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Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager Software Installation Guide

Version 5.1





1. Overview

Software Overview

Management Software

Browser Interface

Remote Command-Line Interface Client

Data Host Software

Overview of the Installation Process

Next Steps

2. Installing the Common Array Manager Software

Installation and Upgrading to a New Release

About the Software Installation CD

About Installing From a Downloaded File

Before Installing

Checking Installation Requirements

Locating Files and Logs

Installation Command Summary

Installing Via Telnet From a Remote Terminal

Using a GUI to Install on a System Running the Solaris OS

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Install the Software (Solaris):

Using a CLI to Install on a System Running the Solaris OS

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Install the Software Using a CLI (Solaris):

Using a GUI to Install on a System Running a Linux OS

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Install the Software (Linux):

Using a CLI to Install on a System Running a Linux OS

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Install the Software Using a CLI on a Linux OS:

Using a GUI to Install the Software on a Windows System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Install the Software (Windows):

Using the CLI to Install on a Windows System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Install the Software Using a CLI (Windows):

Uninstalling Software

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Uninstall the Management Software on Solaris or Linux Using the GUI

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Uninstall the Management Software on Solaris or Linux Using the CLI

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Uninstall the Management Software on a Windows System

Installation Troubleshooting

Reviewing the Installation Logs

Next Steps

3. Registering, Upgrading, and Initially Setting Up the Array

Starting the Management Software

Logging In and Out Using the CLI

Logging In Using the Browser Interface

Registering the Array

Finding and Registering Arrays

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Register an Array:

Unregistering an Array

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Unregister an Array:

Upgrading the Array Firmware

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Upgrade the Array Firmware:

Array Administration Functions

Opening the Administration Page

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Open the Administration Page

Setting an Array Password

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set an Array Password on a New Array:

Naming an Array

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Name an Array:

Creating a Hot-Spare Drive

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create a Hot Spare Drive

Setting the System Time

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set the Time Manually:

Setting Up General Site and Contact Information

Setting Up Notification for Fault Management

Adding Users And Assigning Roles

Using Initial Administrative Roles

Assigning Roles to Users

Best Practices - User Roles and Names

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add New Users in Solaris or Linux

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add New Users in Windows

Setting Up Sun Connection

Next Steps

4. Planning Your Storage Configuration

Storage Array Configuration Components

Partitioning Storage Using Storage Domains

The Default Domain

Premium Storage Domains

Best Practices - Storage Configuration

5. Configuring Basic Storage

Enabling Premium Features

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add a License and Enable a Premium Feature:

Configuring Basic Storage

Planning Storage Before Using the New Volume Wizard

Selecting Additional Profiles

procedure iconsmall spaceTo View the Predefined Storage Profiles:

Creating Storage Pools

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create Storage Pools:

Creating Hosts and Host Groups

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create Hosts

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create a Host Group

Creating Initiators to Assign to Hosts

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create An Initiator and Assign It To a Host:

Using the New Volume Wizard to Create and Map Volumes

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Use the New Volume Wizard to Create Volumes

About Volumes and the Default Domain or Partitioned Storage Domains.

A. Configuration Worksheets

B. Configuring the IP Address of the Array Controllers


Establishing Temporary IP Connectivity Between the Management Host and Array Controllers

Configuring the IP Address of the Management Host

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the IP Address on the Management Host for the Solaris or Linux Operating System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the IP Address for Windows 2000 Advanced Server

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the IP Address for Windows Server 2003

Creating a Temporary Virtual Subnet on a Management Host

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create a Temporary Virtual Subnet on a Management Host

Assigning IP Addresses to the Controllers

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Assign an IP Address to Each Ethernet Port

Restoring the Management Host IP Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Delete a Temporary Virtual Subnet on a Management Host

C. Adding User Roles and New Users to Windows

Adding a Administrator User

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add an Administrative User

Adding New Users

D. Using the Browser Interface

Navigating the Common Array Manager Interface

Navigating the Common Array Manager Interface

Page Banner

Page Content Area

Controlling the Display of Table Information

Status Icons

Using Forms

Searching for System Elements

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Use the Search Feature:

Using Help

