Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

Modifying the Boot-Time Tnrhdb File

Local versions of the tnidb(4) and tnrhdb(4) files reside in the /etc/security/tsol directory on every Trusted Solaris computer. These local files are consulted before the system is configured and before the naming server is available. As delivered, the local tnrhdb file has a wildcard entry,

Caution - Caution -

The admin_low template may be a security risk on a Trusted Solaris network. Depending on site security requirements, the Security Administrator role may remove the entry once the computer is installed. If it is removed, it must be replaced with entries for every computer the host contacts during boot. Alternatively, the wildcard entry may be assigned a different unlabeled template.

See "To Replace the Entry in the Local Tnrhdb File" for how to change or remove the entry.