Traditional Chinese Solaris User's Guide

How Switch Between Chinese and English Punctuation Modes

    Switch between Chinese punctuation mode and English punctuation mode through one of the following actions.

    • In the status area of an application subwindow, type Control- to switch between Chinese punctuation mode and English punctuation mode.

    • In the auxiliary window, click the Chinese/English punctuation button.

    The input method system is in Chinese punctuation mode when this button appears in the auxiliary window:

    The preceding context describes the graphic.

    The input method system is in English punctuation mode when this button appears in the auxiliary window:

    The preceding context describes the graphic.

    When you type a function key in Chinese punctuation mode, the corresponding Chinese punctuation character is committed to the application. For example, when you type the $ key in Chinese punctuation mode, the Traditional Chinese currency symbol character NT$ is committed to the application.

    The preceding context describes the graphic.

    The punctuation key includes the characters: , . / > :;’”\$!^_-

    The map between English keys and Chinese punctuation is shown in the following illustration.

    The preceding context describes the graphic.