Sun Management Center Change Manager 1.0 Administration Guide

How to Authenticate a User (Command Line)

  1. Authenticate the user for any one of the changemgr commands.

    You can run the changemgr help commands as an unauthenticated user.

  2. To control user authentication, use the -u username option with the -p file option.

    • If the -u option is not specified, then the user is the current UNIX user. In this case, you can supply a file with your password to the -p option.

    • If the -p option is not specified, then the user is prompted for his password.

Example-Using Default User Authentication With No Password File

Suzi creates a folder as herself. She does not specify a file with her password in it.

$ changemgr mkdir /web-server/apache
Password: Suzi's password

Example-Using Default User Authentication With a Password File

Suzi creates a folder as herself. She specifies a file with her password in it to authenticate.

$ changemgr mkdir -p .pfile /web-server/apache

Example-Authenticating Another User

Suzi creates a folder as root.

$ changemgr mkdir -u root /web-server/apache
Password: root password