Sun Worklist Manager Service Engine User's Guide

Creating the XML Schema Definition (XSD)

The XML schema defines the message structure and operations for the input and output data. Complex message structures are defined in the XSD file and then imported into the WSDL documents. Make sure that the input for the task matches the data structure that will be sent from the workflow or business process. This procedure provides very general instructions for creating an XSD file.

ProcedureTo Create the XML Schema Definition

  1. Complete the steps under Creating the Worklist Module Project.

  2. In the NetBeans Projects window, right-click Worklist Files in the project you just created, and select New XML Schema.

    The New XML Schema Wizard appears.

  3. Enter a unique name for the schema, and verify or change the folder location for the file.

    Figure shows the Name and Location window of
the New XML Schema Wizard.
  4. Click Finish.

    The new file appears in the Project window in the Worklist Files folder of the worklist project, and opens in the XML Editor.

  5. Define the schema for the WSDL document by adding complex types, simple types, elements, and so on.

  6. Continue to Creating the WSDL Document.