C H A P T E R  2

ILOM Platform Features for the Sun Fire X4170, X4270, and X4275 Servers

This chapter provides platform-specific information related to ILOM 2.0 running on the Sun Fire X4170, X4270, and X4275 Servers.

The following topics are covered in this supplement:

Note - The features described in this chapter are supported in addition to the common ILOM 2.0 features supported for all x64 servers.

Resetting the Root Password to the Factory Default

The default password for the ILOM root account is changeme. Sun recommends that you change this password to secure your server. If you forget the changed password, you can use the ILOM Preboot Menu to reset the password to the default. For instructions, refer to “Resetting the Root Password to the Factory Default” in the Sun Fire X4170, X4270, and X4275 Servers Service Manual (820-5830).

ILOM Sideband Management

By default, you connect to the server’s service processor (SP) using the out-of-band network management port (NET MGT). The ILOM sideband management feature enables you to select either the NET MGT port or one of the server’s Gigabit Ethernet ports (NET 0, 1, 2, 3), which are in-band ports, to send and receive ILOM commands to and from the server SP. In-band ports are also called sideband ports.

The advantage of using a sideband management port to manage the server’s SP is that one less cable connection and one less network switch port is needed. In configurations where a great number of servers are being managed, such as data centers, sideband management can represent a significant savings in hardware and network utilization.

Note - Connectivity to the server SP might be lost when the SP management port configuration is changed while you are connected to the SP using a network connection, such as SSH, web, or Sun ILOM Remote Console.

Note - Server host power cycles will cause a brief interruption of network connectivity for server Gigabit Ethernet ports (NET 0, 1, 2, 3) that are configured for sideband management. Additionally, adjacent switch/bridge ports should be configured as host ports, since ports that are configured as switch ports and that participate in the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) may experience longer outages due to spanning tree recalculation.

You can configure sideband management using either the web interface, the command-line interface (CLI), the BIOS, or IPMI. For instructions, see the following sections:

procedure icon  Configure Sideband Management Using the Web Interface

1. Log in to the ILOM web interface.

2. Select Configuration --> Network.

The Network Settings page appears.

Screenshot of the Network Settings page.

3. In the Network Settings page, do the following:

a. Select DHCP to acquire the IP address automatically or specify the appropriate IP address.

b. To select a sideband management port, click the Management Port drop-down list and select the desired management port.

The drop-down list enables you to change to any one of the four Gigabit Ethernet ports, /SYS/MB/NETn, where n is 0 to 3. The SP NET MGT port, /SYS/SP/NET0, is the default.

c. Click Save for the changes to take effect.

procedure icon  Configure Sideband Management Using the CLI

1. Log in to ILOM using the CLI.

Note - Using a serial connection for this procedure eliminates the possibility of losing connectivity during sideband management configuration changes.

2. If you logged in using the serial port, you can assign a static IP address.

For instructions, see “Use the Serial Connection to Change the ILOM SP IP Address” in the Sun Fire X4170, X4270, and X4275 Servers Installation Guide (820-5827)

3. To show the current port settings, type:

-> show /SP/network

The network properties appear. For example:

        commitpending = (Cannot show property)
        dhcp_server_ip = none
        ipaddress = xx.xx.xx.xx
        ipdiscovery = static
        ipgateway = xx.xx.xx.xx
        ipnetmask = xx.xx.xx.xx
        macaddress =
        managementport = /SYS/SP/NET0
        outofbandmacaddress =
        pendingipaddress = xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingipdiscovery = static
        pendingipgateway =  xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingipnetmask =  xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingmanagementport = /SYS/SP/NET0
        sidebandmacaddress = 
        state = enabled

In the above output the current active macaddress is the same as the SP’s outofbandmacaddress and the current active managementport is set to the default (/SYS/SP/NET0).

4. To set the SP management port to a sideband port, type the following commands:

-> set /SP/network pendingmanagementport=/SYS/MB/NETn

Where n equals 0, 1, 2, or 3.

