Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

To Configure a New Role

  1. Define the role's responsibilities, and decide what commands, actions, security attributes, and authorizations the role needs to do its work.

  2. Decide whether any of the commands or actions need privileges or other security attributes to do their work, and, if so, decide whether the role and the command or action can use these security attributes in a trustworthy manner.

  3. Assume the Security Administrator role and go to an ADMIN_LOW workspace.

  4. Bring up the SMC in the desired scope and click the Users tool. Supply a password when prompted.

  5. If the role needs to have a new or modified rights profile, double-click the Rights tool to create or modify the rights profile.

    See "To Create a Help File for a Rights Profile" and "To Create a Rights Profile" if you need to create a new rights profile.

    To modify a right, select it and follow the online help.

  6. Double-click the Administrative Roles tool, and choose Action->Add Role.

    Refer to the online help when naming and describing the role.

  7. Order the Custom rolename Role profile before other profiles you assign to the role.

    For example, you would order a Custom Auditadmin Role before the All profile.

  8. If you are running the NIS+ naming service, make an entry for the new role in the NIS+ admin group.

    See "To Enable a Role to Administer NIS+", if needed.