Sun Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide for Solaris OS

Creating a Java Application That Uses CRNP

The following example illustrates how to develop a simple Java application named CrnpClient that uses the CRNP. The application registers for event callbacks with the CRNP server on the cluster, listens for the event callbacks, and processes the events by printing their contents. Before terminating, the application unregisters its request for event callbacks.

Keep the following points in mind when reviewing this example.

Set Up Your Environment

First, you need to set up your environment.

  1. Download and install JAXP and the correct version of the Java compiler and virtual machine.

    You can find instructions at

    Note –

    This example requires Java 1.3.1 or a later version of Java.

  2. Ensure that you specify a classpath in your compilation command line so that the compiler can find the JAXP classes. From the directory in which your source file is located, type:

    % javac -classpath JAXP_ROOT/dom.jar:JAXP_ROOTjaxp-api. \
    jar:JAXP_ROOTsax.jar:JAXP_ROOTxalan.jar:JAXP_ROOT/xercesImpl \
    .jar:JAXP_ROOT/xsltc.jar -sourcepath .

    where JAXP_ROOT is the absolute or relative path to the directory in which the JAXP jar files are located and SOURCE_FILENAME is the name of your Java source file.

  3. When you run the application, specify the classpath so that the application can load the proper JAXP class files (note that the first path in the classpath is the current directory):

    java -cp .:JAXP_ROOT/dom.jar:JAXP_ROOTjaxp-api. \
    jar:JAXP_ROOTsax.jar:JAXP_ROOTxalan.jar:JAXP_ROOT/xercesImpl \

    Now that your environment is configured, you can develop your application.

Get Started

In this part of the example, you create a basic class called CrnpClient, with a main method that parses the command line arguments and constructs a CrnpClient object. This object passes the command line arguments to the class), waits for the user to terminate the application, calls shutdown on the CrnpClient, and then exits.

The constructor of the CrnpClient class needs to execute the following tasks:

    Create the Java code that implements the preceding logic.

    The following example shows the skeleton code for the CrnpClient class. The implementations of the four helper methods that are referenced in the constructor and shutdown methods are shown later. Note that the code that imports all the packages you need is shown.

    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import java.util.*;
    class CrnpClient
            public static void main(String []args)
                    InetAddress regIp = null;
                    int regPort = 0, localPort = 0;
                    try {
                            regIp = InetAddress.getByName(args[0]);
                            regPort = (new Integer(args[1])).intValue();
                            localPort = (new Integer(args[2])).intValue();
                    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                    CrnpClient client = new CrnpClient(regIp, regPort, localPort, 
                    System.out.println("Hit return to terminate demo...");
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
            public CrnpClient(InetAddress regIpIn, int regPortIn, int localPortIn, 
                String []clArgs)
                    try {
                            regIp = regIpIn;
                            regPort = regPortIn;
                            localPort = localPortIn;
                            regs = clArgs;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
            public void shutdown()
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
            private InetAddress regIp;
            private int regPort;
            private EventReceptionThread evtThr;
            private String regs[];
            public int localPort;
            public DocumentBuilderFactory dbf;

    Member variables are discussed in more detail later.

Parse the Command Line Arguments

    To see how to parse command line arguments, refer to the code in Appendix G, Application.

Define the Event Reception Thread

In the code, you need to ensure that event reception is performed in a separate thread so that your application can continue to do other work while the event thread blocks and waits for event callbacks.

Note –

Setting up the XML is discussed later.

  1. In your code, define a Thread subclass called EventReceptionThread that creates a ServerSocket and waits for events to arrive on the socket.

    In this part of the example code, events are neither read nor processed. Reading and processing events are discussed later. The EventReceptionThread creates a ServerSocket on a wildcard internetworking protocol address. EventReceptionThread also keeps a reference to the CrnpClient object so that EventReceptionThread can send events to the CrnpClient object to process.

    class EventReceptionThread extends Thread
            public EventReceptionThread(CrnpClient clientIn) throws IOException
                    client = clientIn;
                    listeningSock = new ServerSocket(client.localPort, 50,
            public void run()
                    try {
                            DocumentBuilder db = client.dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
                            db.setErrorHandler(new DefaultHandler());
                            while(true) {
                                    Socket sock = listeningSock.accept();
                                    // Construct event from the sock stream and process it
                            // UNREACHABLE
                    } catch (Exception e) {
            /* private member variables */
            private ServerSocket listeningSock;
            private CrnpClient client;

  2. Now that you see how the EventReceptionThread class works, construct an createEvtRecepThr object:

    private void createEvtRecepThr() throws Exception
            evtThr = new EventReceptionThread(this);

