Korean Solaris User's Guide

Using Aliases to Set the Locale

You can use aliases to change a terminal-emulation window between the Korean locales and ASCII/English locale without typing long command lines or editing your .dtlogin file and running source every time.

How to Set Locale Aliases for the Korn Shell

    Put aliases such as the following in your .profile file.

    alias kor_EUC "export LANG=ko; /bin/stty cs8 -istrip defeucw"
    alias kor_UTF "export LANG=ko.UTF-8; /bin/stty cs8 -istrip \defeucw"
    alias asc "export LANG=C; /bin/stty cs7 istrip defeucw" 

How to Set Locale Aliases for the C Shell

    Put aliases such as the following in your .cshrc file.

    alias kor_EUC "setenv LANG ko; /bin/stty cs8 -istrip defeucw"
    alias kor_UTF "setenv LANG ko.UTF-8; /bin/stty cs8 -istrip \defeucw"
    alias asc "setenv LANG C; /bin/stty cs7 istrip defeucw"