Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2004Q2 for Linux Release Notes

Sun Java™ System Portal Server Release Notes for Linux

Version 6 2004Q2

Part Number 817-6988-05

These Release Notes contain important information available at the time of release of Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2004Q2. New features and enhancements, known issues and limitations, and other information are addressed here. Read this document before you begin using Portal Server 6.

The most up-to-date version of these release notes can be found at the Sun Java System documentation web site: Check the web site prior to installing and setting up your software and then periodically thereafter to view the most up-to-date release notes and product documentation.

These release notes contain the following sections:

Third-party URLs may be referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.


Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party Web sites mentioned in this document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.

Release Notes Revision History

Table 1  Revision History 


Description of Changes

June 22, 2004

Updated for Linux

May 18, 2004

Initial release of Sun Java™ System Portal Server 6 2004Q2 Release Notes.

About Portal Server 6 2004Q2

The Sun Java System Portal Server 6 product gives end users a portal Desktop, which provides access to resources and applications. The Portal Server software also provides a search engine infrastructure that enables intranet content to be organized and accessed from the portal Desktop. Additionally, in this release, the Communication Channels are now installed with the Portal Server software. The communication channels consist of mail, calendar, address book, and instant messaging channels.

Portal Server also offers Secure Remote Access support, which enables remote users to securely access their organization’s network and its services over the Internet. Additionally, it gives your organization a secure Internet portal, providing access to content, applications, and data to any targeted audience--employees, business partners, or the general public.

This section includes:

What’s New in This Release

Sun Java Systems Portal Server 6 2004Q2 includes these new features:

Hardware and Software Requirements

The following hardware and software are required for this release of Portal Server.

Table 2  Linux Hardware and Software Requirements 


Platform Requirement

Operating System

Linux: RedHat EL AS 2.1 u2


512 Mbytes of RAM for evaluation install

1.2 Gbytes of RAM for regular deployment

Disk space

1 Gbyte of disk space for Portal Server and associated applications

For software requirements, see the Sun Java Enterprise System Release Notes at

Important Information

This section contains the latest information that is not contained in the core product documentation. This section covers the following topics:

Installation Notes

This section contains installation information for:

Portal Server

For Java Enterprise System 2004Q2, Portal Server can be installed and configured to run with either:

To Run the Liberty Samples

The liberty samples are designed for a Portal Server and Identity Server installation on same system.

To run the Liberty samples on a Portal Server/Identity Server separated install, do the following:

  1. Make sure the SP_HOST_DOMAIN value in points to the Identity Server full install host.
  2. In the administration console of Identity Server that is acting as Service Provider, set the Provider Home Page to URL=http://portal-server-host:port/portal/dt
  3. To set this value:

    1. Select the federation management tab.
    2. Select the service provider in navigation frame.
    3. Select provider in the drop-down in data frame.
    4. Scroll down to Identity Server Configuration section.
    5. Set the Provider Home Page to URL=http://portal-server-host:port/portal/dt.
    6. For Liberty Sample 3 only, perform Step 3 and Step 4.

  4. Change “Single Sign-On Failure Redirect URL” and set it to http://portal-server-host:port/portal/dt?libertySSOFailed=true
  5. To set this value:

    1. Select the federation management tab.
    2. Select the service provider in navigation frame.
    3. Select provider in the drop-down in data frame.
    4. Scroll down to Identity Server Configuration section.
    5. Set the Single Sign-On Failure Redirect URL to http://portal-server-host:port/portal/dt?libertySSOFailed=true
  6. Set the PreLoginURL to http://portal-server-host:identity-server-port/amserver/preLogin?metaAlias=is-host&goto=http://portal-server-host:portal-server-port/portal/dt
  7. To set this value:

    1. Go to Identity Management, Select Users from the drop down Menu.
    2. Click on authlessanonymous user and then select Portal Desktop from the View drop down list in the Navigation Frame.
    3. Click on the Edit link.
    4. Click on Manage Channels and Containers.
    5. Click on Edit properties of the Login Channel
    6. Set the PreLogin URL to http://portal-server-host:identity-server-port/amserver/preLogin?metaAlias=is-host&goto=http://portal-server-host:portal-server-port/portal/dt.
  8. Set the following in the file on the Portal Server host:

Web Containers

After Portal Server and Identity Server SDK have been installed using Java Enterprise Server installer, use the following procedure to install JSR168 sample portlets or WSRP samples.