Register and Unregister Callbacks

The registration task consists of:

  1. Create the Java code that implements the preceding logic.

    The following example shows the implementation of the registerCallbacks method of the CrnpClient class (which is called by the CrnpClient constructor). The calls to createRegistrationString() and readRegistrationReply() are described in more detail later.

    regIp and regPort are object members that are set up by the constructor.

    private void registerCallbacks() throws Exception
            Socket sock = new Socket(regIp, regPort);
            String xmlStr = createRegistrationString();
            PrintStream ps = new 

  2. Implement the unregister method. This method is called by the shutdown method of CrnpClient. The implementation of createUnregistrationString is described in more detail later.

    private void unregister() throws Exception
            Socket sock = new Socket(regIp, regPort);
            String xmlStr = createUnregistrationString();
            PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(sock.getOutputStream());

Generate the XML

Now that you have set up the structure of the application and have written all the networking code, you write the code that generates and parses the XML. Start by writing the code that generates the SC_CALLBACK_REG XML registration message.

An SC_CALLBACK_REG message consists of a registration type (ADD_CLIENT, REMOVE_CLIENT, ADD_EVENTS, or REMOVE_EVENTS), a callback port, and a list of events of interest. Each event consists of a class and a subclass, followed by a list of name and value pairs.

In this part of the example, you write a CallbackReg class that stores the registration type, callback port, and list of registration events. This class also can serialize itself to an SC_CALLBACK_REG XML message.

An interesting method of this class is the convertToXml method, which creates an SC_CALLBACK_REG XML message string from the class members. The JAXP documentation at describes the code in this method in more detail.

The implementation of the Event class is shown below. Note that the CallbackReg class uses an Event class that stores one event and can convert that event to an XML Element.

  1. Create the Java code that implements the preceding logic.

    class CallbackReg
            public static final int ADD_CLIENT = 0;
            public static final int ADD_EVENTS = 1;
            public static final int REMOVE_EVENTS = 2;
            public static final int REMOVE_CLIENT = 3;
            public CallbackReg()
                    port = null;
                    regType = null;
                    regEvents = new Vector();
            public void setPort(String portIn)
                    port = portIn;
            public void setRegType(int regTypeIn)
                    switch (regTypeIn) {
                    case ADD_CLIENT:
                            regType = "ADD_CLIENT";
                    case ADD_EVENTS:
                            regType = "ADD_EVENTS";
                    case REMOVE_CLIENT:
                            regType = "REMOVE_CLIENT";
                    case REMOVE_EVENTS:
                            regType = "REMOVE_EVENTS";
                            System.out.println("Error, invalid regType " +
                            regType = "ADD_CLIENT";
            public void addRegEvent(Event regEvent)
            public String convertToXml()
                    Document document = null;
                    DocumentBuilderFactory factory =
                    try {
                            DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                            document = builder.newDocument(); 
                    } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
                            // Parser with specified options can't be built
                    // Create the root element
                    Element root = (Element) document.createElement(
                    // Add the attributes
                    root.setAttribute("VERSION", "1.0");
                    root.setAttribute("PORT", port);
                    root.setAttribute("regType", regType);
                    // Add the events
                    for (int i = 0; i < regEvents.size(); i++) {
                            Event tempEvent = (Event)
                    // Convert the whole thing to a string
                    DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(document);
                    StringWriter strWrite = new StringWriter();
                    StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(strWrite);
                    TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
                    try {
                            Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer();
                            transformer.transform(domSource, streamResult);
                    } catch (TransformerException e) {
                            return ("");
                    return (strWrite.toString());
            private String port;
            private String regType;
            private Vector regEvents;

  2. Implement the Event and NVPair classes.

    Note that the CallbackReg class uses an Event class, which itself uses an NVPair class.

    class Event
            public Event()
                    regClass = regSubclass = null;
                    nvpairs = new Vector();
            public void setClass(String classIn)
                    regClass = classIn;
            public void setSubclass(String subclassIn)
                    regSubclass = subclassIn;
            public void addNvpair(NVPair nvpair)
            public Element createXmlElement(Document doc)
                    Element event = (Element)
                    event.setAttribute("CLASS", regClass);
                    if (regSubclass != null) {
                            event.setAttribute("SUBCLASS", regSubclass);
                    for (int i = 0; i < nvpairs.size(); i++) {
                              NVPair tempNv = (NVPair)
                    return (event);
            private String regClass, regSubclass;
            private Vector nvpairs;
    class NVPair
            public NVPair()
                    name = value = null;
            public void setName(String nameIn)
                    name = nameIn;
            public void setValue(String valueIn)
                    value = valueIn;
            public Element createXmlElement(Document doc)
                    Element nvpair = (Element)
                    Element eName = doc.createElement("NAME");
                    Node nameData = doc.createCDATASection(name);
                    Element eValue = doc.createElement("VALUE");
                    Node valueData = doc.createCDATASection(value);
                    return (nvpair);
            private String name, value;

