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Sun ONE Message Queue, Version 3.0.1 Developer's Guide

Chapter 4   Optimizing Clients

The performance of JMS clients depends both on the inherent design of these applications and on the features and capabilities of the Sun™ ONE Message Queue (MQ) client runtime.

This chapter describes how the MQ client runtime supports the messaging capabilities of JMS clients, with special emphasis on properties and behaviors that you can configure to improve performance and message throughput.

The chapter covers the following topics:

  • message production and consumption
  • configurable properties of the MQ client runtime
  • factors that affect performance

Message Production and Consumption

The MQ client runtime provides JMS clients with an interface to the MQ message server—it supplies these clients with all the JMS programming objects introduced in "The JMS Programming Model". It supports all operations needed for clients to send messages to destinations and to receive messages from such destinations.

This section provides a high level description of how the MQ client runtime supports message production and consumption. Figure 4-1 illustrates how message production and consumption involve an interaction between clients and the MQ client runtime, while message delivery involves an interaction between the MQ client runtime and the MQ message server.

Figure 4-1    Messaging Operations
Diagram showing messaging operations. Content of figure is explained in text.

Once a client has created a connection to a broker, created a session as a single-threaded context for message delivery, and created the MessageProducer and MessageConsumer objects needed to access particular destinations in a message server, production (sending) and consumption (receiving) of messages can proceed.

Message Production

In message production, a message is created by the client, and sent over a connection to a destination on a broker. If the message delivery mode of the MessageProducer object has been set to persistent (guaranteed delivery, once and only once), the client thread blocks until the broker acknowledges that the message was delivered to its destination and stored in the broker's persistent data store. If the message is not persistent, no broker acknowledgement message (referred to as "Ack" in property names) is returned by the broker, and the client thread does not block.

In the case of persistent messages, to increase throughput, you can set the connection to not require broker acknowledgement (see imqAckOnProduce property, Table 4-7), but this eliminates the guarantee that persistent messages are reliably delivered.

Message Consumption

Message consumption is more complex than production. Messages arriving at a destination on a broker are delivered over a connection to the MQ client runtime under the following conditions:

  • the client has set up a consumer for the given destination
  • the selection criteria for the consumer, if any, match that of messages arriving at the given destination
  • the connection has been told to start delivery of messages.

Messages delivered over the connection are distributed to the appropriate MQ sessions where they are queued up to be consumed by the appropriate MessageConsumer objects, as shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2    Message Delivery to MQ Client Runtime
Diagram showing message delivery to client runtime. Figure content is described in text.


Because the flow of messages delivered to the client runtime is metered at the connection level (see "Message flow metering"), a large number of messages delivered to one session can adversely affect the delivery of messages to other sessions on the same connection. Hence, message consumers that are expected to have very different message throughput levels should use different connections.

Messages are fetched off each session queue one at a time (a session is single threaded) and consumed either synchronously (by a client thread invoking the receive method) or asynchronously (by the session thread invoking the onMessage method of a MessageListener object).

When a broker delivers messages to the client runtime, it marks the messages accordingly, but does not really know if they have been consumed. Therefore, the broker waits for the client to acknowledge receipt of a message before deleting the message from the broker's destination. If a connection fails, and another connection is subsequently established, the broker will re-deliver all previously delivered but unacknowledged messages, marking them with a Redeliver flag.

In accordance with the JMS specification, there are three acknowledgment options that a client developer can set for a client session:

  • AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE: the session automatically acknowledges each message consumed by the client.
  • CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE: the client explicitly acknowledges after one or more messages have been consumed. This option gives the client the most control. This acknowledgement takes place by invoking the acknowledge() method of a message object, causing the session to acknowledge all messages that have been consumed by the session up to that point in time. (This could include messages consumed asynchronously by many different message listeners in the session, independent of the order in which they were consumed.)
  • DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE: the session acknowledges after ten messages have been consumed (this value is not currently configurable) and doesn't guarantee that messages are delivered and consumed only once. Clients use this mode if they don't care if messages are processed more than once.

Each of the three acknowledgement options requires a different level of processing and bandwidth overhead. Automatic acknowledge consumes the most overhead and guarantees reliability on a message by message basis, while DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE consumes the least overhead, but allows for duplicate delivery of messages.