For detailed instructions on installing the Sun Java Server component products, refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide at

The following manual steps are needed after the Portal Server and Identity Server SDK have been installed on Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 and Sun Java Server Application Server 7:

  1. Restart the Web Server or Application Server instance
  2. Make sure that the PATH setting includes /usr/bin. This is needed for awk part of script to run correctly.
  3. Execute the following commands to configure the WSRP samples.
    • portal-server-install-root/portal/samples/wsrpproducer/producersampleconfig

      Provide the Identity Server admin password when prompted.

    • portal-server-install-root/portal/samples/wsrpconsumer/consumersampleconfig

      Provide the Identity Server admin password when prompted.

Deprecated Features

The NetMail application is being deprecated in this release of the Sun Java System Portal Server product.

Known Issues and Limitations

This section contains a list of the known issues with Portal Server 6. The following product areas are covered:


On the Linux platform, Portal Server tries to use a non-existent user portalbld during the installation of portal rpms. (5045274)

During installation, the installation logs at /var/opt/sun/install/logs, contains the following warning message:

warning: user portalbld does not exist - using root.

This message can be ignored.



On Linux, errors occur in the post-installation script. (5056584)

The following message is seen in the install log files when Netlet proxy or Rewriter Proxy components of Portal Server SRA are installed:

“[: : integer expression expected.”

This message can be ignored.



Portal Server Configurator fails because of domain specific issues after minimal mode installation. (5061212)

The following problems are associated with this bug:

Issue 1     The configurator does not work if the /var/sad/install/logs directory is not present. The configurator tries to write install logs into the /var/sad/install/logs directory. If the directory is not present the configurator fails.


If the directory /var/sad/install/logs is not present, create the directory as root before running the configurator.

Issue 2    

For domains in which the DNS domain name is different from the domain part of the fully qualified domain name, the Portal Server and Portal Server, Secure Remote Access services URLS are formed with the DNS domain name instead of the correct fully qualified domain name.

For example, if the DNS domain name of the machine is though the fully qualified domain name of the machines is, the following problems occur:

Issue 3     In the Portal Server, Secure Remote Access Panels, the subdomain text field contains the wrong name if the DNS domain name is different from the domain part of the fully qualified domain name.

For example, if the DNS domain name is and the fully qualified host name is, then the sub-domain text field contains mydomain-03 as the value. Even if the user clears the text, mydomain-03 gets replaced.


If the host name is , enter the details in Secure Remote Access panel as follows:

HostName: myhost-01

Sub-Domian: sesta


Portal Server SRA cannot be configured to run as a separate node on RedHat Linux. (5063218)

Portal Server SRA cannot be configured to run as a separate node on RedHat AS2.1U2, if the sun-portal-configurator rpm is not installed on the gateway. This problem occurs if the previous installation was incomplete.

The installation and configuration appears to be successful, but the gateway cannot start. Gateway startup fails with the following error:

/etc/init.d/gateway: //lib/psmacros: No such file or directory


Cleanup only the box containing the gateway, and perform a fresh install of the Identity Server SDK and Portal Server.

To cleanup the gateway box:

  1. Use the Java Enterprise System uninstaller to uninstall all components.
  2. Check to see if all Java Enterprise System rpms are removed. Use the following command to see if the rpms are removed:
  1. Manually remove the following directories (assuming the default install locations are used):
    • /opt/sun
    • /etc/opt/sun
    • /var/opt/sun

Perform a fresh install of Identity Server SDK and Portal Server.

In a Portal Server-Identity Server installation, incorrect URL redirection occurs when authless is disabled. (5046549)

In a Portal Server-Identity Server separated install, if authless is disabled, the user is redirected to the URL portal-server-host/amserver/UI/Login which results in an error. The error message “Not found” is displayed.


Specify the fully qualified login URL in the platform service of Identity Server. This URL can be the load balancer URL.


When different Identity Server SDKs use a different Identity Server instance talking to the same Directory Server, this solution will not work.

Administration Console

Sample portlets not shown when a new container is added. (5048822)

After adding a new container channel, whenever a create new container page is displayed, the new portlet page will show an empty portlet list.


Click on Portal Desktop in the navigation frame and then add the portlet channel.

