Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator's Procedures

Front Panel Customization

Anyone can drag and drop a pre-existing action from the Application Manager to the Front Panel, as long as the account performing the modification has the action in its profile. Actions in the /usr/dt/ or /etc/dt/ directories can be added to the Front Panel, but applications in the $HOME/.dt/appconfig directory cannot. While users can use the Create Action action, they cannot write into any of the directories where the system-wide actions are stored. Therefore, regular users cannot create actions that are usable.

In Trusted Extensions, the actions' search path has been changed. Actions in any individual's home directory are processed last instead of first. Therefore, no one can customize existing actions.

The Security Administrator role is assigned the Admin Editor action, so can make any needed modifications to the /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/dtwm.fp file and the other configuration files for the Front Panel subpanels.