Sun Crypto Accelerator 6000 Board Product Notes for Version 1.1

These release notes describe updates and known issues of the Sun Crypto Accelerator 6000 Board. This document includes the following sections:

Important URLs

The following is a list of important URLs for the board:

Oracle Solaris Operating System update releases contain patches to previous releases. Use the showrev -p command to determine whether the required patches have been previously installed.

Always install the latest version of the patches. The dash number (-01, for example) becomes higher with each new revision of the patch. If the version on the SunSolve web site is higher than that shown in this document, it is a later version. If the patch you need is not available at the SunSolve web site, contact your local sales or service representative.

caution icon Caution - If you want the ability to return to a Version 1.0 environment, you must make a backup of the 1.0 keystore and master key prior to upgrading to 1.1. See Migrating Back to Version 1.0 From 1.1.

FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Validated Firmware

Both the Sun Crypto Accelerator 6000 hardware and firmware are required to make the FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated cryptographic module. The latest Sun Crypto Accelerator 6000 Board Version 1.0 FIPS compliant firmware is contained in Patch 128371-02.

Product Patches

The following tables list the required patches for the Sun Crypto Accelerator 6000 Version 1.1 software available for the Oracle Solaris 10 OS. You can download these patches at:

Note - Always check for the latest revision of the patch, -01, -02, and so on.

TABLE 1 Required NSS/NSPR Patches

Patch ID





NSPR/NSS (Solaris i386)


NSPR/NSS (Linux i386 and x86_64)

TABLE 2 Required Sun Crypto Accelerator 6000 Version 1.1 Patches

Patch ID SPARC, x86


128364 SPARC & x86

Version 1.1 Bootstrap Firmware

128365 SPARC, 128366 x86

Version 1.1 Core Components

128367 SPARC, 128368 x86

Version 1.1 IPSec Enabler

128369 SPARC, 128370 x86

Version 1.1 Financial Services

128371 SPARC & x86

Version 1.1 Firmware

128372 SPARC, 128373 x86

Version 1.1 Admin Components

128374 Linux, All

Software (Linux, all architectures)

140532 SPARC, 140533 x86

Version 1.1 Administration Man Pages Patch

Latest Patch Revisions and CR Fixes

Note - Patches in this section are available at:

When patches are updated, they accumulate changes from previous updates. It is only necessary to download the latest patch to get all of the change request (CR) fixes included in that patch.

The following is a list of the latest patch revisions with tables containing the CR fixes per patch.

Note - The firmware included in Patch 128371-04 is not currently FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated.

Patches and CR Fixes in Update 2

Note - Patches in this section are available at:

Patches and CR Fixes in Update 1

Note - Patches in this section are available at:

Known Issues on Linux Platforms

This section describes known issues on x86 Linux platforms.

Only One Sun Crypto Accelerator 6000 Board Is Supported on Linux Redhat or SuSE OS Systems (CR 6436859)

The default memory size in IOMMU for the Opteron system is not enough for two Sun Crypto Accelerator boards.

Workaround: Increase the I/O memory size by passing the following Linux boot parameter:


This parameter can be passed during boot for the current boot. This parameter can also be stored in /boot/grub/menu.lst for subsequent boots. The /boot/grub/menu.lst, parameter looks like the following:

###Don’t change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: linux###
title Linux
    kernel (hd0,1)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda2 selinux=0 resume=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 splash=silent elevator=cfq showopts console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n8 iommu=memaper=2
    initrd (hd0,1)/boot/initrd

Note the location of iommu=memaper=2.

Known Issues With Solaris Cryptographic Framework

Managing the NCP (UltraSPARC® T1 Processor) Provider With the cryptoadm(1M) Utility (CR 6414116)

The NCP driver cannot be disabled with the cryptoadm(1M) utility by default.

Workaround: To manage the NCP provider with the cryptoadm(1M) utility, add the following lines to the end of the /etc/crypto/kcf.conf file:

# Start  SUNWcakr.v driver_names=ncp
# End SUNWcakr.v

Need Key Check Function Group Flag (RFE 6407944)

Currently, the only method to determine if a provider supports a key check entry point is to verify that the key check entry point in the operations vector is non-null. This verification still proves only that the provider can check the key of at least one mechanism.

Known Issues With Specific Platforms

CKR_SIGNATURE_INVALID Error During crypto_loop Test in FIPS Mode (CR 6632968)

DSA signature verification might fail with CKR_SIGNATURE_INVALID error under heavy crypto load on Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 servers, in FIPS mode. This problem has only been seen with an internal stress test utility, and we are still investigating whether it is a problem in the test program or in the product.

Sun Ultra 40 Workstation Not Powering on With Board in Slot 0 (CR 6395330)

Using a Sun Crypto Accelerator 6000 board in slot 0 of a Sun Ultra 40 workstation might prevent the workstation from powering on. This issue is more prevalent with older versions of the BIOS.

Workaround: Install version 1.20 or later of the BIOS, which is available at:

Migrating Back to Version 1.0 From 1.1

There are changes in the keystore implementation for the board that make it incompatible with version 1.0 firmware. If you want the ability to return to a version 1.0 environment, you must make a backup of the 1.0 keystore and master key prior to upgrading to 1.1.

procedure icon  Back Up the 1.0 Keystore

1. With the 1.0 software and firmware running, use scamgr to log into the board and run the show status command. Make a note of the Keystore Name and Keystore ID fields.

For details, refer to the Sun Crypto Accelerator 6000 User’s Guide (819-5536) at:

2. Type the backup command to save the master key.

3. Change to the /var/sca/keydata directory and archive the correct keystore directory and configuration file.

The keystore name and ID are shown in the filename for the .conf file and the corresponding directory.

For example, if the keystore name is ks.600054 and the keystore ID is 0000000069efe289, then you will find the following files and directories in /var/sca/keydata:

ks.600054.{69efe289}       ks.600054.{69efe289}.conf

4. Use the tar command to archive both the .conf file and the entire contents of the directory:

# tar cvfz ks.600054.{69efe289}.tar ks.600054.{69efe289}.conf ks.600054.{69efe289}

5. Place the master key backup and keystore tar file in a safe location.

You can now safely upgrade to the 1.1 software and retain the ability to revert back to 1.0 software and firmware.

procedure icon  Restore the 1.0 Software and Firmware:

1. While the 1.1 software and firmware is still running, log into the board as the device security officer using scamgr -D and type the zeroize command.

2. Change directories into /var/sca/keydata and remove the .conf file and correspinding keystore directory.

3. Using scadiag -u, load the 1.0 firmware onto the system.

4. After the 1.0 firmware loads, reset the board with the scadiag -r command.

# scadiag -u firmware-file device
# scadiag -r device

When the board finishes resetting, it will be placed in failsafe mode.

5. Execute the remove script to remove the Sun Crypto Accelerator 6000 1.1 software components from the system.

6. From the 1.0 installation media, execute the install script to load the 1.0 software components.

7. Apply any 1.0 software and firmware patches that are necessary.

Refer to the Sun Crypto Accelerator 6000 Board Release Notes (819-5537) at:

8. Unpack the 1.0 keystore tar file into /var/sca/keydata.

# cd /var/sca/keydata
# tar xvf path-to-tar-file

9. Verify that the .conf file and all the contents of the keystore directory are owned by daemon. If not, set them to that ownership:

# chown -R daemon:other keystore.conf_file keystore-directory

10. Start the scamgr utility and initialize the board to use an existing keystore, providing the master key backup file in the process.

You have now restored the 1.0 keystore.