Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Version 2 Add-On Software Release Notes

This document contains release notes for Suntrademark Management Center 3.6.1 Version 2 add-on software for Sun SPARC® Enterprise M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 servers. The document includes the following sections:

What's New in This Release

The Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Version 2 add-on software for Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 servers is a new product.

Supported Platforms and Environments

Supported Platforms

Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Version 2 add-on software supports the following systems:

Supported Software

TABLE 1 lists the minimum software versions required for Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Version 2 add-on software.

TABLE 1 Minimum Required Software Versions


Required Software


Monitored platform

Software is pre-installed as part of XCP firmware. Sun Management Center software updates are included in XCP firmware image updates.



For both:

  • Server machine
  • Workstations or common network location
    (for console layer)

Solaris Operating System[1]

8 2/04

9 9/04

10 11/06


Sun Management Center server base software



Sun Management Center add-on software for Sun SPARC Enterprise Mx000 servers

3.6.1 Version 2

Supported Languages and Locales

This add-on software supports the following languages and locales:

TABLE 2 Supported Languages and Locales












Simplified Chinese


Traditional Chinese


Note - The setsunmc and showsunmc commands and their man pages are not localized on the Service Processor. They are available only in English. Localized versions of the man pages are available in the localized versions of the Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Version 2 Supplement document.

Recommended Patches

Solaris software patches and Sun Management Center patches might be available for your platform, for the core Sun Management Center 3.6.1 application, and for this add-on software. The product notes for your platform and the Sun Management Center Software Release Notes might also include information about required and recommended patches.

Note - You must install all the patches required for your platform and your operating system before installing Sun Management Center 3.6.1 software and this add-on.

If you have a Sun service contract, you can download the patches from:


This document supplements the information available in the Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Version 2 Add-On Software Supplement: Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers (819-6542).

Sun Management Center documentation is available at:

Refer to the preface of the Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Version 2 Add-On Software Supplement for more information about related documentation.

Obtaining the Add-On Software

Sun Management Center software, including this Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Version 2 add-on software, is available for download at:

For information about installing the software, refer to the Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Version 2 Add-On Software Supplement.

Known Issues

This section describes known issues in this release.

General Functionality

Refer to the product notes for your platform for the latest information about supported functionality for your server.

Specific Issues

Sun SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers Not Found in Platform Types Filter

When using the Manage Jobs function, if you attempt to choose objects based on the hardware platform by selecting Filter on Platform Types, it is not possible to choose Sun SPARC Enterprise Mx000 servers. The servers are not included in the list of platform types.

Workaround: None. [6533365]

Listing of Rule Attribute Name Displays Erroneous Slot ID Name

In the domain administration module, the Threshold Summary table for rules lists Attribute Names associated with the rules. The display of the Slot IDs included in parentheses has the following errors:

Workaround: You can see the correct display of the Slot IDs in the domain administration module's Processor Table. They are included in parentheses in the Proc ID property values. [6452450]

Missing Alarm Color Coding in Domain Administration Module Processor Table

In the domain administration module, the CPU Status rule generates a blue info alarm when the value of the Core Status property is OFFLINE. However, the corresponding cell in the Processor table does not display the corresponding alarm color.

Workaround: Rely on the Alarms tab to indicate when this property value is OFFLINE. [6522892]

DIMM Count Information Missing in Memory Controller Table

In the domain administration module, values for properties relating to DIMM count are not reported whenever there is a memory controller with no data in the table.

Workaround: You can calculate the values of the DIMM Count properties. The value of DIMM Count is equal to the value of Available Memory divided by the value of DIMM Capacity. [6538487]

Small Icons for Discovered M9000 Domains Should Match

Sun SPARC Enterprise M9000-32 and M9000-64 models are not differentiated in Solaris domains: Both models are represented as Sun SPARC Enterprise M9000 models. However, in this add-on software, the small icons for Solaris domains are sometimes differentiated for M9000-32 and M9000-64 models. The small icons should in fact be the same for all M9000 models. [6545749]

Memory Name Information Not Available in Platform Administration Module

Memory name is not included in the memory table of the Platform Administration Module.

Workaround: Use the showstatus or showhardconf command to obtain the memory name associated with a memory error status. [6532876]

Min Alarm/Max Alarm Values for V_NEG12_OV Sensor of the External I/O Expansion Unit Incorrect

For the V_NEG12_OV sensor, the Min Alarm/Max Alarm values reported by the ioxadm command are incorrect. The incorrect values sometimes generate an out-of-range alarm in the IO Box Sensor table.

Workaround: To evaluate whether Value is out of range, ignore the negative signs for the values of the Min Alarm, Value, and Max Alarm properties. Then determine whether the value of the Value property is within range: Min Alarm less than or equal Value less than or equal Max Alarm. If the value of Value is within range, you may ignore the alarm. [6535036]

Domain Dynamic Reconfiguration Module's IO Cards/Devices Table Not Updated Following Hotswap Removal or Insertion of Card

Following the removal or insertion of an I/O card, the domain dynamic reconfiguration module's IO Cards/Devices table is not updated to indicate that the card has been removed or inserted.

Workaround: Use the cfgadm command to connect the newly plugged card to the domain. The IO Cards/Devices table updates following this procedure.
[6500536, 6502750]

Platform and Logical Views Not Always Updated Correctly Following addfru or deletefru Operations

Operations using the addfru or deletefru command can be accomplished at the XSCF command line or using Active Management commands from within the Sun Management Center add-on software's platform administration module. After such operations have been accomplished, clicking the Refresh Now button does not always update the Physical and Logical Views correctly.

Workaround: Close and reopen the platform Details window to see the correct information. [6540531]

Erroneous Value for SPARC Version Property in Domain Administration Module Processor Table

In the domain administration module's Processor table, an erroneous value is sometimes displayed for the SPARC Version property. The erroneous value is a large negative integer.

Workaround: Use a Solaris command, such as psrinfo, prtdiag, or prtconf, to display the correct SPARC version for the processor. [6520114]

Erroneous Black Star ("Splat") Warning

An erroneous black "splat" warning might be generated, accompanied by a warning that contains the message "Magic Number Failed to Update."

Workaround: Stop and restart the add-on software on the Service Processor. (Refer to the chapter "Installation and Setup" in the Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Version 2 Supplement for information about stopping and restarting the software.) [6538942]

Error Status Rule Property Values Table in Supplement Document Inaccurate

In the Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Version 2 Supplement, the information in Table
6-2, "Error Status Rule Property Values," is inaccurate.

Workaround: TABLE 3 contains the correct information.

TABLE 3 Error Status Rule Property Values

Property Value

Alarm Level
(if any)



no alarm









no alarm






Korean Locale Only: es-setup and es-guisetup Commands Not Usable

When executed in the Korean (ko) locale, the es-setup and es-guisetup commands terminate before completion.

Workaround: From the Korean locale, switch to the C (English) locale to run the
es-setup or es-guisetup command, then switch back to the Korean locale. [6538672]

Korean Locale Only: es-validate Command Not Usable

When executed in the Korean (ko) locale, the es-validate command terminates before completion. (Note that the es-validate command is not supported on the Service Processor.)

Workaround: From the Korean locale, switch to the C (English) locale to run the
es-validate command, then switch back to the Korean locale. [6490167]


1 (TableFootnote) Solaris Operating System distribution must be at least "End User Systems Support."