Multi Server Instance

The Portal Server multiserverinstance script does not work. (5056218)

During the configuration of Portal Server on a new Web Server or Application Server instance using the “multiserverinstance” script at the location portal-install-dir/portal/bin, and error occurs.


For the Web Server container:

For Application Server Container,

Secure Remote Access

Gateway fails to start if Portal Server port is different from Identity Server port. (5044508)

The following command fails to start the gateway if the Portal Server port is different from the Identity Server port:

./gateway -n default start


Use one of the following methods to workaround this problem

Clicking on Public folders prompts for user name, password, and domain name. (5022049)

When using Exchange 2003 through the gateway, users are prompted for user name, password, and domain name information when attempting to access public folders. This problem prevents users from being able access public folders.


On the Exchange server, set the public folders authentication properties to use HTTP basic authentication.

Log off does not work for Exchange 2003. (5013288)

This problem is similar to bug 5022049. If the public folders in Exchange 2003 are not accessible, the user is unable to log off gracefully. The Exchange server settings should use only basic HTTP authentication for public folders.


On the Exchange server, set the public folders authentication properties to use HTTP basic authentication.

If two gateways are installed on two portals, the gateways point to only one portal. (4915600)

The Forward Cookie URLs and the Portal Server list point only to one Portal.


The Portal Server list field and the Forward Cookie URL field must be modified to include the second portal server.

In the administration console:

  1. Click the Service Configuration tab.
  2. Under SRA Configuration, click Gateway.
  3. Click on the profile that you want to edit.
  4. In the field, “URLs to which User Session Cookie is forwarded,” add the second Portal URL.
  5. In the field, “Portal Servers,” add the second Portal URL.
  6. Click Save.

Not all gateway services can be started when multiple gateway interfaces exist. (5020354)

When installing a Portal gateway, the gateway binds to the primary interface and not to all interfaces. This presents a problem when starting the gateway services. At startup the gateway sends its node Id and other credentials to the Portal-Identity Server services to authenticate and become an authorized Portal gateway. After successfully authenticating against the Portal-Identity Server, the response to the gateway is an SSO Login Token. This token gets lost because the gateway is listening to the external IP address and not the internal IP address.


If the machine on which the gateway is installed has more than one interface, set the property value gateway.bindipaddress to in the following file:


Doing so will make the gateway listen on all interfaces on the specified port.


A memory leak occurs when running on RedHat ES Linux 2.1. (5059662)

A slow increase in the memory usage of the JVM occurs when running Portal Server on RedHat ES Linux 2.1.




NetFile Java2 saves a change even when the user chooses not to save the session. (5031464)

After adding a share to a server, the share is automatically saved in the session regardless or not we save the session.


Manually remove the change before closing NetFile Java2.

The NetFile Java2 drag and drop function does work properly. (5031489)

NetFile Java2 supports Drag & Drop of Files/Folder from “Remote Hosts” to “Local Hosts” and Drag & Drop of files from “Local Hosts” to “Remote Hosts.” It does not support Drag and Drop of files from “Local Hosts” to “Local Hosts” or “Remote Hosts” to “Remote Hosts.”



NetFile Search is not working for hosts of type Netware. (5049696)



In NetFile Java1 or Java2, shares cannot be added to hosts of type NFS. (5055447)




A security info window is displayed when user searches for an existing string in Microsoft Exchange.(5063981)

When a user searches for an existing string, a security info window is displayed asking if the user want to view non-secure information.

This bug occurs when using Microsoft Exchange 2003 through a gateway.



Unnecessary security windows and Javascript errors occur when using Microsoft Exchange 2003 and Microsoft Exchange 200 sp3 through a Personal Digital Certificate (PDC) enabled gateway. (5063991)

Security windows are displayed for every page while navigating through Exchange.




The Portal Server Desktop cannot be accessed in SSL mode after Proxylet is downloaded. (4990035)

After the successful download of Proxylet, the gateway is not able to access the SSL installation of the Portal Server.



If the browser proxy setting, “Use the same proxy server for all protocols” is unchecked, and Proxylet is running, the desktop fails. (4990975)

Proxylet will be downloaded successfully, but the Desktop page does not load.



If cookies are disabled, Proxylet does not get downloaded and an exception is thrown. (4996257)

Proxylet does not work in cookieless mode for this release.



