Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

To Install an Alternate Mailer in the Front Panel

  1. Assume the System Administrator role and go to an ADMIN_LOW workspace on the system where you want to install an alternate mail program.

  2. In a terminal, go to the /etc/init.d directory and stop sendmail.

    $ cd /etc/init.d
    $ sendmail stop
  3. Using the File Manager, change to the directory where the alternate mail application's control file (mail.fp) resides.

    The Security Administrator placed it in an accessible directory in Step 11 of "To Create a Multilevel Action for the Alternate Mail Application ".

  4. Add mail.fp to the /usr/dt/appconfig/types/locale or /etc/dt/appconfig/types/locale directory.

  5. Go to a user workspace.

  6. Click the Mailer subpanel access button to bring up the subpanel.

  7. Drag the icon for the alternate mailer's front panel control file to the Install Icon dropsite in the Mailer subpanel.

    The icon for the alternate mail application should appear in the Mail slider.

  8. Click the right mouse button while the pointer is over the alternate mail and select Copy to Main Panel.

  9. Remove each old mail icon in the subpanel by clicking the right mouse button over an icon for the old application and selecting Delete.

    Note -

    Remove all old icons. You cannot have a mixture of mail applications running at the same time.

  10. Select Restart Workspace Manager from the Workspace Menu to adjust the size of the subpanel.

  11. Return to the System Administrator workspace and restart sendmail.

    $ cd /etc/init.d
    $ sendmail start
  12. If this is an end user system, delete the System Administrator workspace.