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Chapter 2

Installing the Server Into the Cabinet

This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for installing the Sun Fire 880 server into a 19-inch (48.26-cm) wide EIA-compliant cabinet.

To install a Sun Fire 880 server into the cabinet, complete the following tasks in the order listed:

Before You Begin

Before you begin the installation procedures, complete the following tasks:

Safety and System Performance Cautions

Adhere to the following cautions when installing a Sun Fire 880 server into a cabinet. For a complete description of the safety cautions to follow when installing a server, see the Sun Fire 880 Server Owner's Guide.

Caution - Do not attempt to lift the server until you remove all CPU/Memory boards, all power supplies, all CPU fan trays, and all I/O fan trays. Once these components are removed, four persons are required to lift the server. See Preparing the Server for information about removing these components.

Caution - Be sure the cabinet is stabilized so that the it cannot move or tip forward when one or more systems or devices are fully extended from the front of the cabinet. The cabinet must be bolted securely to the floor or equipped with a sturdy and extendable anti-tip leg. If there are feet beneath the cabinet to prevent it from rolling, be sure the feet are fully extended downward to the floor. See the instructions provided with the cabinet.

Caution - Install the server as low as possible in the cabinet. For best stability, do not install the server above equipment that weighs less than the server. If you will be installing two servers in a cabinet, install the lower server first.

Caution - To prevent the cabinet from tipping forward, do not attempt to roll or move the cabinet after installing the server in the cabinet.

Caution - For proper ventilation and cooling of the server, be sure the cabinet and the operating location comply with the requirements given in Appendix A.

Tools, Equipment, and Documentation Required

The following tools, equipment, and documentation are required when rackmounting the server:

Preparing the Server

To prepare the server for rackmounting, complete the following tasks:

Remove Components

In order for four persons to lift the server safely, you must reduce the weight of the server before you attempt to install it into the cabinet. To reduce the weight of the server, remove the following components:

See the Sun Fire 880 Server Service Manual for component removal procedures.

Overview of Parts to Be Removed From the Chassis

The following figure identifies the parts that you must remove from the chassis before you can install the server into the cabinet.

The following sections provide detailed information about removing each part.

Remove the Handle From Each Side Door

  1. Open one of the server's side doors.

    Use the key provided with the server to unlock the door.

  2. Remove the pawl from the side door.

    On the inside of the door, remove the slot head screw from the center of the pawl.
    Pull the pawl straight out to remove it.

  1. Remove the side door handle.

    Remove the nine screws from the inside of the door.
    From the outside of the door, pull the handle straight out to remove it.

Note - The lock remains in the handle.

  1. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the other side door.

  2. Place the handles, pawls, and screws into the kit carton for safekeeping. You will need to reinstall these parts if you reconfigure the server as a deskside unit.

Remove the Fenders and Lower Side Panels

  1. Remove the fender from the front of each of the lower side panels.

    1. Remove the screw from the top of the fender.

  1. Grasp the top and bottom edges of the fender and carefully flex the fender to remove it.
  2. Repeat steps a and b to remove the fender from the other lower side panel.
  1. Remove the lower side panel from the left side of the server.

    Remove the screw located approximately 3 inches (8 cm) from the front of the lower side panel.

Note - On the left side of the server, do not remove the screw that attaches the small bracket to the side of the server. Removing this screw prevents the front door from closing securely.

  1. Grasp the trim strip and slide the lower side panel toward the rear of the server.

    The lower side panel should disengage as you slide the panel so that you can easily remove it.

  1. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the right lower side panel.

  2. Place the fenders, lower side panels, and screws into the kit carton for safekeeping.

    You will need to reinstall these parts if you reconfigure the server as a deskside unit.

Install the Lifting Handles

  1. Locate the four lifting handles provided with the rackmounting kit.

  2. Install two lifting handles on one side of the server using two M4 screws to attach each handle to the lower side of the server.

    1. With the "THIS SIDE UP" label facing upward, insert the screwdriver through one of the access holes on the outside of the handle.
      Using the access hole makes it easier to reach the screw hole on the inside of the handle.
    2. Position the screw on the inside of the handle in the hole that is opposite the access hole.
    3. Attach the handle to the server using the appropriate screw hole just below the server side door. See the following figure.
    4. Finish installing the handle by repeating the procedure using the second access hole on the outside of the handle.
    5. Repeat steps a through d for the second handle.

