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Sun Fire X4170, X4270, and X4275 Servers Windows Operating System Installation Guide




1. Planning the Operating System Installation

Supported Operating Systems

Preinstalled Solaris 10 or OpenSolaris Image

Installation Prerequisites

Installation Methods

Console Outputs

Installation Boot Media

Installation Targets

Verifying BIOS Settings for New Installations

Before You Begin

procedure iconsmall spaceView or Edit BIOS Settings for New Installations

2. Install Windows Server 2003 Operating System

Task Map for the Windows Server 2003 Installation

Boot-Time Device Drivers

Prepare Mass-Storage Drivers for Delivery

Create Floppy Disk For Device Drivers

procedure iconsmall spaceCreate Floppy Disk For Device Driver Installation

Prepare Floppy Image For Device Drivers

procedure iconsmall spacePrepare Floppy Image For Device Driver Installation

Install Windows Server 2003 Using Local or Remote Media

procedure iconsmall spaceInstall Windows Server 2003 Using Local or Remote Media

Install Windows Server 2003 via PXE Network Environment

Before You Begin

procedure iconsmall spaceInstall Windows Server 2003 via PXE

3. Install Windows Server 2008 Operating System

Task Map for the Windows Server 2008 Installation

Install Windows Server 2008 Using Local or Remote Media

procedure iconsmall spaceInstall Windows Server 2008 Using Local or Remote Media

Install Windows Server 2008 via PXE Network

Before You Begin

procedure iconsmall spaceInstall Windows Server 2008 via PXE

4. Post Installation

Downloading Server-Specific Drivers

procedure iconsmall spaceDownload the Server-Specific Drivers

Installing Server-Specific Device Drivers

procedure iconsmall spaceInstall the Server-Specific Device Drivers

Installing Supplemental Software

procedure iconsmall spaceInstall the Supplemental Software

Configuring Microsoft’s IPMI System Management Driver for Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2

procedure iconsmall spaceConfigure Microsoft’s IPMI System Management Driver for Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2

Enable the Option for Wake On LAN

Configure the TPM Option

A. Incorporate Sun Fire Server Drivers Into WIM or RIS Images

Determine Required Drivers

Add Drivers to a WIM Image

Before you Begin

procedure iconsmall spaceAdd Drivers to the WIM Image

Add Drivers to a RIS Image

Before you Begin

procedure iconsmall spaceAdd Drivers to a RIS image