User input is required for Proxylet in Netscape Navigator 7.1 if a proxy is required to reach the gateway. (5010160)

A popup comes up to take input from user for the proxy settings. This popup comes only if the proxy setting is not direct and only for Netscape.



Unable to logout of Desktop in Mozilla 1.4 in Solaris if Proxylet is running. (5061250)

After successfully downloading Proxylet, the user cannot logout of the desktop. This problem occurs only when using Mozilla on a Solaris workstation while the server is on Linux.



Some applications do not work through Proxylet. (5045138)

Applications that require the socket connection to remain open after a response is sent from the destination server do not work with Proxylet.




The certadmin script does not delete the certificate in the same session. (4981061)

If you use the certadmin script to delete a certificate, and then try to re-create the certificate in the same session, a message is displayed that indicates the certificate already exists.


  1. Launch the certadmin utility in:
  2. gateway-installation-dir/portal/bin

  3. Choose the option “Delete Certificate” to delete the certificate.
  4. Exit the certadmin utility by choosing “Quit.”
  5. Relaunch the certadmin utility to re-create the certificate with the same name.

An error message thrown during creation of the gateway profile. (5009348)



Cannot Login through the gateway if proxy authentication is used for a Portal Server Domain. (5010775)

The user cannot log in from the gateway if a domain or subdomain is configured to use a proxy. This causes the gateway instance to be unusable.


In the Administration Console

  1. Select Service Configuration, and click on Gateway.
  2. In the Proxies tab, add the fully qualified Portal Server URL to the “Do Not Use Web Proxy URLs” List.

The “launch calendar” link does not work when accessed through PDC enabled gateway. (5063964)

This occurs only in Internet Explorer.



Reliability tests fail due to StackOverFlow errors. (5043753)

If the Application session created by the Secure Remote Access is invalidated due to incorrect handling of appSession creation in the Gateway ends up in an recursive loop and ultimately becomes unresponsive due to StackOverFlowErrors.



The client IP Address is not accessible in secure mode. (5044891)

The client’s IP Address cannot be obtain when directly connected to the gateway.



The gateway does not start in a chroot environment. (5045136)

In the chroot environment the host name resolution is not happening correctly and the gateway fails to start.



The mkchroot command does not work on Linux. (5046586)

When running the mkchroot command, all the environment variables are shown on the console, and later fails at the first step after providing chroot directory.



Communication Channels

The current MailProvider implementation will not work with SSL secured IMAP. (4919693)

Currently out of the box Java mail only supports IMAP and POP3.




The consumer fails to connect to a producer that uses a dynamic IP address. (5005082)

Although this can be a rare situation in a real production system, a connection failure can occur when a producer is run on a system with no static IP address assigned to it. Due to a feature in the Java network layer which keeps a cache table of host names to IP addresses, when the producer host gets reassociated with a new IP address, this change does not get picked up, causing the consumer to encounter a network connection failure. A server restart is required to clear out the cache table.


You can define a Java security property to control the TTL value of the cache entries. Currently the default value of networkaddress.cache.ttl has the default value of -1. This value must be changed to an appropriate value that is greater than -1.

The following is an excerpt from Java™ 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE™) Javadoc™ which explains the current default value:

Registration data is fixed rather than dynamic. (4996094)

The registration data sent by a consumer is fixed per installation— it is a hidden, global property. In a future release, defining registration data per consumer (or per producer) should be supported. Support for user profile mapping is somewhat limited in the current release.


Global registration data must be edited by using the amadmin command line interface.

The portletmanagement interface should be fully and properly implemented. (5027036)

The WSRP producer portlet management port type is not fully implemented.

The WSRP consumer implementations that access the portal WSRP producer should not depend on the portlet management port type’s operations.



WSRP sample script doesn’t work when Portal Server is installed on Appserver container. (5059667)


Configure Producer, consumer, and remote portlets manually through the administration console. Refer to the Admin Online Help.


Netlet does not work for SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5 Encryption Cipher. (5011629)


Disable the “Enable Null Ciphers” attribute in the gateway profile.

Internet Explorer crashes while loading Netlet with the default Microsoft JVM. (4982582)

The file for Internet Explorer does not get signed correctly, which causes Internet Explorer to crash.


Disable the JIT compiler in the browser.