-> set commitpending=true

5. To view the change, type:

-> show /SP/network

The network properties appear and show that the change has taken effect. For example:

        commitpending = (Cannot show property)
        dhcp_server_ip = none
        ipaddress = xx.xx.xx.xx
        ipdiscovery = static
        ipgateway = xx.xx.xx.xx
        ipnetmask = xx.xx.xx.xx
        macaddress =
        managementport = /SYS/MB/NETn
        outofbandmacaddress =
        pendingipaddress = xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingipdiscovery = static
        pendingipgateway =  xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingipnetmask =  xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingmanagementport = /SYS/MB/NETn
        sidebandmacaddress =
        state = enabled

In the above output the macaddress matches the sidebandmacaddress, and the managementport matches the pendingmanagementport.

procedure icon  Configure Sideband Management Using the Host BIOS Setup Utility

You can access the BIOS Setup utility screens from the following interfaces:

To configure sideband management using the host BIOS Setup utility, perform the following steps:

1. Power on or power cycle the server.

2. To enter the BIOS Setup utility, press the F2 key while the system is performing the power-on self-test (POST).

Graphic of the Press F2 to run Setup prompt.

When BIOS is started, the main BIOS Setup utility top-level screen appears. This screen provides seven menu options across the top of the screen.

Graphic of BIOS Setup utility main screen.


3. In the main screen, select Advanced right arrow IPMI Configuration.

The IPMI Configuration screen appears.

Graphic showing BIOS Setup utility: Advanced - IPMI configuration.

4. In the IPMI Configuration screen, select the Set LAN Configuration option.

The LAN Configuration screen appears.

Graphic showing BIOS Setup utility: Advanced - LAN Configuration.

5. In the LAN Configuration screen, do the following:

a. Use the left and right keys to select the IP Assignment option and set it to DHCP.

b. Use the left and right keys to select the Active Management Port option and set the port to a sideband management port (NET0, NET1, NET2, NET3).

The NET MGT port is the default.

c. Select Commit for the change to take effect.

Switch Serial Port Output Between SP and Host Console

You can switch the serial port output of the Sun Fire X4170, X4270, and X4275 Servers between the SP console (SER MGT) and the host console (COM1). By default, the SP console is connected to the system serial port. This feature is beneficial for Windows kernel debugging, as it enables you to view non-ASCII character traffic from the host console.

You can switch serial port output using either the ILOM web interface or the ILOM command-line interface (CLI). For instructions, see the following sections:

caution icon Caution - You should set up the network on the SP before attempting to switch the serial port owner to the host server. If a network is not set up, and you switch the serial port owner to the host server, you will be unable to connect using the CLI or web interface to change the serial port owner back to the SP. To change the serial port owner back to the SP, you must use the ILOM Preboot Menu to restore access to the serial port over the network. For instructions, refer to “Restoring Access to the Serial Console” in the Sun Fire X4170, X4270, and X4275 Servers Service Manual(820-5830).

procedure icon  Switch Serial Port Output Using the Web Interface

To switch the serial port output using the ILOM web interface, perform the following steps:

1. Log in to the ILOM web interface.

2. In the ILOM web interface, select Configuration right arrow Serial Port.

The Serial Port Settings page appears.

Graphic of the Serial Port Settings page.

3. To select a serial port owner, click the Owner drop-down list and select the desired serial port owner.

The drop-down list enables you to select either Service Processor or Host Server.

By default, Service Processor is selected.

4. Click Save for your change to take effect.

procedure icon  Switch Serial Port Output Using the CLI

1. Log in to the ILOM CLI.

2. To set the serial port owner, type:

-> set /SP/serial/portsharing/owner=host

By default, owner=SP.

