Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

To Modify a Role

  1. Assume the Security Administrator role and go to an ADMIN_LOW workspace.

    If the role requires authorizations that the Security Administrator cannot grant, the Primary Administrator role must change the role.

  2. Bring up the SMC in the desired scope and click the Users tool. Supply a password when prompted.

  3. Double-click the Rights tool, then select the Custom rolename Role.

    To modify a role, you modify the contents of one or more of its rights profiles.

  4. Make any needed modifications to the Custom rolename profile.

    Add or change any of the following security attributes in the Custom rolename profile:

    • Commands or actions with security attributes

    • Authorizations

    • Profile

  5. Double-click the Administrative Roles tool, select the role, and choose Action->Assign Rights.

    If you modified an existing Custom rolename Role profile, make sure that it is assigned to the role. The rights profile should be ordered before the All profile.

    For example, if you are changing the System Administrator role, and the Custom Admin Role profile is not assigned to the role, you would use the Administrative Roles tool to add the Custom Admin Role to the list of Rights for the role. You would also move the Custom Admin Role before the All profile in the list.