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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2004Q2 Developer's Guide 

Chapter 2
Overview of the Provider API (PAPI)

This chapter provides an overview of the Sun Java System Portal Server software Provider Application Programming Interface (PAPI) and includes instructions for developing a custom provider.

This chapter contains the following sections:


Figure 2-1 shows the relationship between the various interfaces, classes, and exceptions discussed in this chapter. For detailed information on these interfaces, classes, and exceptions, see the Javadocs at http://hostname:port/portal/javadocs.

Figure 2-1  The Provider Application Programming Interface (PAPI)

This image shows the relationship between the various interfaces, classes, and exceptions in the PAPI

The Provider API

This section provides an overview of the interfaces (see Provider, ProviderWidths, and ProviderEditTypes), base classes (see ProviderAdapter, ProfileProviderAdapter), context (see ProviderContext), exceptions (see Exceptions), and the lifecycle of the provider.


The Provider interface clearly defines the communication channel between a container and a provider. The container may be the DesktopServlet, or another provider object. The methods defined in the Provider interface supply the basic handshaking required for a container to display the content from a provider object.

A provider can implement this interface. Clients of the Provider interface call the methods in this interface to query information or to perform an action in the provider. Such clients include, but are not limited to, the DesktopServlet and other channels (container channels).

There are essentially two types of methods in this interface:

Methods that handle actions    

This includes getContent(), getEdit(), and processEdit() methods.

Methods that describe how the provider should be treated by the containing entity    

This includes all methods that begin with is and get (minus the get* methods used for handling actions).

See the Javadocs for more information on the methods in this interface.


The ProviderAdapter class implements aspects of the Provider using the ProviderContext. The ProviderAdapter class implements the ProviderWidths interface, which defines the provider widths, and ProviderEditTypes interface, which defines the edit types, making the constants defined in these interfaces available to classes that extend ProviderAdapter.

Developers who wish to implement a provider can extend this class or the ProfileProviderAdapter class for forward compatibility and convenient access to the ProviderContext interface.

See the Javadocs for more information on the methods in this class.


The ProfileProviderAdapter is a subclass of the ProviderAdapter that includes convenience wrappers around some commonly used methods in the ProviderContext interface, like get/set*Property(), exists*Property(), get/setStringAttribute(), and getTemplate().

The advantages of using the wrapper methods in the ProfileProviderAdapter class as opposed to using the methods in the ProviderContext interface are the following:

See the Javadocs for more information on the methods in this class.


The ProviderContext object provides information pertaining to the environment that a provider object is executing within. Such information may be specific to the user, to the web container, or be global (shared between multiple users). This interface does not define what information falls into each of these categories; this is left up to the implementation. Provider developers can obtain a handle to a ProviderContext object by extending ProviderAdapter, and then calling ProviderAdapter.getProviderContext().

The ProviderContext forms the layer between the services used by the provider and the provider implementation thus isolating the provider code from specific service interfaces and implementations. It defines the service interface for the Desktop, and allows different implementation to access the actual data.

The following are some of the methods in the ProviderContext:

See the Javadocs for more information on the methods in this interface.


The ProviderWidths interface defines the widths that can be returned from the Provider.getWidth() method. The width is a suggestion to a client of a provider object as to how much screen real estate should be given to display the provider’s default view.

See the Javadocs for more information on the methods in this interface.


The ProviderEditTypes interface defines the edit types that can be returned from the Provider.getEditType() method. The edit type informs a client of a provider object what it can expect to be returned from the provider’s getEdit() method. The edit type can be EDIT_COMPLETE or EDIT_SUBSET.

See the Javadocs for more information on the methods in this interface.


The PropertiesFilter abstract class, when extended, can describe a specific filter criteria. To implement a specific filter, one must minimally implement the getCondition() and match() methods in the PropertiesFilter abstract class.

Out of the box, the Portal Server software includes filters based on locale and client. The locale and client filter extend the PropertiesFilter abstract class and includes an implementation of the getCondition() and match() methods in the PropertiesFilter class. See the Javadoc for more details.


The Desktop expects a provider to only throw ProviderException or a subclass of the ProviderException. For correct operation, a provider must only throw expected exception type. That is:

Exceptions from providers are logged in /var/opt/SUNWam/debug/desktop.debug file. Note that this file is created only if there is an error.


The ProviderException is a generic superclass for all provider related exceptions.


The AsciiFormInputExpectedException will be thrown from Provider.processEdit() method when something other than ASCII only encoded form input is sent to it.


The InvalidEditFormDataException is thrown from the Provider.processEdit() method when there is an error in the data input by the user. If thrown, the Desktop will send back the same Edit page, and will attach the exception’s message as a parameter to the URL. For example, if the exception is:

throw new InvalidEditFormDataException("Error Error");

the Desktop will redirect back to the same Edit page, adding the error message to the URL error parameter:

error=Error Error

The edit page wrapper then looks for the error parameter in the URL and if present, displays the message (or the value of the error parameter) at the top of the page in red.


The UnknownEditTypeException may be thrown from Provider.getEditType() method if an unknown or undefined edit type is encountered.

The Provider Life Cycle

This section describes the lifecycle of the provider per user session. Figure 2-2, Figure 2-3, and Figure 2-4 shows how the Desktop handles each user session.

A session is created at the time the user logs in to the portal Desktop and ends when they logout. The session also ends when the user session is idle, or when the session times out. For authless logins, a single session is shared amongst all clients accessing the Desktop in authless mode, and the authless session never dies.

For each request, the DesktopServlet will validate the user session; if it is a valid session, the DesktopServlet will start to process the request. If a session does not exist, the DesktopServlet will create a session.

The creation of the provider context is equivalent to the creation of a session. The container provider context object is generated and maintained, one per session. So each time a request comes in, the cached container provider context object is used. For example, in Figure 2-2, when the first initial request comes in, the container provider context is created and initialized, and when the subsequent requests come in, as in the reload and logout requests shown in Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-4 respectively, the cached container provider context is returned.

The container provider context maintains a list of its contained provider objects and their cached content locally. Contained providers are created and initialized once per session, and their content is cached in the provider context object. Subsequent requests access the cached provider objects that live inside the provider context object.

The contentChanged() and allContentChanged() methods signify that either the content for one channel or all channels has changed, respectively. This is used to remove all the cached content for the channels, as well as to clear the cached provider objects. When the requested action is logout, as shown in Figure 2-4, the DesktopServlet will redirect the request to the logout URL, and the session will be destroyed. At this point, the provider context object is removed from the cached list, and ready for garbage collection. Also, if the session expires or times out, the provider context object is removed from the cached list.

Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-4 shows a sample of how the content and logout actions are processed. For detailed information on how the DesktopServlet and the back end providers handle each action (including content and logout), see .

Figure 2-2  The Provider Life Cycle - Initial Request for Authenticated User

This flowchart shows how the DesktopServlet processes a user's initial request

Figure 2-3  The Provider Lifecycle - Desktop Reload Request for Authenticated User

This figure shows how the DesktopServlet handles a reload request from authenticated users.

Figure 2-4  The Provider Lifecycle - Logout Request

This figure shows how the DesktopServlet handles logout request.

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