In the case of the AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE options, the threads performing the acknowledgement, or committing a transaction, will block, waiting for the broker to return a control message acknowledging receipt of the client acknowledgement. This broker acknowledgement (referred to as "Ack" in property names) guarantees that the broker has deleted the corresponding persistent message and will not send it twice—which could happen were the client or broker to fail, or the connection to fail, at the wrong time.

To increase throughput, you can set the connection to not require broker acknowledgement of client acknowledgements (see imqAckOnAcknowledge property, Table 4-5), but this eliminates the guarantee that persistent messages are reliably delivered.


In the DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE mode, the session does not wait for broker acknowledgements. This option is used in JMS clients in which duplicate messages are not a problem. Also, there is a JMS API (recover Session) by which a client can explicitly request redelivery of messages that have been received but not yet acknowledged by the client. When redelivering such messages, the broker marks them with a Redeliver flag.

MQ Client Runtime Configurable Properties

The MQ client runtime supports all the operations described in "Message Production and Consumption". It also provides a number of configurable properties that you can use to optimize resources, performance, and message throughput. These properties correspond to attributes of the ConnectionFactory object used to create physical connections between a JMS client and an MQ message server.

A ConnectionFactory object has no physical representation in a broker—it is used simply to enable the client to establish connections with a broker. The ConnectionFactory object is also used to specify behaviors of the connection and of the client runtime using the connection to access a broker. The ConnectionFactory object can also be used to manage MQ message server resources by overriding message header values set by clients.

If you wish to support distributed transactions (see "Local Transactions"), you need to use a special XAConnectionFactory object that supports distributed transactions.

ConnectionFactory administered objects are created by adminstrators or instantiated in the application, as described in Chapter 3, "Using Administered Objects."

By configuring a ConnectionFactory administered object, you specify the attribute values (the properties) common to all the connections that it produces. ConnectionFactory and XAConnectionFactory objects share the same set of attributes. These attributes are grouped into a number of categories, depending on the behaviors they affect:

  • Connection specification
  • Auto-reconnect behavior
  • Client identification
  • Message header overrides
  • Reliability and flow control
  • Queue browser behavior
  • Application server support
  • JMS-defined properties support

Each of these categories is discussed in the following sections with a description of the ConnectionFactory (or XAConnectionFactory) attributes each includes. The attribute values are set using MQ administration tools, as described in the MQ Administrator's Guide.

Connection Specification

Connections are specified by a broker's host name, the port number at which its Port Mapper resides (or at which a specific connection service resides), and the kind of connection service it supports. The behavior of a connection might require setting additional attribute values, depending on the connection type (the protocol used by the connection service).

The attributes that affect connection behavior are described in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1    Connection Factory Attributes: Connection Specification 

Attribute/property name



Specifies transport protocol of the connection service used by the client. Supported types are TCP, TLS, HTTP. Default: TCP


Specifies the maximum time in milliseconds that the client runtime will wait for any broker acknowledgement before throwing an exception. A value of 0 means there is no time-out. Default: 0

In some situations, for example, the first time a broker authenticates a user against an LDAP user repository over a secure (SSL) connection, it can take upwards of 30 seconds to complete authentication. If imqAckTimeout is set too small, the client runtime can time out.


Specifies the broker host name to which to connect (if imqConnectionType is either TCP or TLS).
Default: localhost


Specifies the broker host port (if imqConnectionType is either TCP or TLS). Default: 7676


Specifies a port on which a connection should be attempted (if imqConnectionType is either TCP or TLS), bypassing a connection through the broker host port (Port Mapper port). This attribute is used mainly to provide for connections through a firewall, in which case you want to minimize the number of open ports. To use this feature, you have to start a specific service on a specific port using the broker's connection service configuration properties (see MQ Administrator's Guide).
Default: 0 (not used)


Specifies whether the host is trusted (if imqConnectionType is TLS). Default: true


Specifies the URL that will be used to connect to the MQ message server (if imqConnectionType is HTTP). A typical value (HTTPS connection) might be https://hostName:port/imq/tunnel

Default: http://localhost/imq/tunnel


Auto-reconnect Behavior

MQ provides an automatic reconnect capability. If enabled, and if a connection fails, MQ maintains objects provided by the client runtime (sessions, message consumers, message producers, and so forth) while attempting to re-establish the connection. However, in circumstances where the client-side state cannot be fully restored on the broker upon reconnect (for example, when using transacted sessions or temporary destinations—which exist only for the duration of a connection) , auto-reconnect does not take place, and the connection exception handler is called instead. In such cases, application code has to catch the exception, reconnect, and restore state.

