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iPlanet Calendar Server Installation Guide

Chapter 4   Migrating iPlanet Calendar Server Data

This chapter describes the how to migrate calendar data from an existing iPlanet Calendar Server version 2.x installation to version 5.0 using the tool ics2migrate.exe. The ics2migrate tool is located in the server-root\cal\bin directory.

Note The data migration process from iPlanet Calendar Server version 2.x to 5.0 is a one-way data transformation. That is, data can be migrated from version 2.x to version 5.0, but version 5.0 data cannot be migrated to version 2.x.

To migrate calendar data from iPlanet Calendar Server version 2.x to version 5.0, use the following steps:

  1. Install iPlanet Calendar Server 5.0.

  2. To ensure data integrity, it is highly recommended that you stop all iPlanet Calendar Server services. For more information, see "Starting and Stopping the Server" in the iPlanet Calendar Server Administration Guide.

  3. Locate the file iPlanet Calendar Server 2.x version of the caldb.conf. The default location of this file depends on the platform you are using:

    • On Solaris, it is located in the /var/opt/SUNWicsrv/csdb directory.

    • On Unix systems other than Solaris, it is located in the opt/iplanet/var/SUNWicsrv/csdb directory.

    • On Windows NT, it is located in the server-root\var\csdb directory (for example, c:\Program Files\iPlanet\CalendarServer\var\csdb).

  4. Change the first line in the caldb.conf file as follows:


    caldb.version "1.0.0 [BerkeleyDB]"


    caldb.version= "1.0.0 [BerkeleyDB]"

  5. On the machine where you installed iPlanet Calendar Server 5.0, on the command line, change to the server-root\cal\bin directory and enter:


Running ics2migrate

The data migration tool provides two processes:

  • migrating the calendar database

  • migrating LDAP user preference information


ics2migrate [-q] [-s def|none] [-f def|none] [-l min|max] source target

ics2migrate [-q] [-m db] [-s def|none] [-f def|none] [-l min|max] source target

ics2migrate [-q] [-m ldap]

Table 4-1 describes the ics2migrate tool options.

Table 4-1 ics2migrate Options 




quiet mode which displays no information on the console if the operation is successful or displays only errors if the operation fails.  

-m db  

to migrate the calendar database only

Note: To migrate both the calendar database and user preferences, do not specify the -m option.

Note: Users designated as other owners in iPlanet Calendar Server 2.x are migrated to version 5.0 with same access permissions (read and right) that they had in version 2.x, but are not migrated as owners. This migration strategy is used because in version 5.0, owners (other than the primary owner) of a calendar have increased access permissions that were not available in version 2.x. For more information, see "Access Control" in Chapter 3 of the iPlanet Calendar Server Administration Guide.  

-m ldap  

to migrate LDAP user preferences only.

Note: To migrate both the calendar database and user preferences, do not specify the -m option.  

-s def  

to grant scheduling access to users' default calendars only.

Note: To grant scheduling access to all calendars, do not specify the -s option.

For more information, see "Access Control" in Chapter 3 of the iPlanet Calendar Server Administration Guide.  

-s none  

to deny scheduling access to all calendars.  

-f def  

to grant free/busy access to users' default calendars only.

Note: To grant free/busy access to all calendars, do not specify the -f option.

For more information, see "Access Control" in Chapter 3 of the iPlanet Calendar Server Administration Guide.  

-f none  

to deny free/busy access to all calendars.  

-l min  

to save the minimal amount of data migration statistics to a log file called ics2migrate.log located in the server-root\cal\bin directory. The minimal statistics include the calendar ID, the primary owner, and the number of events and todos found for each calendar. (When this option is specified, migration statistics do not display on the console.)  

-l max  

to save the maximum amount of data migration statistics to a log file called ics2migrate.log located in the server-root\cal\bin directory. The maximum statistics include the minimal statistics plus the number of attendees of each event and todo, and the number of alarms of each event and todo. (When this option is specified, migration statistics do not display on the console.)  


the directory location in which the iPlanet Calendar Server 2.x database files are stored. This option is required when database migration is performed, for example, when either:

  • the -m option is not specified.

  • the -m db option is specified.



the directory location in which iPlanet Calendar Server 5.0 database files will be created. This option is required when database migration is performed, for example, when either:

  • the -m option is not specified.

  • the -m db option is specified.



The following example migrates both the LDAP user information and the calendar database — migrating the iPlanet Calendar Server version 2.x database stored in the directory /var/opt/SUNWicsrv/2x_db and creating a 5.0 database in the directory /var/opt/SUNWics5/50_db, plus it grants scheduling and free/busy access to all calendars and outputs minimal migration statistics in a log file called ics2migrate.log located in the server-root\cal\bin directory:

ics2migrate /var/opt/SUNWicsrv/2x_db /var/opt/SUNWics5/50_db -l min

The following example performs the same operation as the previous example, except that it operates in quiet mode (migration statistics are not displayed in the console) and no log file is generated:

ics2migrate -q /var/opt/SUNWicsrv/2x_db /var/opt/SUNWics5/50_db

The following example migrates only the 2.x calendar database stored in the directory 2x_db (relative to the current directory) and creates a 5.0 database in the directory /var/opt/SUNWics5/50_db:

ics2migrate -m db 2x_db /var/opt/SUNWics5/50_db

The following example migrates only the 2.x LDAP user information to version 5.0 format:

ics2migrate -m ldap

The following example migrates both the LDAP user information and the calendar database — migrating the iPlanet Calendar Server version 2.x database stored in the directory 2x_db (relative to the current directory) and creating a 5.0 database in the directory /var/opt/SUNWics5/50_db, plus it outputs maximum migration statistics in a log file called ics2migrate.log located in the server-root\cal\bin directory:

ics2migrate -l max 2x_db /var/opt/SUNWics5/50_db

The following example migrates both LDAP and calendar database information in the specified directories, plus it grants scheduling access only to each user's default calendar and denies free/busy access to all calendars on the server, and it does not output statistical information to a log file:

ics2migrate -s def -f none 2x_db 50_db

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated November 02, 2000