Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

To Substitute an Alternate Mail Application for All Users

Caution - Caution -

Do this procedure on every system before users start getting mail. If you do it later, you will need to clean up the contents of directories created by the window system in every .dt/fp.dynamics directory in every SLD in every home directory MLD.

  1. Make sure that the alternate mail action has been fully tested.

  2. Assume the System Administrator role and go to an ADMIN_LOW workspace.

  3. In a terminal, go to the /etc/init.d directory and stop sendmail.

    $ cd /etc/init.d
    $ sendmail stop
  4. Assume the Security Administrator role and go to an ADMIN_LOW workspace.

  5. Use the Admin Editor to replace the CONTROL Mail section of the /usr/dt/appconfig/types/locale/dtwm.fp file with the contents of the mail.fp file.

    Replace --

    CONTROL Mail
      TYPE                  icon
      CONTAINER_NAME        Top
      POSITION_HINTS        5
      ICON                  DTmail
      LABEL                 Mail
      ALTERNATE_ICON        DtMnew
      MONITOR_TYPE          mail
      DROP_ACTION           Compose
      PUSH_ACTION           DTWmail
      PUSH_RECALL           true
      CLIENT_NAME           dtmail
      HELP_TOPIC            FPOnItemMail
      HELP_VOLUME           FPanel

    With the contents of the mail.fp file --

      TYPE                  icon
      CONTAINER_NAME        Top
      POSITION_HINTS        5
      ICON                  OWmailtool
      LABEL                 OW Mail Tool
      ALTERNATE_ICON        DtMnew
      MONITOR_TYPE          mail
      DROP_ACTION           Compose
      PUSH_ACTION           OWmailtool
      PUSH_RECALL           true
      CLIENT_NAME           mailtool
      HELP_TOPIC            FPOnItemMail
      HELP_VOLUME           FPanel
  6. Change the name of the CONTROL back to Mail and save the dtwm.fp file.

  7. If the system has been receiving mail, remove all contents of the $HOME/.dt/fp.dynamics directory.

  8. Restart the Workspace Manager from the workspace menu to see the changes to the dtwm.fp go into effect in the Front Panel.

  9. Assume the System Administrator role and go to an ADMIN_LOW workspace.

  10. In a terminal emulator such as dtterm, restart sendmail.

    $ cd /etc/init.d
    $ sendmail start