Using the BPEL Designer and Service Engine

ProcedureTo set the log level for the BPEL Service Engine

The log level for the BPEL Service Engine is specified in the GlassFish Admin Console. To set the log level for the BPEL Service Engine:

  1. In the NetBeans Services window, expand the Servers node and ensure that the GlassFish application server is running. A green arrow badge next to the server node indicates that the server is running. If the server is not running, right click the server name and choose Start from the context menu.

  2. Open the Admin Console in your browser. To do this, follow the steps:

    • Right click GlassFish V2 application server node, and choose Properties from the context menu. The Servers window opens. On the Servers pane, GlassFish V2 should be selected.

    • On the Connection tab, copy the contents of the Location field (by default it is localhost:4848).

    • Paste the string to the browser and press Enter. The GlassFish Admin Console opens in the browser window.

  3. Log in to the Admin Console using your username and password. By default, the username is admin and the password is adminadmin.

  4. On the left pane under the JBI node choose Components -> sun-bpel-engine. The BPEL service engine properties page opens.

  5. On the BPEL service engine properties page, select the Loggers tab. On the Loggers tab you can specify log levels for the individual loggers.

  6. Choose the appropriate log level for the sun-bpel-engine from the drop down list.

    If logging is defined for a process activity, and the log level specified for it corresponds to the log level set for the BPEL SE, after you perform a test run of the process, the selected variable value will be written to the server log file.

    Note –

    The project should be deployed to the application server.