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Sun Java(TM) Systems Identity Manager 7.1 Installation Guide 

Chapter 5
Installing Identity Manager for iPlanet Application Server 6.5

Use the following information and procedures to install Identity Manager for use with iPlanet application server, Version 6.5. This chapter includes:

Before You Begin

During installation, you will need to know:

Installation Steps

Follow these installation and configuration steps:

Step 1: Install the Identity Manager Software

Follow these procedures to install the software.

To install Identity Manager:

  1. You may install the software using one of two methods:
    • Using the installer Graphic User Interface

      Run the install.bat (for Windows) or install (for UNIX) command to launch the installation process.

      The installer displays the Welcome panel.

    • Using the nodisplay option

      On UNIX systems, change directory to the software location. Enter the following command to activate the installer in nodisplay mode:

      install -nodisplay

      The installer displays the Welcome text. The installer then presents a list of questions to gather installation information in the same order as the Graphic User Interface installer in these procedures.


      If no display is present, the installer defaults to the nodisplay option. The DISPLAY environment variable must be set to a valid X server or the installation may fail.

  2. Click Next. The installer displays the Install or Upgrade? panel.
  3. Leave the New Installation option selected, and then click Next.
  4. The installer displays the Select Installation Directory panel.

  5. Replace the displayed directory location with the location where you want to install Identity Manager. This could be a staging location or a specific folder. Enter the location (or click Browse to locate it), and then click Next.

  6. Note

    If the directory you enter does not exist, Identity Manager prompts for confirmation, and then creates the directory.

  7. Click Next to begin installation.
  8. After installing the files, the installer displays the Launch Setup panel.


    • Before you continue, if you plan to use an index database, you may need to copy one or more files to the idm\WEB-INF\lib directory. For example, you may need to place into idm/WEB-INF/lib a JAR file containing a JDBC driver (for a DriverManager connection) or a JAR file containing a JNDI InitialContextFactory (for a DataSource connection). To determine the steps you may need to perform before you go on, see Index Database Reference. When finished, click Launch Setup to launch the Setup Wizard and continue with setup steps.
    • If you click Launch Setup before copying your index database files, setup will not proceed correctly. If this happens, quit the installation program, and then use the lh setup command to restart the setup portion of the installation process.

  9. Click Next on the Setup Wizard panel.
  10. The installer displays the Locate the Repository panel.

  11. Select an index database:
    • Oracle (JDBC Driver)
    • Oracle (Data Source)
    • MySQL (JDBC Driver)
    • MySQL (Data Source)
    • DB2 (JDBC Driver)
    • DB2 (Data Source)
    • SQL Server (JDBC Driver)
    • SQL Server (Data Source)
    • LocalFiles
    • Depending on your selection, setup prompts for additional setup information.


      See Index Database Reference, for selections and setup instructions.

  12. Click Next.
  13. The Continue Identity Manager Demo Setup? panel appears.
  14. If this is a non-demo installation click No, I will configure Identity Manager myself. Go to Step 19.
  15. If appropriate, click Yes, I would like to continue setting up a demonstration environment.
  16. This allows you to quickly configure users and enter environment and server information.

  17. Enter the following personal information:
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email address

    • Note

      This personal information is used to create the Approver user (with configurator privileges.)

  18. Enter the following Approver information:
    • Approver name
    • Approver password
  19. Click Next.
  20. Select the Server Type from the list.
  21. Select None if your environment has no server to manage. If there is a server you wish to manage, select the appropriate server type. You will be prompted for further server information as appropriate.

  22. If you have an email SMTP server, click SMTP Host and enter the server address. If desired, click Test Server to verify communication to the SMTP server.
  23. If you would like email notifications to be written to a file, click Notification File. Click Browse to select another notification file.
  24. Click Next.
  25. The installer displays the Import Save Configuration panel.
  26. Click Execute to perform all the listed functions. If desired, click Hide Details.
  27. When all functions complete, click Done in the setup panel.

Getting More Information

When installation completes, The installer displays the Installation Summary panel. For detailed information about the installation, click Details.

Not all messages may not be displayed here. View the log file (identified in details) for more information.

When finished, click Close to exit the installer.

Create and Deploy a .war File

  1. Create a .war file for iPlanet deployment:
  2. cd StagingDirectory\idm*
    del WEB-INF\lib\j2ee.jar
    jar -cvf ../idm.war *


    Removing the j2ee.jar file from WEB-INF/lib disables the Business Process Editor. Move those jars to a different location and create a CLASSPATH variable that points to those jars to re-enable the BPE.

  3. Deploy the .war file into iPlanet:
    1. Change to the staging directory:
    2. cd StagingDirectory

    3. Enter the following command:
    4. iPlanetInstallation\ias6\ias\bin\iasdeploy deploymodule
      -verbose -user
      Administrator -password Password -host Hostname -port AdminPort idm.war

  4. Restart the application server.

Step 2. Install the Sun Identity Manager Gateway

If you plan to set up Windows Active Directory, Novell NetWare, Novell GroupWise, Exchange 5.5, Remedy, or RSA ACE/Server resources, you should install the Sun Identity Manager Gateway. Follow the procedures in Install the Sun Identity Manager Gateway.

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Part No: 820-0817-10.   Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.