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Sun ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.1 Installation Guide

About this Guide

This guide explains how to install the Sun Open Net Environment (Sun™ ONE) Portal Server, Secure Remote Access. Sun™ ONE Portal Server provides a platform to create portals for your organization’s integrated data, knowledge management, and applications. Secure Remote Access provides secure access to the organization’s applications and files through the internet.

This preface includes the following sections:

Who Should Use This Book

The Sun ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.1 Installation Guide is intended for system administrators installing Sun™ ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access. Familiarity with basic UNIX system administration and networking is assumed. Familiarity with Sun™ ONE Portal Server and its various components and their working is also assumed.

What You Need to Know

Before you install Secure Remote Access, you must be familiar with the following concepts:

How This Book is Organized

This book contains the following chapters:

Document Conventions Used in This Guide

Monospaced Font

Monospaced font is used for any text that appears on the computer screen or text that you should type. It is also used for file names, distinguished names, functions, and examples.

Italicized Font

Italicized font is used to represent text that you enter using information that is unique to your installation (for example, variables). It is used for server paths, file names, and account IDs.

Square or Straight Brackets

Square (or straight) brackets [] are used to enclose optional parameters. For example, in this document you will see the usage for the xx command described as follows:

xx [options] [action] [component]

The presence of [options], [arguments], and [component] indicates that there are optional parameters that may be added to the xx command.

Command-Line Prompts

Command-line prompts (for example, % for a C-Shell, or $ for a Korn or Bourne shell) are not displayed in the examples. Depending on the operating system environment you are using, you will see various command-line prompts. However, you should enter the command as it appears in the document unless specifically noted otherwise.

Where to Find Related Information

Secure Remote Access Documentation

Listed below are additional Secure Remote Access documents.

Portal Server Documentation

The Sun™ ONE Portal Server documentation suite includes the following:

Where to Find This Guide Online

You can find the Sun ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.1 Installation Guide online in PDF and HTML formats. This book can be found at the following URL:


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