Clear Server Faults

When a server component fails, the server generates a component-specific fault that is captured by the ILOM SP. Some faults are cleared automatically when the failed component is replaced, but faults generated for components that are not hot-serviceable have to be cleared manually. You can use either the ILOM web interface or the command-line interface (CLI) to manually clear faults.

For the Sun Fire X4170, X4270, and X4275 Servers, the following types of faults must be cleared manually after the faulty component is replaced:

In addition, the following fault does not require replacement of a faulty part; however, user action is needed to clear it:

This fault is generated when the server’s top cover is removed while the AC power cords are still connected to the power supply, that is, power is not completely removed from the server.

caution icon Caution - If the fault.security.integrity-compromised@/sys/spfault is not cleared, the server SP will operate in a degraded mode and the server’s ability to determine DIMM inventory and diagnose DIMM faults accurately is compromised. For more information on the effects on the server when this fault is not cleared, see the Sun Fire X4170, X4270, and X4275 Servers Service Manual(820-5830).

When clearing faults, give consideration to the following:

The procedure for clearing a fault differs depending on the type of fault:

Server Chassis Intrusion Sensors

The server has two sensors--the /SYS/INTSW sensor and the /SYS/SP/SP_NEEDS_REBOOT sensor--that are asserted when the server’s top cover is removed while power is being applied to the server. This is an improper service action so these sensors serve to alert you to any unauthorized and inadvertent removal of the servers’s cover. Thus, these sensors enable system administrators to have confidence that the physical integrity of the server has not been violated. This is particularly beneficial when the server is in a remote or uncontrolled location.

How the /SYS/INTSW Sensor Works

The /SYS/INTSW sensor is asserted when the chassis intrusion switch trips while the server is powered on. If the AC power cords are connected to the server, power is being applied to the server. Even when you shut down the server’s host, power is still being applied to the server. The only way to remove power from the server completely is to disconnect the server’s AC power cords.

The chassis intrusion switch will trip if the server’s cover has been removed, the switch itself is misaligned, or the cover is not properly seated. This sensor is de-asserted when the integrity of the server’s chassis is restored, that is, when the removed cover is properly reinstalled returning the chassis intrusion switch to its closed state.

caution icon Caution - Removing the server’s top cover while the power cord is connected to the system is not an authorized service action. Proper service action requires that host and SP shutdown operations be observed and that the power cord be disconnected from the system before the cover is opened. If proper service actions are taken, you should not see either the /SYS/INTSWor /SYS/SP/SP_NEEDS_REBOOTsensors asserted unless there are other issues, such as a misaligned chassis intrusion switch.

How the /SYS/SP/SP_NEEDS_REBOOT Sensor Works

Like the /SYS/INTSW sensor, the /SYS/SP/SP_NEEDS_REBOOT sensor is asserted when the server’s chassis intrusion switch is tripped while power is being applied to the server. Shutting down the server’s host or shutting down the server by pressing the Power button does not shut down the SP because the SP continues to run when the server’s power is placed in Standby mode. The only way to remove power from the SP is to disconnect the AC power cords. To clear this sensor, you must replace the server’s cover and either reboot or power cycle the SP.

Assertion of the /SYS/SP/SP_NEEDS_REBOOT sensor indicates that the SP has been placed in a degraded mode of operation. In degraded more, ILOM stops taking DIMM inventory. This action is taken as a safety precaution because the SP has no way of knowing the real configuration of the server’s memory. For example, some of the DIMMs could have been removed while the server’s cover was improperly removed. To protect against such an occurrence, the SP is placed in the degraded mode.

Note - If the chassis intrusion switch is not properly aligned or the server’s cover has not been properly seated, both the /SYS/INTSW and /SYS/SP/SP_NEEDS_REBOOT sensors will be asserted and the SP will operate in a degraded mode.

TABLE 2-1 shows how the /SYS/INTSW sensor and the /SYS/SP/SP_NEEDS_REBOOT sensor work together to indicate the state of the server.