Create the Registration and Unregistration Messages

Now that you have created the helper classes that generate the XML messages, you can write the implementation of the createRegistrationString method. This method is called by the registerCallbacks method, which is described in Register and Unregister Callbacks.

createRegistrationString constructs a CallbackReg object and sets its registration type and port. Then createRegistrationString constructs various events, using the createAllEvent, createMembershipEvent, createRgEvent, and createREvent helper methods. Each event is added to the CallbackReg object after this object is created. Finally, createRegistrationString calls the convertToXml method on the CallbackReg object to retrieve the XML message in String form.

Note that the regs member variable stores the command line arguments that a user provides to the application. The fifth and subsequent arguments specify the events for which the application should register. The fourth argument specifies the type of registration, but is ignored in this example. The complete code in Appendix G, Application shows how to use this fourth argument.

  1. Create the Java code that implements the preceding logic.

    private String createRegistrationString() throws Exception
            CallbackReg cbReg = new CallbackReg();
            cbReg.setPort("" + localPort);
            // add the events
            for (int i = 4; i < regs.length; i++) {
                    if (regs[i].equals("M")) {
                    } else if (regs[i].equals("A")) {
                    } else if (regs[i].substring(0,2).equals("RG")) {
                    } else if (regs[i].substring(0,1).equals("R")) {
            String xmlStr = cbReg.convertToXml();
            return (xmlStr);
    private Event createAllEvent()
            Event allEvent = new Event();
            return (allEvent);
    private Event createMembershipEvent()
            Event membershipEvent = new Event();
            return (membershipEvent);
    private Event createRgEvent(String rgname)
            Event rgStateEvent = new Event();
            NVPair rgNvpair = new NVPair();
            return (rgStateEvent);
    private Event createREvent(String rname)
            Event rStateEvent = new Event();
            NVPair rNvpair = new NVPair();
            return (rStateEvent);

  2. Create the unregistration string.

    Creating the unregistration string is easier than creating the registration string because you don't need to accommodate events:

    private String createUnregistrationString() throws Exception
            CallbackReg cbReg = new CallbackReg();
            cbReg.setPort("" + localPort);
            String xmlStr = cbReg.convertToXml();
            return (xmlStr);

Set Up the XML Parser

You have now created the networking and XML generation code for the application. The final step is to parse and process the registration reply and event callbacks. The CrnpClient constructor calls a setupXmlProcessing method. This method creates a DocumentBuilderFactory object and sets various parsing properties on that object. The JAXP documentation at describes this method in more detail.

    Create the Java code that implements the preceding logic.

    private void setupXmlProcessing() throws Exception
            dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            // We don't need to bother validating
            // We want to ignore comments and whitespace
            // Coalesce CDATA sections into TEXT nodes.

Parse the Registration Reply

To parse the SC_REPLY XML message that the CRNP server sends in response to a registration or unregistration message, you need a RegReply helper class. You can construct this class from an XML document. This class provides accessors for the status code and status message. To parse the XML stream from the server, you need to create a new XML document and use that document's parse method (the JAXP documentation at describes this method in more detail).

  1. Create the Java code that implements the preceding logic.

    Note that the readRegistrationReply method uses the new RegReply class.

    private void readRegistrationReply(InputStream stream) throws Exception
            // Create the document builder
            DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
            db.setErrorHandler(new DefaultHandler());
            //parse the input file
            Document doc = db.parse(stream);
            RegReply reply = new RegReply(doc);

  2. Implement the RegReply class.

    Note that the retrieveValues method walks the DOM tree in the XML document and pulls out the status code and status message. The JAXP documentation at contains more detail.

