Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 High Availability Administration Guide

Configuring an HTTP Load Balancer on the DAS

In Application Server 9.1, you can create a load balancer configuration on the DAS using the Admin Console or the asadmin command create-http-lb. The following steps explain how you to do that. If you want more information about the asadmin commands create-http-lb, delete-http-lb, and list-http-lbs, see Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Reference Manual.

In the Admin Console, scroll down the left frame, click the HTTP Load Balancers node and then in the HTTP Load balancers page on the right, click New. In the New HTTP Load Balancer page, provide the following details of the machine hosting the load balancer.




A name for the load balancer configuration. 


Click the Enabled check box to automatically push the load balancer configuration changes to the physical load balancer residing in the web server configuration directory. 


The server on which the web server instance is installed. 

Admin Port 

The secure HTTP listener port. 

Proxy Host 

The server on which the proxy server instance is installed. 

Proxy Port 

The port number used by the proxy server.  

You can also create a load balancer configuration using the asadmin command create-http-lb-config. Table 5–1 describes the parameters. See Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Reference Manual for more information on the commands, create-http-lb-config, delete-http-lb-config, and list-http-lb-configs.

Table 5–1 Load Balancer Configuration Parameters



response timeout 

Time in seconds within which a server instance must return a response. If no response is received within the time period, the server is considered unhealthy. The default is 60.

HTTPS routing 

Whether HTTPS requests to the load balancer result in HTTPS or HTTP requests to the server instance. For more information, see Configuring HTTPS Routing.

reload interval 

Interval between checks for changes to the load balancer configuration file loadbalancer.xml. When the check detects changes, the configuration file is reloaded. A value of 0 disables reloading. For more information, see Enabling Dynamic Reconfiguration.


Whether monitoring is enabled for the load balancer. 


Name of the cookie the load balancer plug-in uses to record the route information. The HTTP client must support cookies. If your browser is set to ask before storing a cookie, the name of the cookie is JROUTE.


Target for the load balancer configuration. If you specify a target, it is the same as adding a reference to it. Targets can be clusters or stand-alone instances.