Mobile Access

Portal Desktop

The native JSP desktop does not handle the case when the frontPageSize exceeds the maximum deck size (WmlDeckSize). (4950078)



Accessing the login link from an anonymous authentication page on a WML device fails. (4919061)

A translation error occurs on WML devices when login link is accessed from anonymous authentication page.


Change the file path from wml/ to aml/wml.

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Identity Server administration console as the administrator.
  2. By default, Identity Management is selected in the location pane and Organizations is selected in the Navigation Pane.

  3. Select the Service Configuration tab.
  4. From the Service Configuration pane on the left, under the Identity Server heading, click the arrow for Client Detection.
  5. The Client Detection global preferences appear in the right pane.

  6. Click the Edit link following the Client Types label.
  7. The Client Manager interface appears. Details about HTML devices are displayed by default.

  8. Select the base profile and then the device you have problems with.
  9. For example, for OpenWave 4.1 simulator, select the WML base profile and then be OWG1_UP_4.1.20a_UP.Browser_4.1.20a-XXXX_UP.Link_4.1.HTTP-DIRECT.

  10. Click Edit.
  11. Change the value for The file path to pick up templates from: to aml/wml.
  12. Click Save.

Mobile Mail Application

Using the Address Book option may cause an error when a user has multiple address book accounts. (4949726)

When a user selects the Address Book option when composing an email message using the Sun Java System mail application, the default address book is presented. The Address Book option launches the address book application that is first in alphabetical order in the configurations, which might not be the Sun Java System Address Book application.

For example, if the user has both Exchange address book and Sun Java System address book, composing a message from the Sun Java System mail application will bring up the Exchange address book instead of the Sun Java System address book.


The portal administrator can change the address book configuration name of the address book so that it appears as the first choice for all users.

To do this:

  1. Log in to the Identity Server administration console as the administrator.
  2. By default, Identity Management is selected in the location pane and Organizations is selected in the navigation pane.

  3. Click the Service Configuration tab.
  4. From the list of Service Names in the location pane, click the arrow for SSO Adapter. The SSO Adapter configurations appear in the right pane.
  5. From the SSO Adapter Configurations list, highlight the configuration for the address book.
  6. The text appears in the text box so that you can change it.

  7. Change the configName value and click Add. The new configuration appears in the list.
  8. Highlight the original configuration and click Remove to delete it.
  9. Click Save.

Mail is sometimes displayed as HTML document. (4938743)

Email messages sent with HTML in the body are displayed with the HTML source.


No workaround is available. However, one known problem is a mail application setting that forces all email messages to be sent as HTML. To preserve the original formatting of messages, change the setting to plain text. To do this, use the mail client to complete the following tasks:

  1. From the Edit option on the menu, select Preferences, then Mail & Newsgroups.
  2. From the Mail & Newsgroups menu, click Send Format to display the Send Format preferences.
  3. Click the Convert the message to plain text option.
  4. Click OK.

When a View name contains a trailing space, the View link does not display. (4961620)

The View link does not display on a device if the View name ends with a space. Clicking Edit View results in a null pointer exception.


Do not use leading or trailing spaces in view and rule names.

Cannot access an SSL instance of Portal Server, Mobile Access from the Nokia 6310i. (5038063)



Cannot login from simulator through the gateway in cookieless mode. (5027961)


Enable the “Obtain Session from URL” parameter in the Administration Console:

  1. Go to Service Configuration.
  2. Select Gateway.
  3. Select Gateway Profile.
  4. Enable “Obtain Session from URL.”
  5. Restart the gateway.

Voice is not working in Secure Remote Access domain. (5008540)



Online Help

The View-Hits Description is Incorrect. (4906369)

The description for the View-Hits attribute in the administrative help for the Search service is incorrect.

The description should be “View-Hits is a set of numbers that match resource descriptions to import. For example ‘2..5’ will display four resource descriptions RD 2 to RD 5.”



The SSO Adapter Index Page Does Not Work. (5016726)

The SSO Adapter administrative help index page has broken links. You can access the SSO Adapter administrative help by selecting Identity Management > Services>Portal Server Configuration > SSO Adapter or Service Configuration > Portal Server Configuration > SSO Adapter and clicking the Help link.



The Index link on some Online Help pages is broken. (5023307)

In localized versions of the Portal Server online help, the index link on the following Online Help files displays HTML comment out marks.



Portal Help file is not retrieved in an Identity Server/Portal Server separation. (5028084)


Create a symbolic link “online_help” in the docroot pointing to Portal_Server_Basedir/SUNWam/public_html/online_help.

