Trusted Solaris Administration Overview

Introduction to Trusted Solaris Administration

Administration in the Trusted Solaris operating environment uses many of the same tools available in the Solaris operating environment and offers security-enhanced tools as well. The difference between the environments lies in how administration tools are accessed and how this access is restricted.

Accessing Tools in a Role Workspace

To use the Trusted Solaris administration tools, you must be in a role account with the assigned rights profiles that contain the desired trusted applications. To access a role workspace, you must log in as a normal user, assume a role using the Trusted Path menu (or by clicking the role workspace button in the Front Panel if it already exists), and supply the role password. Note that the default label for a role workspace is the role's minimum label, usually ADMIN_LOW. If desired, you can switch labels by choosing Change Workspace Label from the Trusted Path menu while the pointer is over the role workspace button. To leave a role workspace temporarily, click any other workspace button. To destroy the workspace, choose Delete from the Trusted Path menu while the pointer is over the role workspace button.

Within the role workspace, you can access four types of trusted applications:

Remote Administration

You can perform remote administration in the Trusted Solaris operating environment using the Solaris Management Console. You can also log into a remote host from another Trusted Solaris host in the system. Depending on your site's security policy, you can make adjustments to log in from a non-Trusted Solaris system, although this will make your system somewhat less secure. See"Administering Remote Systems" in Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures.

Solaris Management Console Tools

The Solaris Management Console (SMC) provides access to families of GUI-based administration tools. These tools let you edit items in various configuration databases.

SMC Toolboxes

The SMC tools are stored in collections referred to as toolboxes. For the security-related tools in the Trusted Solaris environment, you need to open the toolbox called the Trusted Solaris Management Console. Within the Trusted Solaris toolbox, you can access tools according to scope, that is, the name service for the administration files accessed by the tools: local host, NIS, or NIS+.

Organization of the Solaris Management Console

The SMC is shown in the following figure, with the Trusted Solaris toolbox loaded and the User Tool open.

Figure 2-1 Typical Trusted Solaris SMC


At the top of the SMC there is a menu bar, a tool bar, and a location bar. At the bottom is the status bar. The status bar indicates the number of items in the navigation pane (at the left). The middle panel in the status bar is an indicator that a task is in progress and the right panel displays messages describing the current phase of the task.

The main part of the SMC consists of three panes:

Changing the SMC Window

The layout of the SMC window is highly configurable. Use the following to change your layout:

SMC Documentation

The main source of documentation for using the SMC and its tools is the online help system. There are two forms of online help: context-sensitive help and expanded help topics. The context-sensitive help is tied to the currently selected feature and is displayed in the information pane. The expanded help topics are available from the Help menu or by clicking cross reference links in the context-sensitive help; the help topics appear in a separate viewer.

How SMC Tools Work

The SMC tools let you edit the attributes (referred to as properties) of items in the system databases. Interaction with the SMC tools take three general forms:

As a general rule, you open the tools either by selecting the tool icon (in the navigation pane or view pane) and choosing Open from the Actions menu or simply by double-clicking the icon. This will display icons representing data items in the view pane. The operations you can perform on data items are accessed through either the Actions menu or the popup menu, which is displayed by holding down the right mouse button.

Trusted CDE Actions

This section presents the CDE actions available to roles and describes how to use or change the restricted editor used in these actions. The trusted CDE actions are listed in the following table.

Table 2-1 Administrative Actions, Purposes, and Default Roles
 Action Name Purpose of Action Default Rights Profile

Add Allocatable Device

Creates entries in device_allocate(4), and device_maps(4), and creates an auxiliary file for a new allocatable or nonallocatable device. User enters device name, device type, and lists all device special files associated with the device. See add_allocatable(1M).

Device Security 

Admin Editor

Edits any specified file 

Object Access Management 

Audit Classes

Edits audit_class(4)

Audit Control 

Audit Control

Edits audit_control(4)

Audit Control 

Audit Events

Edits audit_event(4)

Audit Control 

Audit Startup

Edits the script [see audit_startup(1M)]

Audit Control 

Check Encodings

Runs chk_encodings(1M) on specified encodings file

Object Label Management 

Check TN Files

Runs tnchkdb(1M) on local tnidb(4), tnrhdb(4), and tnrhtp(4) files

Network Security 

Check TN NIS+ Tables

Runs tnchkdb(1M) on tnrhdb(4), and tnrhtp(4) NIS+ trusted network maps

 Network Management

Configure Selection Confirmation

Edits /usr/dt/config/sel_config [see sel_config(4)]

Object Label Management 

Create NIS Client

Runs ypinit(1M), using both the specified hostname for the NIS master and the specified domain name

Name Server Security 

Create NIS+ Client

Runs nisclient(1M), using both the specified hostname for the NIS+ master and the specified domain name

Name Server Security 

Create NIS Server

Runs ypinit(1M) using the specified domain name

Name Server Security 

Create NIS+ Server

Runs nisserver(1M) using the specified domain name

Name Server Security 

Edit Encodings

Edits specified label_encodings(4) file and runs chk_encodings(1M)

Object Label Management 

Name Service Switch

Edits nsswitch.conf(4)

Network Management 

Populate NIS Tables

Runs nispopulate(1M) from the specified directory

Name Service Security 

Set Daily Message

Edits /etc/motd

Network Management 

Set Default Routes

Edits /etc/defaultrouter [see the route(1M) man page]

Network Management 

Set DNS Servers

Edits resolv.conf(4)

Network Management 

Set Mail Options

Edits /etc/mail/ [see sendmail(1M)]

Mail Management 

Set Mount Attributes

Edits vfstab_adjunct(4)

File System Security 

Set Mount Points

Edits vfstab(4)

File System Management 

Set Tsol Gateways

Edits tsolgateways(4)

Network Management 

Shared Filesystem

Edits dfstab(4); does not run share(1M)

File System Management 

View Table Attributes

Runs niscat(1) with the -o option on the specified NIS+ trusted network database to display the table's attributes.

Name Service Management 

View Table Contents

Runs niscat(1) on the specified NIS+ trusted network database to display the table's contents.

Name Service Management 

Admin Editor

The Admin Editor action, which can also be accessed from the command adminvi(1M) is a modified version of the vi(1) command. It is restricted to prevent the user from executing shell commands and from writing to (saving to) any file other than the original file being edited. The Admin Editor action, which is assigned to the security administrator role by default, should be used in most cases instead of adminvi on the command line to edit or create administrative files. (This is due to the fact that the Admin Editor is wrapper for adminvi that incorporates auditing and allows an editor preference.) You can assign the adminvi command to any users with the profile shell as their default if you need to provide them a text editor with the restrictions of adminvi.

Changing the Default Admin Editor

The admin editor is launched through the /usr/dt/bin/trusted_edit shell script, which brings up the editor specified in the EDITOR environment variable for the role account, restricts saves, and audits any changes made at the time the file is saved. The variable is set to adminvi(1M) by default, but the security administrator role can redefine the EDITOR variable to /usr/dt/bin/dtpad. When adminvi is specified, /bin/adminvi is invoked as root to edit the file. The adminvi command prevents the saving of the file with any other name. If dtpad(1) is specified, the New, Save, and Open options in the File menu are disabled when the action runs, so that the file cannot be renamed.