Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide

To Replace the Backdrop With a Graphics Image

The backdrops are layered over the display's root window. The Style Manager Backdrop dialog box provides a NoBackdrop setting in which the backdrop is transparent.

There is only one root window behind all the workspace backdrops. Thus, a graphics image placed on the root window persists across all workspaces. You can specify which workspaces cover up the root window with a backdrop. However, the image visible when NoBackdrop is in effect will be the same for every workspace.

  1. Create the graphics image.

    The image must be in a format for which a tool exists to display it on the root window. For example, if you intend to use xsetroot, you must create a bitmap file.

  2. If it doesn't already exist, create an executable file HomeDirectory/.dt/sessions/sessionetc.

    The sessionetc file is run each time the user logs in.

  3. Place the command to display the image in the sessionetc file.

    For example, the following command tiles the root window with the specified bitmap:

    	xsetroot -bitmap /users/ellen/.dt/icons/