Sun Worklist Manager Service Engine User's Guide

Creating the Worklist Module Project

You create Worklist Manager tasks in a Worklist Module project. This project stores the XML schema definitions, WSDL files, and Worklist Manager task definition files.

ProcedureTo Create the Project

  1. If you are using LDAP for task assignment and authentication, complete the steps under (Optional) Connecting to the LDAP Server.

  2. On the NetBeans IDE, click the Projects tab.

  3. Right-click in the Projects window, and select New Project.

    The New Project Wizard appears.

  4. Select SOA under Categories, and then select Worklist Module under Projects.

    Figure shows the Choose Project window of the
New Project Wizard.
  5. Click Next.

    The Name and Location window appears.

  6. Enter a unique name for the Project and verify or update the directory for the project files.

    Figure shows the Name and Location window of
the New Project Wizard.
  7. Click Finish.

    The new project appears in the Projects window with two folders – Worklist Files and Referenced Resources.

  8. Continue to Creating the XML Schema Definition (XSD).