C H A P T E R  3

Performing the Initial Configuration

This chapter describes how to perform the initial configuration of the Sun StorageTek Backup Manager application. It contains the following sections:

Accessing the SBM Browser Interface

The Sun StorageTek Backup Manager provides a browser interface to perform basic configuration tasks and view reports for the tape libraries and backup software in your storage environment. There are two levels of access for users:

You can access the SBM software from any system that is on the same network as the SBM server.

1. Open a supported web browser.

Note - For information about supported web browsers, see the Sun StorageTek Backup Manager Release Notes.

2. Enter the IP address of the SBM management server using this format:



sbm-management-server is the IP address of the machine where you installed the Sun StorageTek Backup Manager software.

Result: The Sun StorageTek Backup Manager browser interface displays. You can click a link to get details about a selected item.

The browser interface provides you with an easy-to-use interface to monitor backup jobs and tape library status.

3. Before you begin configuring the system, you should become familiar with the components of the browser interface and how to get help.

You can navigate through the browser interface as you would a typical web page. Use the tabs to move among pages within the application.

Using Help

To view additional information about the software, click Help in the banner of the web browser or subpage. The help window consists of a navigation pane on the left and a topic pane on the right.

To display a help topic, use the navigation pane's Contents, Index, and Search tabs. Click the Search tab and click Tips on Searching to learn about the search feature. The following table describes the help tabs.

TABLE 3-1 Help Tabs




Click a folder icon to display subtopics. Click a page icon to display the help page for that topic in the Topic pane.


Click an index entry to display the help page for that topic.


Type the words for which you want to search and click Search. The Navigation pane displays a list of topics that match your search criteria in order of relevancy. Click a topic link to display the help page for that topic.

To search for a particular word or phrase within a topic, click in the Topic pane, press Ctrl+F, type the word or phrase for which you are searching, and click Find.

Logging into the Admin Page

To perform administration tasks such as configuring backup agents and setting the backup start time, you must log in to the Admin page.

Note - For security, the connection to the Admin page closes automatically if there is no activity for approximately 30 minutes.

1. Click the Admin tab.

2. Type the password and click Login.

The default password is storage.

Sun recommends you change this password to a unique and secure password once you log in for the first time.

3. Change the Administrator password to a unique password.

a. Click Change Password.

b. Enter the password information.

Maximum length is 26 characters. Alphanumeric and special characters are allowed.

You must enter text in these fields correctly. If the New Password and Confirm New Password fields do not match, a message displays when you click the Change button and you must start again.

c. Click Change.

Result: A message displays confirming the password was changed.

You can carry out the initial configuration tasks described in the following subsections, including configuring the backup cycle start time, configuring agents, and refreshing the data.

Configuring the Backup Cycle

You can change the time you want the reporting period to start. SBM uses the backup time you specify as the default time frame for starting backup reports.

The default start time is 12:00 a.m. local to the time zone set on the SBM server.

1. Go to Admin > Configure Backup Cycle.

2. From the Cycle Start at drop-down box, select the time you want reporting to start.

3. Click Save.

Result: SBM saves the new start time and displays a message confirming the backup cycle has changed.

Configuring an Agent for the First Time

You must configure the SBM data acquisition agent before you can begin using the reporting and monitoring functions of the SBM application.

Note - The advanced settings are reserved for support personnel who are troubleshooting problems.

This section contains the following procedures:

Configuring the EMC (Legato) NetWorker Agent

1. From the Agents Status table, click the Change Configuration link for the Legato agent.

2. Click Add a Legato Server.

3. Enter the appropriate data for each field.

Tip - If you are adding multiple servers, you might need to scroll down to view the input fields for each server.

For this field...

Type this...


Remote Connection

(Optional) Type of connection, local or remote, used to connect to this device.


Remote Host

Host name or IP address of the remote machine.


Remote Operating System

Operating system installed on the remote machine (for example, unix or win).


Remote Shell Command Path On SBM server

Fully qualified path to the remote shell command on the SBM server used to connect to the remote machine.


Remote User Name

(Optional) User name to be used when logging onto the remote machine.


Networker's Messages Log File Name

Name of NetWorker's messages log file that includes the fully qualified path location.


Networker's CLI Executable Path

Fully qualified path to NetWorker's CLI commands.



Windows Equivalent:

c:\program files\nsr\bin

4. (Optional) To add another server, repeat Step 2 and Step 3.

5. Click Save.

A message displays indicating that the changes have been applied to the agent and agent will be restarted.

6. Click Close.

7. To check the "Configuration Status" for the agent, refresh the browser page.

Wait for the Status column to display up and Configuration Status displays Configured.