  1. Repeat step 2 to install two handles on the other side of the server.

Attach the Server Cable Management Bracket

The cable management bracket that attaches to the back of the server may help to provide strain relief for the cables. See Managing Cables for general cable management guidelines.

  1. Locate the server cable management bracket provided with the rackmounting kit.

  2. Attach the cable management bracket to the back of the server.

    Attach the cable management bracket using three M4 screws as shown in the following figure.

Preparing the Cabinet

Make sure the operating location complies with the Sun Fire 880 server requirements and the requirements of the cabinet. See Appendix A of this guide and the cabinet documentation for information.

  1. Be sure the cabinet is stabilized so that the cabinet cannot move or tip forward.

    If there are feet beneath the cabinet to prevent it from rolling, be sure the feet are fully extended downward to the floor.

    Stabilize the cabinet using the stabilizing mechanisms provided with the cabinet.

    See the instructions provided with the cabinet.

  2. Open the front and rear doors.

    See the instructions provided with the cabinet.

  3. Remove (if applicable) the front and rear doors and the side panels of the cabinet.

    See the instructions provided with the cabinet.

Installing the Tray Assembly Into the Cabinet

To install the tray assembly into the cabinet, complete these tasks:

Adjust the Rear Brackets

  1. Measure the depth of the cabinet.

Measure the depth of the cabinet from the outside face of the front rail to the outside face of the rear rail. The tray assembly and server can be installed into a 19-inch (48.3-cm) cabinet with a depth of at least 32 inches (81.3 cm) and not more than 36 inches (91.4 cm).

  1. Measure the length of each slide.

    Measure the distance from the inside face of the front bracket to the inside face of the rear bracket. If this measurement is longer or shorter than the cabinet's depth, which you measured in step 1, you must adjust the rear bracket on each slide to accommodate the depth of the cabinet.

  2. If required, adjust the rear bracket on each slide.

    1. Extend the tray assembly until you can see the two 10-32 screws located on the inside rear of each outer slide.
      The screws on the inside of the outer slide (and the lock nuts on the outside of the bracket) secure the rear bracket to the outer slide.
    2. Loosen the two 10-32 screws and the lock nuts.

  1. Slide each rear bracket forward or backward as required to accommodate the depth of the cabinet.

    Slide each rear bracket and measure the distance from the inside face of the front bracket to the inside face of the rear bracket.

    Continue to slide the rear bracket and measure the distance from the inside face of the front bracket to the inside face of the rear bracket until the measurement equals the depth of the cabinet, which you measured in step 1.

Note - Four screw holes are provided in the outer slide. Depending on the cabinet depth, you may need to move one (or both) of the 10-32 screws to another of the four screw holes. Be sure to use both screws to secure each rear bracket to the outer slide.
  1. Tighten the two 10-32 screws and lock nuts on each slide to resecure the rear brackets to the outer slides.

Determine the Vertical Position of the Server in the Cabinet

Plan to install the tray assembly in the lowest available position in the cabinet. If you are installing two Sun Fire 880 servers in the cabinet, install the lower server first.

To determine the vertical position of the server, identify which cabinet rail holes to use for attaching the front and rear brackets by completing the following steps:

  1. Locate and mark the correct holes on the right and left front vertical cabinet rails.

    Make sure there is enough vertical space to install the server.

Note - Each Sun Fire 880 server requires 17 rack units (29.75 inches) or 51 holes on the vertical rails of the cabinet. A standard 72-inch high cabinet can accommodate two Sun Fire 880 servers.
If the Sun Fire 880 server will be installed immediately above a power sequencer, leave at least one free hole above the sequencer.
Using masking tape or a felt tip pen, mark the lowest available hole for installing the tray on the right front vertical rail of the cabinet. The second free hole is the lowest available hole if you are installing the Sun Fire 880 server immediately above a power sequencer.
Mark the matching hole on the left front rail of the cabinet. Count the holes to be sure you are using matching holes on the right and left rails of the cabinet.
  1. Locate and mark the corresponding holes on the right and left rear vertical cabinet rails.

