure the RIS image as described in Configuring a RIS Image.

Once configured, the RIS image contains the Windows Server 2003 SP2 operating system (you can configure either the 32-bit or the 64-bit version) and the server-specific drivers that are included on the Tools and Drivers DVD (708-0347) that shipped with the server module.

Note - A RIS image can be installed on any computer that contains a network adapter that supports PXE DHCP-based boot ROM. The Sun Blade X6440 server module has this type of network adapter.

procedure icon  To Install the RIS Image on a Client System

1. Verify that the network adapter is set as the primary boot device in the computer BIOS.

2. Restart the client computer from the network adapter.

3. When you are prompted to do so, press F12 to start the download of the Client Installation Wizard.

4. At the Welcome screen, press Enter.

5. Type the user name of an account that has permissions to add computer accounts to the domain, and then type the domain name and password for the account.

6. Press Enter.

7. When you receive a warning message that states that all data on the client computer hard disk will be deleted, press Enter.

Note - The Solaris 10 Operating System is preinstalled on the Sun Blade X6440 server module compact flash card.

8. A computer account and a global unique ID for this workstation are displayed. Press Enter to start Setup.

9. If you are prompted to do so, follow the instructions on the screen to complete the client operating system installation.