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Chapter 5

Sun Management Center Software Main Console Window

The following topics are described in this chapter:

Main Console Window

The main console window (FIGURE 5-1) is the primary user interface. It provides:

The features shown in FIGURE 5-1 are described in this chapter.

FIGURE  5-1 Main Console Window

Administrative Domain View

Once you have created an administrative domain and have populated it with objects (groups and hosts, and so forth), you can see the administrative domain and its objects in the hierarchy (tree) view and the topology (regional) view of this administrative domain.

The administrative domain view enables you to build collections of objects that support your monitoring and management tasks. You can group your host sets by buildings, subnets, or other group objects. You can selectively view all objects (such as hosts, routers, and servers) in the administrative domain, or selected objects (such as the servers) that support a specific function that interests you.

The Domain view shows you the objects contained in an administrative domain; the administrative domain itself, and any groups and hosts contained in that administrative domain.

FIGURE 2-1 illustrates an example of an administrative domain. In this example, Payroll Servers 1 represents an administrative domain that consists of all the host machines in the Payroll office. The host machines are found in two geographic sites, Campus A and Campus B. Campus B has one building (Building B), which contains two host machines, Payroll 1 and Payroll 2.

You may choose to create a similar type of administrative domain, and you can group your machines by subnet, rather than by building. You should create a administrative domain and its subordinate groups in a hierarchy that best supports your monitoring activities.

For more information on administrative domains, see Chapter 2.

The main console window displays two views of an administrative domain and its members. The left side of the administrative domain view is the hierarchy (tree) view and the right side is the topology view.

Hierarchy View

Two types of windows contain hierarchy views:

The administrative domain hierarchy view displays the administrative domain and its members.

The Browser hierarchy view displays the host and its modules. This view is part of the Browser Details window (Chapter 6).

Both the administrative domain hierarchy view and the Browser hierarchy view behave in the same manner. In both windows, the hierarchy view is on the left side of the window.

The mouse actions in the hierarchy view are summarized in TABLE 5-1.

TABLE  5-1   Mouse Actions in the Hierarchy View
Mouse Action

Click with left or right mouse button on the expansion/compression icon next to the object  

"Expands" (opens) details or "collapses" (closes) details of the selected object.  

Double-click with the left mouse button on an object icon  

For a host object, starts the Details window or moves the Details window to the foreground if it is already open. For an administrative domain or group object, unrolls or rolls details of the selected object. Also, the topology view is updated with the members of the selected object.  

Click with the left mouse button on object icon  

Displays the members of the selected object in the topology view. However, if the object icon is a host (in the main console window), then the Details window is displayed.  

Click with the right mouse button and hold on the object label  

Pop-up menu is displayed. See "Pop-up Menu" for more information.  


To Obtain Specific Information About the Hierarchy View

If an object has an expansion/compression next to it, there are additional levels of information that are hidden. You can obtain more information about the object by examining its subordinate objects. To obtain specific information about subordinate objects, complete the step in one of the following methods.

Method 1
   Click on the expansion/compression icon next to the object to "unroll" the tree branch.