    Using masking tape or a pen, mark the matching holes on the right and left rear vertical rails.
    Count the holes to be sure you are using the holes that match the ones you marked in step 1.

Attach the Tray Assembly to the Cabinet

Using the rail holes you marked in Determine the Vertical Position of the Server in the Cabinet, attach the tray assembly to the cabinet by completing the following steps:

  1. Attach the front brackets on the slides of the tray assembly to the front rails of the cabinet.

    1. With the help of an assistant, position the tray assembly on the inside of the cabinet with the front brackets at the front of the cabinet.
      To fit the tray assembly between the rails, you will need to tilt it by lowering one side of the assembly.

  1. Attach the front brackets to the front rails of the cabinet using four 10-32 screws.

    Align the lower hole of each front bracket with the front rail holes you marked in Determine the Vertical Position of the Server in the Cabinet.

    Secure the front brackets using one 10-32 screw in the lower hole of each bracket. Finger-tighten the screws.

    Align the upper hole of each front bracket with the corresponding hole in the cabinet rail. Secure the brackets to the rail using one 10-32 screw in each upper hole. Finger-tighten the screws.

    Do not tighten the screws completely until all the screws are in place and the tray assembly is level.

  1. Attach the rear brackets to the rear rails of the cabinet using four 10-32 screws.

    Align the lower hole of each rear bracket with the rail hole you marked in Determine the Vertical Position of the Server in the Cabinet.

    Secure the brackets using one 10-32 screw in each lower hole. Finger-tighten the screws.

    Align the upper hole of each rear bracket with the coinciding hole in the cabinet rail. Secure the bracket to the rail using one 10-32 screw in each upper hole. Finger-tighten the screws.

    Do not tighten the screws completely until all the screws are in place and the tray assembly is level.

  2. Make sure the tray assembly is level.

    Use a level to ensure the tray assembly is level front-to-back and left-to-right.
    Adjust as necessary.

  3. Once the tray assembly is level, completely tighten all of the bracket screws.

    Tighten the eight 10-32 screws that secure the front and rear brackets to the vertical cabinet rails.

  4. Slide the tray assembly in and out of the cabinet to be sure the slides operate smoothly.

Installing the Server Into the Tray Assembly

  1. Be sure the cabinet is stabilized so that the cabinet cannot move or tip forward when the tray is extended and the server is placed on the tray.

    If there are feet beneath the cabinet to prevent it from rolling, be sure the feet are fully extended downward to the floor.

    Stabilize the cabinet using the stabilizing mechanisms provided with the cabinet.

    See the instructions provided with the cabinet.

Caution - Before you slide the tray out, be sure the cabinet is stabilized so that it cannot move or tip forward. See the cabinet documentation for information about stabilizing the cabinet.

Caution - Do not attempt to lift the server until you remove all CPU/Memory boards, all power supplies, all CPU fan trays, and all I/O fan trays. Once these components are removed, four persons are required to lift the server. See Preparing the Server for information about removing these components.

  1. Extend the tray all the way forward.

    Standing in front of the cabinet, grasp the tray handle and pull the tray toward you until it stops.

Caution - Do not place your fingers on the tray or under the server while you are lifting the server and positioning it on the tray.

  1. Place the server on the tray.

    1. Lift the server (two persons on each side of the server) by the lifting handles that you installed in Preparing the Server.
    2. Position the server on the tray so that the front of the server is at the front of the tray and the back of the server is at the back of the tray.
  2. Adjust the server on the tray until the four holes on each side of the server align with the four holes in the tray assembly.

  1. Remove the four lifting handles from the sides of the server.

    1. Insert the screwdriver through one of the access holes on the outside of the handle.
      Using the access hole makes it easier to reach the opposite screw hole on the inside of the handle to remove the screw. See the following figure.
    2. Remove the two M4 screws that attach each handle to the server.
    3. Save the eight M4 screws you remove. You will need to use the screws in step 7.

  1. Secure the handles to the rack for safekeeping.

    You must reattach the handles if you need to remove the server from the cabinet.
  2. Secure the server to the tray assembly using the eight M4 screws you removed in step 5.