The impact of auto-reconnect is different for message production and message consumption.

Message Production

During reconnect, producers cannot send messages. The production of messages (or any operation that involves communication with the message server) is blocked until the connection is re-established.

Message Consumption

Auto-reconnect is supported for AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE and DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE sessions, but not for CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE sessions (JMS message ordering cannot be guaranteed). After the connection is re-established the broker will redeliver all unacknowledged messages it had previously delivered, marking them with a Redeliver flag. JMS application code can use this flag to determine if any message has already been consumed (but not yet acknowledged).

In the case of non-durable subscribers, however, some messages will not be received during a reconnect operation. This is because the message server does not hold messages for non-durable subscribers once their connections have been closed. Thus, any messages produced for these subscribers during a reconnect will not be delivered once the connection has been re-established.

The attributes that affect auto-connect behavior are described in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2    Connection Factory Attributes: Auto-reconnect Behavior 

Attribute/property name



Specifies whether the client runtime will attempt to reconnect to the broker if the connection is lost.
Default: false


Specifies the time between successive attempts of the client runtime to reconnect to the MQ message server (if imqReconnect=true). Default: 30000 milliseconds


Specifies the number of attempts the client runtime will make to reconnect to the broker (if imqReconnect=true). A value of 0 indicates that the number of retries is not limited. Default: 0


Client Identification

Clients need to be identified to a broker both for authentication purposes and to keep track of durable subscriptions (see "Client Identifiers").

For authentication purposes MQ provides a default user name and password. These are a convenience for developers who do not wish to explicitly populate a user repository (see the MQ Administrator's Guide) to perform application testing.

To keep track of durable subscriptions, MQ uses a unique client identification (ClientID). If a durable subscriber is inactive at the time that messages are delivered to a topic destination, the broker retains messages for that subscriber and delivers them when the subscriber once again becomes active. The only way for the broker to identify the subscriber is through its ClientID.

There are a number of ways that the ClientID can be set for a connection. For example, application code can use the setClientID() method of a Connection object. The ClientID must be set before using the connection in any way; once the connection is used, the ClientID cannot be set or reset.

Setting the ClientID in application, however, is not optimal. Each user needs a unique identification: this implies some centralized coordination. MQ therefore provides a imqConfiguredClientID attribute on the ConnectionFactory object. This attribute can be used to provide a unique ClientID to each user. To use this feature, the value of imqConfiguredClientID is set as follows:


where the special reserved characters, ${u}, provide a unique user identification during the user authentication stage of establishing a connection, and string is a text value unique to the ConnectionFactory object. When used properly, the MQ message server will substitute u:username for the u, resulting in a user-specific ClientID.

The ${u} must be the first four characters of the attribute value. If anything other than "u" is encountered, it will result in an JMS exception upon connection creation. When ${} is used anywhere else in the attribute value, it is treated as plain text and no variable substitution is performed.

An additional attribute, imqDisableSetClientID, can be set to true to disallow clients that use the connection factory from changing the configured ClientID through the setClientID() method of the Connection object.

It is required that you set the client identifier whenever using durable subscriptions in deployed applications, either programmatically using the setClientID() method or using the imqConfiguredClientID attribute of the ConnectionFactory object.

The attributes that affect client identification are described in Table 4-3.

Table 4-3    Connection Factory Attributes: Client Identification

Attribute/property name



Specifies the default user name that will be used to authenticate with the broker. Default: guest


Specifies the default password that will be used to authenticate with the broker. Default: guest


Specifies the value of an administratively configured ClientID. Default: null


Specifies if client is prevented from changing the ClientID using the setClientID() method in the JMS API. Default: false


Message Header Overrides

An MQ administrator can override JMS message header fields that specify the persistence, lifetime, and priority of messages. Specifically, values in the following fields can be overridden (see "The Java XML Messaging (JAXM) Specification"):

  • JMSDeliveryMode (message persistence/non-persistence)
  • JMSExpiration (message lifetime)
  • JMSPriority (message priority—an integer from 0 to 9)

The ability to override message header values gives an MQ administrator more control over the resources of an MQ message server. Overriding these fields, however, has the risk of interfering with application-specific requirements (for example, message persistence). So this capability should only be used in consultation with the appropriate application users or designers.

