Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Administration Guide

What Is Software Usage Monitoring

Software usage monitoring is a compilation of software programs that enable you to monitor software usage in your computer system. The software usage monitoring system tracks the software usage and installations across network servers and workstations, to simplify system administration and purchasing decisions. For example, after using software usage monitoring, you may find that some software is never used while other software may be used repeatedly and needs additional licenses. In addition, you may find that a piece of software is installed on a workstation and is never used; this software could be used by another user who needs it.

The software usage monitoring system is not intended to be a licensing manager, nor does it track all software usage on your computer system. The software usage monitoring system functions as a push system rather than a pull system. That is, the software monitoring system cannot randomly obtain usage information from your computer system. Software running on your computer system must push usage information to the software usage monitoring server.