Trusted Solaris Administration Overview

Solaris Management Console Tools

The Solaris Management Console (SMC) provides access to families of GUI-based administration tools. These tools let you edit items in various configuration databases.

SMC Toolboxes

The SMC tools are stored in collections referred to as toolboxes. For the security-related tools in the Trusted Solaris environment, you need to open the toolbox called the Trusted Solaris Management Console. Within the Trusted Solaris toolbox, you can access tools according to scope, that is, the name service for the administration files accessed by the tools: local host, NIS, or NIS+.

Organization of the Solaris Management Console

The SMC is shown in the following figure, with the Trusted Solaris toolbox loaded and the User Tool open.

Figure 2-1 Typical Trusted Solaris SMC


At the top of the SMC there is a menu bar, a tool bar, and a location bar. At the bottom is the status bar. The status bar indicates the number of items in the navigation pane (at the left). The middle panel in the status bar is an indicator that a task is in progress and the right panel displays messages describing the current phase of the task.

The main part of the SMC consists of three panes:

Changing the SMC Window

The layout of the SMC window is highly configurable. Use the following to change your layout:

SMC Documentation

The main source of documentation for using the SMC and its tools is the online help system. There are two forms of online help: context-sensitive help and expanded help topics. The context-sensitive help is tied to the currently selected feature and is displayed in the information pane. The expanded help topics are available from the Help menu or by clicking cross reference links in the context-sensitive help; the help topics appear in a separate viewer.

How SMC Tools Work

The SMC tools let you edit the attributes (referred to as properties) of items in the system databases. Interaction with the SMC tools take three general forms:

As a general rule, you open the tools either by selecting the tool icon (in the navigation pane or view pane) and choosing Open from the Actions menu or simply by double-clicking the icon. This will display icons representing data items in the view pane. The operations you can perform on data items are accessed through either the Actions menu or the popup menu, which is displayed by holding down the right mouse button.