    Use four M4 screws on each side of the server as shown in the following figure.
    Do not tighten the screws until all screws are in place and you check the placement of the server.

  1. Check that the server is level and centered on the tray.

    Use a level and adjust the server position if necessary.
  2. Tighten the eight M4 screws that secure the server to the tray assembly.

Restoring the Server

  1. Install the CPU/Memory boards and fan trays that you removed before you installed the server into the cabinet.

    See the Sun Fire 880 Server Service Manual for instructions to install components.
  2. If you removed the server's side doors, replace them.

Caution - Avoid keeping the server's doors open for extended periods while the system is operating. Server doors must be closed to prevent automatic thermal shutdown.

  1. Close both of the server's side doors securely.

  2. Slide the tray assembly into the cabinet.

  3. Install the power supplies that you removed before you installed the server into the cabinet.

    See the Sun Fire 880 Server Service Manual for installation instructions.

Securing the Server in the Cabinet

To secure the tray assembly and server in the cabinet, attach the tray handle to the front rails of the cabinet.

  1. Attach the tray handle to the front rails of the cabinet.

    Use one or two 10-32 screws to attach the tray handle to the front rails.
    If each of the two screw holes on each side of the handle aligns with a rail hole, use two 10-32 screws to attach each side of the tray handle to each front rail as shown in the following figure.
    If only one screw hole on each side of the handle aligns with a rail hole, use one 10-32 screw to attach each side of the tray handle to each front rail.

  1. Locate the Sun Fire 880 server key.

  2. Lock the system in the cabinet.

    Insert the Sun Fire 880 server key into the keylock on the tray handle and turn the key 90 degrees counterclockwise.
    Locking the tray handle extends the security plates so that they cover the screw heads on each side of the tray handle. The security plates prevent removal of the screws that secure the tray and the server to the cabinet.
  3. Remove and safeguard the key.

Installing Trim Strips

The lower decorative panels (trim strips) were removed when you removed the lower side panels. To restore the trim strips:

  1. Locate the two trim strips provided in the rackmounting kit.

  2. Attach one trim strip to the right front cabinet rail and one trim strip to the left front cabinet rail.

    Using the two captive screws, attach each trim strip as shown in the following figure.
    If only one screw on each trim strip aligns with a rail hole, use one screw to attach each trim strip to each front rail.

Restoring the Cabinet

  1. Replace the front and back doors of the cabinet, if applicable.

    See the instructions provided with the cabinet.

  2. If you removed the side panels from the cabinet, do not replace them until you connect and route the server cables.

Caution - To prevent the cabinet from tipping forward, do not attempt to roll or move the cabinet after installing the server in the cabinet.

Managing Cables

You will need to develop a cable management scheme that is customized for your installation. The Sun Fire 880 server rackmounting kit provides several tools that may aid you in managing the server power cords and cables:

In addition, some cabinets have cable management features or optional cable management accessories.

The following are general guidelines for routing and managing the server cables:

Attach the Cable Management Bracket to the Cabinet

The cable management bracket that attaches to the rear of the cabinet may help to provide strain relief for the power cord and other server cables. Releasable tie wraps provided with the rackmounting kit can be used to secure the cables. See Managing Cables for general cable management guidelines.

To attach the cable management bracket to the rear of the cabinet, complete the following steps:

  1. Locate the cable management bracket for the cabinet.

    This bracket was provided with the rackmounting kit.

  2. Attach the bracket to one of the rear rails of the cabinet as shown in the following figure.

    Use two 10-32 screws to attach the bracket to the cabinet rail.
    You can attach the bracket to either the right or left rear rail of the cabinet and at any location on the rail that suits your cable management scheme.

What Next

Connect the server power cords, network cables, and I/O interface cables to the server and route the cables, allowing enough slack for service access. See "How to Install the Sun Fire 880 Server" in the Sun Fire 880 Server Owner's Guide.

Note - A grounding screw is located just above the server's center power supply. Be sure to ground the server to the cabinet using an appropriate grounding strap. Proper grounding prevents ground loops between systems and peripherals and helps guard against possible data loss.

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