Sun Java[TM] System Identity Manager 7.1 Release Notes

Installation and Update Notes

This section provides information related to installing or updating, and the information is organized as follows:

A schema change occurs with most major Identity Manager releases. You must update your schema before upgrading to a new Identity Manager version. To upgrade to Identity Manager 7.1, run one of following schema upgrade scripts, depending on the version from which you are upgrading: (ID-15392 and ID-15722)

Installation Notes

The following information relates to the product installation process:

Upgrade Notes

This section summarizes the tasks you must perform to upgrade Identity Manager from version 6.0 or version 7.0 to version 7.1. (See Identity Manager Upgrade Paths for information about which versions can be upgraded to Identity Manager 7.1.)

The information in this section is organized as follows:

Upgrade Issues

Using the Identity Manager Upgrade Program

This section describes the steps for upgrading Identity Manager using the Identity Manager installation and upgrade program.


  • A schema change occurs with most major Identity Manager releases. You must update your schema before upgrading to a new Identity Manager version. To upgrade to Identity Manager 7.1, run one of following schema upgrade scripts, depending on the version from which you are upgrading: (ID-15722)
    • From Identity Manager 6.0, run the appropriate upgradeto71from60 script.
    • From Identity Manager 7.0, run the appropriate upgradeto71from70 script.

    For more information, see the Sun Java™ System Identity Manager Upgrade.

  • In some environments, including on HP-UX, you may be required or prefer to follow the alternate, manual update procedures. If so, skip to Upgrading Manually.
  • For UNIX environments, make sure that an install directory exists in one of the following locations, and that you can write to it:
    • For Linux/HP-UX: /var/opt/sun/install
    • For Solaris: /var/sadm/install
  • During update, you will need to know the location where your application server is installed.
  • Any previously installed hotfixes will be archived to the following directory:


  • Commands shown in the following steps are specific to a Windows installation and Tomcat application server. The commands you use may differ depending on your specific environment.

To upgrade Identity Manager:

  1. Shut down the application server.
  2. If you are upgrading to Identity Manager 6.0 or Identity Manager 7.0, you must upgrade the repository database schema, as follows:
    • Identity Manager 6.0 introduces a schema change that provides new tables for tasks, groups, orgs, and the syslog table. You must create these new table structures and move your existing data.
    • Identity Manager 6.0 stores user objects in two tables. You can use the sample scripts provided in the db_scripts directory to make schema changes. Refer to the db_scripts/upgradeto2005Q4M3.DatabaseName script to upgrade your repository tables.

    • Note

      • Before updating your repository schema, make a full backup of your repository tables.
      • The upgrade of MySQL databases is highly involved. Refer to db_scripts/upgradeto2005Q4M3.mysql for more information.

    • Identity Manager 7.0 introduces new tables for user entitlements.
      You must create these new table structures and move your existing data. You can use the sample scripts provided in the db_scripts directory to make schema changes.

    • Note

      • Before updating the repository schema, make a full backup of your Repository tables.
      • Refer to the db_scripts/upgrade7.0.DBMSName script for more information.

  3. If you are running Sun Identity Manager Gateway on the Identity Manager server, use the following command to stop the Gateway service:
  4. net stop “Sun Identity Manager Gateway”

  5. Use either of the following methods to start the installer:
    • To use the GUI installer, run the install.bat (for Windows) or install (for UNIX).

      The installer displays the Welcome panel.

    • To activate the installer in nodisplay mode, change to the directory where the software is located, and enter the following command:

      install -nodisplay

      The installer displays the Welcome text, and then presents a list of questions to gather installation information in the same order as the GUI installer.


      • If no display is present, the installer defaults to the nodisplay option.
      • The installer will not install an older version of the software over a newer version. In this situation, an error message displays and the installer exits.

  6. On the Welcome panel, click Next.
  7. On the Install or Upgrade? panel, select Upgrade, and then click Next.
  8. On the Select Installation Directory panel, select the directory where the earlier Identity Manager version is located and click Next.
  9. The installer displays progress bars for the pre- and post-upgrade processes and then proceeds to Installation Summary panel.

  10. For detailed information about the installation, click Details, view the log file, and click Close to exit the installer.
  11. Remove all of the compiled Identity Manager files from the work directory of the application server.
  12. If you are running Gateway on a remote system, upgrade it by using the following steps.
    1. Log in to the Windows system, and change to the directory where Gateway is installed.
    2. Stop the Gateway service by running the command:
    3. gateway -k

    4. If using Windows 2000 or later, exit all instances of the Services MMC plug-in.
    5. Use the following command to remove the Gateway service:
    6. gateway -r

    7. Back up and delete the existing Gateway files.
    8. Extract the new Gateway files.
    9. If you are installing the newly upgraded Gateway on a system that is not the Identity Manager server, then copy the file from the Identity Manager Installation CD.