    class RegReply
            public RegReply(Document doc)
            public String getStatusCode()
                    return (statusCode);
            public String getStatusMsg()
                    return (statusMsg);
            public void print(PrintStream out)
                    out.println(statusCode + ": " +
                        (statusMsg != null ? statusMsg : ""));
            private void retrieveValues(Document doc)
                    Node n;
                    NodeList nl;
                    String nodeName;
                    // Find the SC_REPLY element.
                    nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("SC_REPLY");
                    if (nl.getLength() != 1) {
                            System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
                                + "SC_REPLY node.");
                    n = nl.item(0);
                    // Retrieve the value of the statusCode attribute
                    statusCode = ((Element)n).getAttribute("STATUS_CODE");
                    // Find the SC_STATUS_MSG element
                    nl = ((Element)n).getElementsByTagName("SC_STATUS_MSG");
                    if (nl.getLength() != 1) {
                            System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
                                + "SC_STATUS_MSG node.");
                    // Get the TEXT section, if there is one.
                    n = nl.item(0).getFirstChild();
                    if (n == null || n.getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                    // Not an error if there isn't one, so we just silently return.
                    // Retrieve the value
                    statusMsg = n.getNodeValue();
            private String statusCode;
            private String statusMsg;

Parse the Callback Events

The final step is to parse and process the actual callback events. To aid in this task, you modify the Event class that you created in Generate the XML so that this class can construct an Event from an XML document and create an XML Element. This change requires an additional constructor (that takes an XML document), a retrieveValues method, the addition of two member variables (vendor and publisher), accessor methods for all fields, and finally, a print method.

  1. Create the Java code that implements the preceding logic.

    Note that this code is similar to the code for the RegReply class that is described in Parse the Registration Reply.

            public Event(Document doc)
                    nvpairs = new Vector();
            public void print(PrintStream out)
                    out.println("\tCLASS=" + regClass);
                    out.println("\tSUBCLASS=" + regSubclass);
                    out.println("\tVENDOR=" + vendor);
                    out.println("\tPUBLISHER=" + publisher);
                    for (int i = 0; i < nvpairs.size(); i++) {
                            NVPair tempNv = (NVPair)
            private void retrieveValues(Document doc)
                    Node n;
                    NodeList nl;
                    String nodeName;
                    // Find the SC_EVENT element.
                    nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("SC_EVENT");
                    if (nl.getLength() != 1) {
                       System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
                           + "SC_EVENT node.");
                    n = nl.item(0);
                    // Retrieve the values of the CLASS, SUBCLASS,
                    // VENDOR and PUBLISHER attributes.
                    regClass = ((Element)n).getAttribute("CLASS");
                    regSubclass = ((Element)n).getAttribute("SUBCLASS");
                    publisher = ((Element)n).getAttribute("PUBLISHER");
                    vendor = ((Element)n).getAttribute("VENDOR");
                    // Retrieve all the nv pairs
                    for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
                        child = child.getNextSibling())
                           nvpairs.add(new NVPair((Element)child));
            public String getRegClass()
                    return (regClass);
            public String getSubclass()
                    return (regSubclass);
            public String getVendor()
                    return (vendor);
            public String getPublisher()
                    return (publisher);
            public Vector getNvpairs()
                    return (nvpairs);
            private String vendor, publisher;

  2. Implement the additional constructors and methods for the NVPair class that support the XML parsing.

    The changes to the Event class that are shown in Step 1 require similar changes to the NVPair class.

            public NVPair(Element elem)
            public void print(PrintStream out)
                    out.println("NAME=" + name + " VALUE=" + value);
            private void retrieveValues(Element elem)
                    Node n;
                    NodeList nl;
                    String nodeName;
                    // Find the NAME element
                    nl = elem.getElementsByTagName("NAME");
                    if (nl.getLength() != 1) {
                       System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
                           + "NAME node.");
                    // Get the TEXT section
                    n = nl.item(0).getFirstChild();
                    if (n == null || n.getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                       System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
                           + "TEXT section.");
                    // Retrieve the value
                    name = n.getNodeValue();
                    // Now get the value element
                    nl = elem.getElementsByTagName("VALUE");
                    if (nl.getLength() != 1) {
                       System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
                           + "VALUE node.");
                    // Get the TEXT section
                    n = nl.item(0).getFirstChild();
                    if (n == null || n.getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                    System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
                                + "TEXT section.");
                    // Retrieve the value
                    value = n.getNodeValue();
            public String getName()
                    return (name);
            public String getValue()
                    return (value);

  3. Implement the while loop in EventReceptionThread, which waits for event callbacks (EventReceptionThread is described in Define the Event Reception Thread).

    while(true) {
                    Socket sock = listeningSock.accept();
                    Document doc = db.parse(sock.getInputStream());
                    Event event = new Event(doc);

Run the Application

    Run your application.

    # java CrnpClient crnpHost crnpPort localPort ...

    The complete code for the CrnpClient application is listed in Appendix G, Application.