Online Help for Proxylet attributes is missing. (5036777)

The help window does not show any help for Download Automatic, Client Bind IP and Port attribute.

This information is documented in the Sun Java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access Administrator’s Guide; see the “Configuration Attributes” appendix.



The Help file link doesn’t work from admininistration console. (5045913)

The Secure Remote Access Admin Online Help link does not work when Portal Server is installed in Portal Server-Identity Server separated mode.




Portal Server

The search function in Netmail Lite does not work if the date format is incorrect. (4920181)

Date format specified for Search function in Online Help is wrong. The formats are depend on the locale.



The search function in Netmail Lite does not work if correct date format for a locale is not used. (4923793)

The date format when performing a search in Netmail is locale specific.The search function in Netmail Lite does not work if correct date format for a locale is not used.


Depending on your locale, the date format can be:

Detached My Applications and Bookmark channel links does not redirect. (4934285)


Do not detach channels when you invoke the application.

The Filter Definition Move Up and Move Down buttons do not work. (4990897)

The Filter Definition Move Up and Move Down buttons for the search robot in the administration console do not work.


Change the amAdmin locale from ja to en.

The Portal Desktop Notes channel does not use semi-colon as separator. (4990900)

The Desktop online help states that a semi-colon is used as a field separator. Semi-colons are treated as regular text by the Notes channel, not as a field separator.

The pipe “|” symbol is now used as a field separator.



Subscription admin online help needs update. (5004156)

The online help for the subscriptions admin missing some information for the field description. See Documentation Errata, Sun Java System Portal Server Admin Online Help for additional information on user attributes.



Instant messenger starts in English from IM channel. (5019291)


To run a localized version of Instant Messenger, click the Instant Messenger link in the “My Applications” channel.

Simplified Chinese Portal Server packages had broken links. (5029834)

This problem does not affect the functionality. The error messages can be ignored when running the Identity Server backup command am2bak.

The Netmail Local Installer fails to launch with an I/O error. (5030103)

The user cannot use the Netmail local installer.



The Calendar channel uses the wrong date format for EMEA locales. (5033728)

The date format in the Calendar channel for EMEA locales is Month, Day, Year and cannot be changed according to local conventions.

The date format should be Day, Month, Year.



Events in calendar channel have wrong time format for EMEA. (5033735)

Events displayed in the Calendar channel have only a 12-hour time format. They should have a 24-hour format as it is set in Calendar Server.



Moving a subfolder between folders in Netmail Lite throws an exception. (5035260)


Before moving or deleting any subfolder, update the list of favorite folders.

After renaming folder in Netmail Lite, the content of the listbox with Favorite Folders is not updated. (5035338)


Update the contents of the listbox manually.

“Subject or Body” is mistranslated in the ko locale. (5036201)

“Subject or Body” should be translated “Subject and Body.”



The default locale in UserInfo editing page is English when logging in to the Portal as a user in the simplified Chinese locale. (5036625)


If logging in to the Portal Desktop as a user in the simplified Chinese locale, set the preferred language to simplified Chinese when modifying items in the UserInfo Channel.

Multibyte Resource Description Source does not work in the Search Import Agent. (5040410)

Resource Description source file name shall be in multibyte.

Search import from local file does not work on Windows 2000. (5044428)



Couldn’t start Instant Messenger with Java Web Start for chinese user in IM channel by Internet Explorer 6.0. (5045175)


If you want start Instant Messenger with Java Web Start by Internet Explorer 6.0, invoke it by using the link in “My Applications” channel.

Mobile Access

The Date in the Calender is displayed according to the server’s locale instead of the user’s locale. (4971337)


For the Japanese locale, restart the Application Server instance in the Japanese locale. Restart the Web Server in the Japanese locale.

Cannot display Korean characters in the “Subject” field. (4971926)

This problem occurs when a user sends mail with Messenger Express, but views in a mobile emulator.



The summer time feature should not exist for repeating tasks or events in the Japanese locale. (4976102)


In the Japanese locale, change PS time zone to Asian/Tokyo.

HDML - Calendar, Mail and Addressbook entries become garbage. (4980304)

Mobile desktop (top page) and the first page of Calendar, Mail and Addressbook work, but when trying to browse contents, the pages become garbage.