    10. Unpack the file into the directory where Gateway was installed.
    11. Run the following command to install the Gateway service:
    12. gateway -i

    13. Run the following command to start the Gateway service:
    14. gateway -s

Upgrading Manually

In some environments, you might want to perform the upgrade steps manually instead of using the Identity Manager installation and upgrade program.


  • Be sure you set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
  • Make sure that the bin directory in the JAVA_HOME directory is in your path.
  • Any previously-installed hotfixes will be archived to the $WSHOME/patches/HotfixName directory.

On a Windows Platform

Use the following steps to upgrade Identity Manager manually on a supported Windows platform:

  1. Stop the application server and Sun Identity Manager Gateway.
  2. Update the Identity Manager database. (See Step 2 for detailed instructions.)
  3. Enter the following commands to set your environment:
  4. set ISPATH=Path to install software
    set WSHOME=Path to Identity Manager Installation OR Staging Directory
    set TEMP=Path to Temporary Directory

  5. Run pre-process:
  6. mkdir %TEMP%
    cd /d %TEMP%
    jar -xvf %ISPATH%\IDM.WAR \
    WEB-INF\lib\idm.jar WEB-INF\lib\idmcommon.jar
    set CLASSPATH=%TMPLIBPTH%\idm.jar;\
    java -classpath %CLASSPATH% -Dwaveset.home=%WSHOME% \

  7. Install software:
  8. cd %WSHOME%
    jar -xvf %ISPATH%\IDM.WAR

  9. Run post-process:
  10. java -classpath %CLASSPATH% -Dwaveset.home=%WSHOME%


    The installer supports upgrading installations that have renamed, deleted, or disabled the default Configurator account.

    The installer prompts you for user name and password to import the update.xml during the upgrade post process. If the user or password is entered incorrectly, you will be prompted (up to three times) to enter the correct password. The error will be displayed in the text box behind it.

    For manual installation you must provide the -U username -P password flags to pass the credentials to the UpgradePostProcess procedure.

  11. If you installed into a staging directory, create a .war file for deployment to your application server.
  12. Remove the Identity Manager files from the application server work directory.
  13. If the upgrade process did not do so already, move any hotfix class files from the WEB-INF\classes directory to the $WSHOME\patches\HotfixName directory.
  14. Start the application server.
  15. Upgrade and then restart Sun Identity Manager Gateway. (See Step 10 for detailed instructions.)

On a UNIX Platform

Use the following steps to upgrade Identity Manager manually on a supported UNIX platform:

  1. Stop the application server and Sun Identity Manager Gateway.
  2. Update the Identity Manager database. (See Step 2 for instructions.)
  3. Enter the following commands to set your environment:
  4. export ISPATH=Path to Install Software
    export WSHOME=Path to Identity Manager Installation OR Staging Directory
    export TEMP=Path to Temporary Directory

  5. Run pre-process:
  6. mkdir $TEMP
    cd $TEMP
    jar -xvf $ISPATH/idm.war \
    WEB-INF/lib/idm.jar WEB-INF/lib/idmcommon.jar
    java -classpath $CLASSPATH -Dwaveset.home=$WSHOME \

  7. Install software:
  8. cd $WSHOME
    jar -xvf $ISPATH/idm.war

  9. Run post-process:
  10. java -classpath $CLASSPATH -Dwaveset.home=$WSHOME


    The installer supports upgrading installations that have renamed, deleted, or disabled the default Configurator account.

    The installer prompts you for user name and password to import the update.xml during the upgrade post process. If the user or password is entered incorrectly, you will be prompted (up to three times) to enter the correct password. The error will be displayed in the text box behind it.

    For manual installation you must provide the -U username -P password flags to pass the credentials to the UpgradePostProcess procedure.

  11. Change directory to $WSHOME/bin/solaris or $WSHOME/bin/linux, and then set permissions on the files in the directory so that they are executable.
  12. If you installed into a staging directory, create a .war file for deployment to your application server.
  13. Remove the Identity Manager files from the application server work directory.
  14. If the upgrade process did not do so already, move any hotfix class files from the WEB-INF/classes directory to the $WSHOME/patches/HotfixName directory.
  15. Start the application server.
  16. Upgrade and then restart Sun Identity Manager Gateway. (See Step 10 for instructions.)