MQ allows message header overrides at the level of a connection: overrides apply to all messages produced in the context of a given connection, and are configured by setting attributes of the corresponding connection factory administered object. These attributes are described in Table 4-4.

Table 4-4    Connection Factory Attributes: Message Header Overrides 

Attribute/property name



Specifies whether client-set JMSDeliveryMode field can be overridden. Default: false


Specifies the override value of JMSDeliveryMode. Values are 1 (non-persistent) and 2 (persistent).
Default: 2


Specifies whether client-set JMSExpiration field can be overridden. Default: false


Specifies the override value of JMSExpiration (in milliseconds).
Default: 0 (does not expire)


Specifies whether client-set JMSPriority field can be overridden. Default: false


Specifies the override value of JMSPriority (an integer from 0 to 9). Default: 4 (normal)



Specifies whether overrides apply to temporary destinations. Default: false


Reliability And Flow Control

A number of attributes determine the use and flow of MQ control messages by the client runtime, especially broker acknowledgements (referred to as "Ack" in the attribute names).

The attributes that affect reliability and flow control are described in Table 4-5. For an extended discussion of these settings and the effect of various permutations, see "Managing Flow Control".

Table 4-5    Connection Factory Attributes: Reliability and Flow Control 

Attribute/property name



If set to true, the broker acknowledges receipt of all JMS messages (persistent and non-persistent) from producing client, and producing client thread will block waiting for those acknowledgements (referred to as "Ack" in property name).

If set to false, broker does not acknowledge receipt of any JMS message (persistent or non-persistent) from producing client, and producing client thread will not block waiting for broker acknowledgements.

If not specified, broker acknowledges receipt of persistent messages only, and producing client thread will block waiting for those acknowledgements.

Default: not specified


If set to true, broker acknowledges all consuming client acknowledgements, and consuming client thread will block waiting for such broker acknowledgements (referred to as "Ack" in property name).

If set to false, broker does not acknowledge any consuming client acknowledgements, and consuming client thread will not block waiting for such broker acknowledgements.

If not specified, broker acknowledges consuming client acknowledgements for AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE and CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE mode (and consuming client thread will block waiting for such broker acknowledgements), but does not acknowledge consuming client acknowledgements for DUPES_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE mode (and consuming client thread will not block.)

Default: not specified


Specifies the number of JMS messages in a metered batch. When this number of JMS messages is delivered to the client runtime, delivery is temporarily suspended, allowing any control messages that had been held up to be delivered. Payload message delivery is resumed upon notification by the client runtime, and continues until the count is again reached.

If the count is set to 0 then there is no restriction in the number of JMS messages in a metered batch. A non-zero setting allows the client runtime to meter message flow so that MQ control messages are not blocked by heavy JMS message delivery.
Default: 100


If enabled (value = true), the imqFlowControlLimit value is used to control message flow.

Default: false


Specifies a limit on the number of unconsumed messages that can be delivered to a client runtime. Note however, that unless imqFlowControlIsLimited is enabled, this limit is not checked.

When the number of JMS messages delivered to the client runtime (in accordance with the flow metering governed by imqFlowControlCount) exceeds the limit, message delivery stops. It is resumed only when the number of unconsumed messages drops below the value set with this property.

This limit prevents a consuming client that is taking a long time to process messages from being overwhelmed with pending messages that might cause it to run out of memory.

Default: 1000


Queue Browser Behavior

The attributes that affect queue browsing for the client runtime are described in Table 4-6.

Table 4-6    Connection Factory Attributes: Queue Browser Behavior

Attribute/property name




Specifies the maximum number of messages that the client runtime will retrieve at one time, when browsing the contents of a queue destination. Default: 1000



Specifies the maximum time that the client runtime will wait to retrieve messages, when browsing the contents of a queue destination, before throwing an exception. Default: 60000 milliseconds.