The same mobile desktop can be displayed properly in Japanese from iHTML and XHTML emulators.



Invalid Rule/View URL Syntax error occurs when trying to add a rule. (4981706)

The user can’t use mobile mail view.



The registered event/task on CS or sending Mail via hand set can’t display Japanese. (5016588)



The address book name is “First name” “Last name” on Japanese locale. (5016687)

This is not a Japanese convention.



On JHTML phones, an http Post in cookieless mode fails with a server error. (5016717)



The “Repeat until Date” does not work, register on 1970/01/01 as completion. (5018683)

Users cannot register monthly due date event if the date format is “yyyy/mm/dd”


The date format needs to be “mmddyyyy.”

Openwave 6.2.2 simulator login fails on cookieless mode. (5023264)



A corrupt group name is registered when the group name and member name are changed at the same time. (5023944)

The problem prevents the group name and member from being changed at the same time.


Select the corrupt group name then correct only the group name. Do not change the other properties.

KDDI hand set can’t display contents after login. (5031441)



Wrong translation on the Mail in the ko locale. (5031791)

The message “Folder is empty. Delete” is displayed instead of “Folder is not empty. Delete.”



JHTML: Self-registration fails. (5036621)

Self-registration always fails for Chinese locale by emulator. (5034252)


Self Register by Mozilla or Internet Explorer browser first.

Internet Explorer displays a server error at edit pop collection. (5038941)


Use Netscape 7.1

Cannot create or update a calendar event or task if a field contains a Euro character. (5042089)



Portal Server, Secure Remote Access

Multibyte NetFile file name appears as Garbage in the File dialog box while saving. (4692046)


Rename upon saving.

Netlet fails for multibyte rule name. (4892050)

Netlet does not accept multibyte rule names.



Cannot send mail using NetFile Java1. (4910252)

Users can send files with the file path containing single byte characters only.



In NetFile Java1, a created sub folder graphic appears in the wrong location. (5030798)


Close the session and save the session change, then connect to NetFile Java1 again.

Netlet and Proxylet are still in English when a user in a non-English user logs in to the Desktop. (5031306)


Change the password for the Identity Server admin, the Identity Server Ldap user and the Directory Server admin in the following two scripts according to your machine’s setting. Run these two scripts after Netlet and Proxylet are successfully installed. If you install Portal to a directory other than /opt/sun/portal, please update these scripts according that base directory before you run it.


#!/bin/sh /usr/jdk/entsys-j2se/bin/java

\opt/sun/portal/lib/config.jar:/opt/sun/portal/lib/configL10N.jar com.sun.portal.config.ConfigureL10N configure Portal Server /etc/opt/sun/portal


#!/bin/sh -x .

/etc/opt/sun/portal/ /opt/sun/portal/bin/deploy deploy -instance $DEPLOY_INSTANCE -uri /portal -deploy_admin_password admin-password

Incorrect file path to admin Online Help in NetFile and Netlet properties. (5031330)

The Netlet Online Help is displayed on the NetFile page and the NetFile help is displayed on the Netlet page.


To view the NetFile Online Help, go to the Netlet window and click Help.

To view Netlet Online Help, go to the NetFile window and click Help.

Unable to unzip the multibyte zip files created by NetFile. (5033641)

Multibyte file names get corrupted by using the unzip command.


Use the gzip command.

Can’t open local file in NetFile due to wrong path setting. (5033644)



Mail cannot be sent to yahoo web mail from NetFile Java2. (5034264)

In NetFile Java2, mail cannot be sent from Local host to Yahoo webmail.


Use NetFile Java1 to send a mail to Yahoo webmail.


There is a limitation for using NetFile Java1. The path of the file should not contain multibyte characters.

Proxylet applet depends on server locale. (5034648)

This problem prevents the Desktop from being correctly displayed.



Documentation Errata

Sun Java System Portal Server Administrator’s Guide

Chapter 14; “Configuring the Communication Channels”

The following information is an addendum to Chapter 14 of the Sun Java System Portal Server Administrator’s Guide. It provides instructions for enabling access to Mail and Calendar applications.

Messaging Server and Calendar Server both verify the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the host where the browser requests a login session ID. If the IP address differs from the host IP address where the session ID is issued, Messaging Server and Calendar Server reject the session with a session time out message.

