Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 System Administrator's Guide

About Waveset Errors and Exceptions

This section describes the Waveset error and exception message system and the components that can generate errors and exceptions.

The information is organized into the following sections:

Where Messages Are Stored

Error messages are stored as follows:

Note –

You can create a customized message catalog to add messages or to modify messages provided with the system.

See Chapter 9, Customizing Message Catalogs, in Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Guide for instructions.

How Messages Are Displayed

For easy identification, Waveset displays page-level error and exception messages along the top of the page as boxed text with a unique error icon.

Figure 6–1 Example Login Authentication Error

Example error message.

Note –

In the Waveset messaging system, items displayed as {0} or {1} represent parameters that are supplied by code. For example:

The file is larger than the maximum supported length of
 {0} bytes.

In this exception, the code replaces the {0} with the parameter value representing the maximum number of bytes.

Error Severity Levels

Within Waveset, error severities are defined as follows:

Note –

You can check the Waveset System Log for more information about an error or exception message. (See Viewing Errors in the System Log Report.)