Application Server Support

The behavior of sessions running in an application server environment is affected by the attribute described in Table 4-7. For background see the JMS specification.

Table 4-7    Connection Factory Attributes: Application Server Support

Attribute/property name



Used only for JMS application server facilities.

Specifies whether an MQ ConnectionConsumer should load up to the maxMessages number of messages into a ServerSession's session (value=true), or load only a single message at a time (value=false). Default: true


JMS-defined Properties Support

JMS-defined properties are property names reserved by JMS, and which a JMS provider can choose to support (see "The Java XML Messaging (JAXM) Specification"). These properties enhance client programming capabilities.

The JMS-defined properties supported by MQ are described in Table 4-8.

Table 4-8    Connection Factory Attributes: JMS-defined Properties Support 

Attribute/property name



Specifies whether MQ should set the JMS-defined property, JMSXUserID (identity of user sending the message), on produced messages. Default: false


Specifies whether MQ should set the JMS-defined property, JMSXAppID (identity of application sending the message), on produced messages. Default: false


Specifies whether MQ should set the JMS-defined property, JMSXProducerTXID (transaction identifier of the transaction within which this message was produced), on produced messages. Default: false


Specifies whether MQ should set the JMS-defined property, JMSXConsumerTXID (transaction identifier of the transaction within which this message was consumed), on consumed messages. Default: false


Specifies whether MQ should set the JMS-defined property, JMSXRcvTimestamp (the time the message is delivered to the consumer), on consumed messages. Default: false


Performance Issues

This section describes ways that you can improve performance by managing message flow and controlling the proliferation of threads.

Managing Flow Control

Because of the mechanisms by which messages are delivered to and from a broker, and because of the MQ control messages used to assure reliable delivery, there are a number of factors that affect message flow and consumption. These include delivery mode, acknowledgement mode, message flow metering, message flow limits, and number of sessions. Although these factors are quite distinct, their interactions can complicate the task of balancing reliability with performance. Specifically, because JMS client messages and MQ control messages flow across the same connection between the client and the broker, you need to understand how to balance the requirement for reliability with the need for throughput.

Factors Affecting Performance

A number of factors can affect message flow--that is, the flow of messages from the broker to a client; this section describes these factors and the connection factory attributes that help manage flow control.

Delivery mode    The delivery mode specifies whether a message is to be delivered at most once (non-persistent) or once and only once (persistent). These different reliability requirements imply different degrees of overhead. Specifically, the management of persistent messages requires greater use of broker control messages flowing across a connection.

Client acknowledgement mode    The setting of this mode affects the number of client and broker acknowledgement messages passing over a connection:

  • In the AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode, a client acknowledgement and broker acknowledgement are required for each consumed message, and the delivery thread blocks waiting for the broker acknowledgement.
  • If you set this mode, it is possible that a message could be partially processed and lost if the system fails and the message consumer is a synchronous receiver. To avoid this, the client can use the CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE mode or a transacted session to guarantee no message is lost if the system fails.

  • In the CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE mode client acknowledgements and broker acknowledgements are batched (rather than being sent one by one). This conserves connection bandwidth and generally reduces the overhead for broker acknowledgements.
  • In the DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE mode, throughput is improved even further, because client acknowledgements are batched and because the client thread does not block (broker acknowledgements are not requested). However, in this case, the same message can be delivered and consumed more than once.

Message flow metering    Because messages sent and received by JMS clients (JMS messages) and MQ control messages pass over the same client-broker connection, delays may occur in the delivery of control messages such as broker acknowledgements as these are held up by the delivery of JMS messages. To prevent this type of congestion, MQ meters the flow of JMS messages across connections: JMS messages are batched (as specified with the imqFlowControlCount property) so that only a set number are delivered; when the batch of messages has been delivered, delivery of JMS messages is suspended and pending control messages are delivered. Another batch of JMS messages is then delivered, followed by any pending control messages.

You can specify the number of messages allowed in a batch of JMS messages by setting the imqFlowControlCount property (Table 4-5). By default, this limit is set to 100 messages.

Message flow limits    MQ client runtime code can handle only a limited number of delivered JMS messages before encountering local resource limitations, such as memory. When this limit is approached, performance suffers. Hence, MQ lets you limit the number of messages queued up in sessions awaiting consumption by controlling the flow of JMS messages to the client.