You must change the value of the parameter that enables and disables an IP security check to allow the user to access mail through Portal Server. The parameter that specifies whether to restrict session access to the login IP address, is:


To disable ipsecurity for Messaging Server, perform the following steps in the command line on the machine running the mail server.

  1. Log in to the Messaging Server.
  2. Type the following command:
  3. messaging-server-install-directory/sbin/configutil -o service.http.ipsecurity -v no

  4. Change to root using the su command.
  5. Stop Messaging Server using this command
  6. messaging-server-install-directory/sbin/stop-msg

  7. Start Messaging Server using this command:
  8. messaging-server-install-directory/sbin/start-msg

To disable ipsecurity for Calendar Server, perform the following steps in the command line on the machine running the Calendar Server:

  1. Log in to the Calendar Server.
  2. Assuming calendar server is installed in /opt/SUNWics5, type the following:
  3. cd /opt/SUNWics5/cal/config/

  4. Edit the ics.conf file and set ipsecurity to no. For example:
  5. service.http.ipsecurity = "no"

  6. Assuming calendar server is installed in /opt/SUNWics5, restart Calendar Server by typing:
  7. /opt/SUNWics5/cal/sbin/stop-cal


  8. Refresh or re-authenticate to the Portal Desktop; the “Launch Calendar” link should work.

Chapter 18; “Creating and Deleting Instances of the Server”

The guide includes a note stating that multiple-instances of the server are supported only with Sun Java System Web Server. This statement is incorrect—multiple instances of the server are supported on Sun Java System Application Server as well as Sun Java System Web Server.

Chapter 18; “Creating and Deleting Instances of the Server”

The procedure for creating and deleting instances of the Identity Server are incorrect. The commands amserver create or amserver delete are no longer used. For instructions on deploying or ininstalling additional instances of Identity Server see Chapter 1 of the Sun Java System Identity Server 2004Q2 Administration Guide at:

Sun Java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access Administrator’s Guide

The following configuration information should be included in the Sun Java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access Administrator’s Guide.

When the gateway is configured to use a Personal Digital Certificate (PDC), use the following procedure to access NetFile, Netlet, or Proxylet.

  1. Export the client certificate from the browser in one of the following formats:
    • PKCS
    • JKS
    • After exporting the client certificate, the Java plugin should have the following JVM parameters that enable the VM to use the certificate:

  1. Go to the Control Panel and launch the Java plugin.
  2. From the Advanced Tab select Java Runtime Environment.
  3. Specify the Java Runtime Parameters.
  4. For example:

  1. Click Apply.
  2. Close the Java plugin and restart the associated browsers.

  3. Note

    Only Virtual Machines (VMs) with Java™ Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) support Netlet with PDC.

Sun Java System Portal Server Admin Online Help

The Online Help for Subscriptions is missing some attribute information. The following additional descriptions apply to the subscription user attributes.

Code | Figure | Table describes the dynamic attributes for the Subscriptions Service (when viewed from the Service Configuration or Identity Management tab).

The table contains three columns: the first column identifies the attribute, the second column provides the default value for the attribute, and the third column describes the attribute.

Table 3  Subscriptions Server - User Attributes


Default Value


Category Subscriptions

No default subscriptions

  • minimum rating is the threshold rating above which subscription yields content. This field is a numeric value (-1,0,1,2,3) that corresponds to end user rating choices (Irrelevant, Routine, Interesting, Important, Must read).
  • search server url is the URL of the target search server. This field is URL encoded

Category Subscriptions

No default subscriptions

  • search server url is the URL of the target search server. This field is URL encoded.
  • target database is the database to be searched

Saved Search Subscriptions

No default subscriptions

  • search server url is the URL of the target search server. This field is URL encoded.
  • target database is the database to be searched

How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback

If you have problems with Sun Java System Portal Server, contact Sun customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

So that we can best assist you in resolving problems, please have the following information available when you contact support:

If you have problems with Sun Java System Portal Server, Mobile Access, please have the following information available when you contact support:

If your problems seem to be associated with a client, please have the following information available:

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. Use the web-based form to provide feedback to Sun:

Please provide the full document title and part number in the appropriate fields. The part number is a seven-digit or nine-digit number that can be found on the title page of the book or at the top of the document. For example, the part number of these Release Notes document is 817-6988-05.

Additional Sun Resources

Useful Sun Java System information can be found at the following Internet locations:

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