External I/O Expansion Unit Product Notes

This document includes these sections:

Supported Hardware and Software

The following hardware, firmware, and software versions are supported in this release:

Note - The use of the External I/O Expansion Unit to connect the host server to an external boot disk drive is not supported.

Patch Information


Functionality Issues

This section lists known issues for the External I/O Expansion Unit.

Note - Additional issues regarding the External I/O Expansion Unit might be found in the software release notes for your operating system or the hardware product notes for your server.

Known Issues

PSU Does Not Automatically Turn On Again After Power Failure

A PSU might not automatically turn on again after an interruption of AC power that lasts at least 55 seconds. This failure can occur if the AC cord is temporarily unplugged, or if the AC circuit temporarily loses input AC power. Note that turning the PSU AC switch off and on manually does not cause this failure. When AC power is restored, on the front of the PSU the AC LED will light, but the OK LED will remain off.

The workaround is to turn off the PSU AC switch for approximately 15 seconds, then turn the PSU AC switch on again. The green OK LED and the green AC LED on the front of the PSU should light up.

If the External I/O Expansion Unit is in use by the system when AC power interruption occurs, the server’s service processor may change the PSU fault status to faulty and light the amber FAULT LED on the PSU. Once a PSU is marked faulty, the fault status will persist through power cycles so the fault status must be manually cleared. See below for the workaround to clear the PSU fault status.

Changing the Status of a PSU That Is Marked As Faulty

If a server’s service processor detects that a PSU is off, the status of the PSU changes to faulty. The faulty status can persist after the PSU is turned back on.

To clear the fault status of a PSU:

1. Ensure that the hardware problem is cleared and the green OK LED is on.

2. Ensure that the domain is on and the External I/O Expansion Unit can be accessed by the service processor.

The External I/O Expansion Unit should be visible under this command:

-> show /SYS 

3. Issue the following command:

-> set clear_fault_action=true /SYS/IOX@nnnn/PSx

Where nnnn is the External I/O Expansion Unit and x is the instance of the power supply.

Other Current Issues

TABLE 1 lists open issues for the External I/O Expansion Unit.

TABLE 1 Current Issues





Ambient temperature at alarm threshold triggers an excessive number of warning messages.

Ext info /SYS/IOX@nnnn/PSn THERMCTRL/T_AMBIENT has exceeded high warning threshold

(Message repeats.)

Reduce the ambient temperature if it is at or exceeds the maximum (38˚C/100˚F). Note: the ambient temperature is measured at the intakes of the PSUs.

Multiple messages are generated if the ambient temperature continuously fluctuates above and below the maximum value.

A single message is generated if the ambient temperature exceeds the maximum without fluctuating above and below the maximum.


When the power supply unit turns on, the overtemperature LED might turn on in error.


If the temperature is within normal limits, recover with this procedure:

  • Power off both power supply units on the External I/O Expansion Unit.

  • When the DC Power LED (
  • ) on both power supply units turn off, disconnect both AC cables.
  • After 10 seconds or more, reconnect the AC cables.
  • Power on the External I/O Expansion Unit.

If the recovery procedure fails, contact a certified service engineer.


If the power supply units are still on when you disconnect the AC cables, the Fault LED on the PSU might turn on, and the FRUID will be marked faulty.


To prevent this problem, be sure to turn off the power supply units in the External I/O Expansion Unit before you disconnect the AC cables.

If this problem occurs, verify that the AC cables are properly connected, then turn on the power supply units. Issue the following command to clear the fault and reset the error LEDs on the power supply units:

set clear_fault_action=true /SYS/IOX@nnnn/PSx


Faults in the External I/O Expansion Unit that are diagnosed by PSH (Predictive Self-Healing) might display the incorrect location for the suspected FRU(s).

There is no workaround at this time.


Infiniband I/O cards are not supported.

When an External I/O Expansion Unit is connected to a SPARC Enterprise T5120, T5140, T5220, or T5240 server, Infiniband I/O cards are not supported in either the server or in the External I/O Expansion Unit.

Also note that the SPARC Enterprise T5440 server does not support Infiniband I/O cards, either directly within the T5440 server or within an attached External I/O Expansion Unit.


Closed Issues

TABLE 2 lists issues that were closed.

TABLE 2 Closed Issues


Fixed in:




Fan Controller firmware 2.2

An I/O boat might not report the correct internal temperature.

Ignore the reported temperature.


Fan Controller firmware 2.4

If an I/O boat is removed and then inserted again in the External I/O Expansion Unit, the server might generate error messages.

Reset the External I/O Expansion Unit with the ILOM command:

reset /SYS/IOX@nnnn

where nnnn is the External I/O Expansion Unit system serial number.



A PCI Express boat might intermittently not power on or might display an undervoltage error message.

The software should automatically restore I/O boat operation. Contact a certified service engineer to request a replacement I/O boat. Note that the fault LED on the I/O boat will continue to be lighted after I/O boat power is restored but the I/O boat will otherwise operate normally.

Documentation Updates

The installation and service manual was updated in April 2011.