You can specify the number of JMS messages the client runtime is prepared to hold before asking for more messages from the broker by setting the imqFlowControlLimit property (Table 4-5). By default this property is set to 1000. But, this limit is only checked if you also set the property imqFlowControlIsLimited to true. If you set both these properties appropriately, the client runtime will wait until the number of un-consumed messages drops below this limit before requesting that the delivery of JMS messages be resumed. Message delivery then continues until the threshold value is exceeded. So, to take an example, if imqFlowControlIsLimited is enabled, imqFlowControlLimit is set to 100, and imqFlowControlCount is set to 10, the broker will send messages to the client runtime in batches of ten messages until the total number of unconsumed messages handed to the client runtime totals 110. Then delivery will stop until the number of unconsumed messages dips below 100. When it does, another batch of ten messages is delivered.

Impact of Flow Control Settings

Table 4-9 describes the effect of various settings for the connection factory attributes imqFlowControlIsLimited, imqFlowControlLimit, and imqFlowControlCount.Note particularly the difference between the first (default) case and the second case.

Table 4-9    Effect of Setting Flow Control Attributes











These are the default settings. Messages from the broker are grouped into batches of 100 messages. Provides the opportunity for control messages to be inserted into the flow of JMS messages, but does not check the specified limits and therefore does not protect the client runtime from being overrun by messages.








The client runtime is limited to holding no more than 1,100 unconsumed messages. When the client runtime holds fewer than 1000 messages, it asks the broker for up to 100 more.








The client runtime is limited to 100 unconsumed messages. The client runtime asks for a batch of up to 100 messages and does not ask for more until it has run out of messages to process.








The client runtime is limited to 60 unconsumed messages. When the client runtime holds less than 10 messages, it asks the broker for another batch of up to 50.


In short, you need to set imqFlowControlIsLimited to true if you want to protect the client runtime from message overrun. The maximum number of unconsumed messages the client runtime can hold is given by the sum of imqFlowControlLimit and imqFlowControlCount.

In balancing the requirements of throughput, memory use, and the timely processing of control messages, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Large imqFlowControlLimit results in faster performance but greater use of client runtime memory.
  • Small imqFlowControlLimit results in slower performance but less use of client runtime memory.
  • Large imqFlowControlCount results in greater use of client runtime memory. Control messages may be delayed in reaching the client runtime.
  • Small imqFlowControlCount results in less use of client runtime memory. Control messages are promptly delivered.

These points can be summarized by the following precepts:

  • The value of imqFlowControlLimit should be determined by the size of the messages and by how much memory the client runtime can use.
  • The value of imqFlowControlCount should be kept low if the client is doing operations that require many responses from the broker; for example, the client is using the CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE or AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE modes, persistent messages, transactions, queue browsers, or if the client is adding or removing consumers. If, on the other hand, the client has only simple consumers on a connection using DUPS_OK mode, you can increase imqFlowControlCount without compromising performance.

Don't forget that the number of messages queued up in a session is a function of the number of message consumers using the session and the message load for each consumer. If a client is exhibiting delays in producing or consuming messages, you can normally improve performance by redesigning the application to distribute message producers and consumers among a larger number of sessions or to distribute sessions among a larger number of connections.

Managing Threads

The JMS specification mandates that only one thread can use a single session. Violating this requirement can result in a deadlocked client, and it is strongly recommended that you do not do so.

Each JMS session in MQ uses a thread to deliver messages to message consumers. If you create several message consumers in a session, messages are serially delivered to these consumers. If sharing a session amongst several message consumers causes some consumers to be starved of message flow due to excessive flow to other consumers, it might be necessary to separate the consumers into different sessions.

If you need to reduce the number of threads used, you can do so by having fewer connections and fewer sessions. If you want to share sessions among threads, you will need to write your own pooling mechanism. Sharing sessions might affect performance; this depends on the dynamics of your system. For a quick test, have all of your publishers and subscribers use the same static connection and static session, and see how the system behaves.

If you are running on Solaris, you may be able to run with the same number (or more) threads by using the following vm options with the client:

  • Xss128K This decreases the meory size of the heap.
  • xconcurrentIO This improves thread performance in the 1.3 VM.

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Part Number 817-0355-10