TABLE 2-1 Server Condition as Indicated by the /SYS/INTSW and /SYS/SP/SP_NEEDS_REBOOT Sensors



Server Condition



Normal system state.



The server’s top cover was opened while the SP was running. The server’s DIMM inventory can no longer be considered valid so the SP is placed in a degraded mode of operation. This condition can also be caused by a misaligned chassis intrusion switch or an improperly seated cover.



The server’s top cover has been replaced, but the SP was not subsequently rebooted. The server’s DIMM inventory can no longer be considered valid so the SP is placed in a degraded mode of operation. The SP needs to be rebooted while the host power is held off before the DIMM inventory will be valid.

Note - The server’s host can be powered on in this state.

Sensors Reference Information

The server includes several of sensors that report on hardware conditions. Many of the sensor readings are used to adjust the fan speeds and perform other actions, such as illuminating LEDs and powering off the server.

This section describes the sensors that ILOM monitors for the Sun Fire X4170, X4270, and X4275 Servers.

The following types of sensors are described:

Note - For information about how to obtain sensor readings or to determine the state of system indicators in ILOM, see the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager 2.0 User’s Guide (820-1188).

Temperature Sensors

TABLE 2-2 describes the environmental sensors. In the table, n designates numbers 0-n.

TABLE 2-2 Temperature Sensors

Sensor Name

Sensor Type




Motherboard ambient temperature sensor



System ambient temperature sensor

Power Supply Fault Sensors

TABLE 2-3 describes the power supply fault sensors. In the table, n designates the numbers 0-n.

TABLE 2-3 Power Supply Sensors

Sensor Name

Sensor Type




Power supply n DC power OK



Power supply n input voltage OK



Power supply n current fault



Power supply n voltage fault



Power supply n fan fault



Power supply n temperature fault

Fan and Security Sensors

TABLE 2-4 describes the fan and security sensors. In the table, n designates numbers 0-n.

TABLE 2-4 Fan and Security Sensors

Sensor Name

Sensor Type



Fan speed

Fan board n; Fan module n; Fan n tachometer


Physical security

This sensor tracks the state of the chassis intrusion switch. If the server’s top cover is opened while the AC power cords are still connected so that power is being applied to the server, this sensor asserts. If the top cover is subsequently replaced, this sensor is de-asserted.

For more information, see Server Chassis Intrusion Sensors.


Physical security

This sensor asserts when the server’s cover is removed while the AC power cords are still connected so that power is being applied to the server. However, this sensor is not cleared by merely replacing the cover.

This sensor indicates a server fault that must be cleared; otherwise, the SP will operate in a degraded mode.

To clear this fault, replace the server’s top cover, power down the server’s host, and reboot the server’s SP.

For more information, see Server Chassis Intrusion Sensors.

Power Supply Unit Current, Voltage, and Power Sensors

TABLE 2-5 describes the power supply unit current, voltage, and power sensors. In the table, n designates numbers 0-n.

TABLE 2-5 Power Supply Unit Current, Voltage, and Power Sensors

Sensor Name

Sensor Type




Power supply unit n AC input voltage sensor



Power supply unit n AC input current sensor



Power supply unit n DC output voltage sensor



Power supply unit n DC output current sensor



Power supply unit n input power sensor



Power supply unit n output power sensor



Server total input power consumption sensor

Entity Presence Sensors

TABLE 2-6 describes the entity presence sensors. In the table, n designates numbers 0-n.

TABLE 2-6 Presence Sensors

Sensor Name

Sensor Type



Entity presence

Hard drive device present monitor


Entity presence

Power supply n present monitor


Entity presence

Disk backplane present monitor


Entity presence

Fan board n; Fan module n present monitor


Entity presence

Fan board present monitor


Entity presence

Motherboard; CPUn present monitor


Entity presence

Motherboard; CPUn; Memory DIMM n present monitor


Entity presence

PCIe riser n present monitor


Entity presence

PCIe card n present monitor