8. To verify the agent is collecting data, refer to Refreshing the Data.

Configuring the Veritas NetBackup Agent

1. From the Agents Status table, click the Change Configuration link for the NetBackup agent.

2. Click Add a NetBackup Server.

3. Enter the appropriate data for each field.

Tip - If you are adding multiple servers, you might need to scroll down to view the input fields for each server.

For this field...

Type this...


Remote Connection

(Optional) Type of connection, local or remote, used to connect to this device.


Remote Host

Host name or IP address of the remote machine.


Remote Operating System

Operating system installed on the remote machine (for example, unix or win).


Remote Shell Command Path On SBM Server

Fully qualified path to the remote shell command on the SBM server used to connect to the remote machine.


Remote User Name

(Optional) User name to be used when logging onto the remote machine.


Remote User Password

(Optional) User password to be used when logging onto the remote machine.


Netbackup Command Path

Fully qualified path to NetBackup's CLI commands.



Windows Equivalent:

c:\program files\veritas\netbackup

Volume Manager Command Path

Fully qualified path to NetBackup's Volume Manager.



Windows Equivalent:

c:\program files\veritas\volmgr

Report Activity Period

Number of hours of NetBackup activity to report on.


4. (Optional) To add another server, repeat Step 2 and Step 3.

5. Click Save.

A message displays indicating the changes have been applied to the agent and the agent will be restarted.

6. Click Close.

7. To check the "Configuration Status" for the agent, refresh the browser page.

Wait for the Status column to display up and Configuration Status displays Configured.

8. To verify the agent is collecting data, refer to Refreshing the Data.

Configuring the Sun StorageTek (STK) Library Agent

1. From the Agents Status table, click the Change Configuration link for the STK Library agent.

2. Click Add a STK Library.

3. Enter the appropriate data for each field.

Tip - If you are adding multiple libraries, you might need to scroll down to view the input fields for each library.

For this field...

Type this...


Tape Library Address

Host name or IP address of the tape library



SNMP port number of the tape library


SNMP Community String

SNMP community string of the tape library


4. (Optional) To add another library, repeat Step 2 and Step 3.

5. Click Save.

A message displays indicating that the changes have been applied to the agent and agent will be restarted.

6. Click Close.

7. To check the "Configuration Status" for the agent, refresh the browser page.

Wait for the Status column to display up and Configuration Status displays Configured.

8. To verify the agent is collecting data, refer to Refreshing the Data.

Configuring the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) Agent

1. From the Agents Status table, click the Change Configuration link for the TSM agent.

2. Click Add a TSM Server.

3. Enter the appropriate data for each field.

Tip - If you are adding multiple servers, you might need to scroll down to view the input fields for each server.

For this field...

Type this...



ODBC data source name

Note: This is the name you supplied during the ODBC configuration.


TSM Server Name Prefix

(Optional) prefix to be added to the TSM server name to guarantee server name uniqueness


TSM Server User Name

Name of the TSM user account to be used when logging onto the TSM server


TSM Server User Password

TSM user password to be used when logging onto the TSM server


TSM Server Look Back Period

In hours, the look back period used when performing historical queries on the TSM server


4. (Optional) To add another server, repeat Step 2 and Step 3.

5. Click Save.

A message displays indicating that the changes have been applied to the agent and agent will be restarted.

6. Click Close.

7. To check the "Configuration Status" for the agent, refresh the browser page.

Wait for the Status column to display up and Configuration Status displays Configured.

8. To verify the agent is collecting data, refer to Refreshing the Data.

Configuring the ACSLS Agent

1. From the Agents Status table, click the Change Configuration link for the ACSLS agent.

2. Enter the appropriate data for each field.

For this field...

Type this...


ACSLS Connection

(Optional) Indicate whether you wish to configure an ACSLS Server

ACSLS Server

ACSLS Server

Host name or IP address of the ACSLS server


3. Click Save.

A message displays indicating that the changes have been applied to the agent and agent will be restarted.

4. Click Close.

5. To check the "Configuration Status" for the agent, refresh the browser page.

Wait for the Status column to display up and Configuration Status displays Configured.

6. To verify the agent is collecting data, refer to Refreshing the Data.

Refreshing the Data

Periodically, you might find it necessary to refresh the database with the latest information available.

For example, it is a good practice to refresh the data after configuring an agent for the first time or after modifying agent settings. In both cases, you want to verify the agent is collecting data.

1. From the Configure Agents page, review the "Configuration Status" of the agents.

Note - Agents must be in a "Configured" state before you can proceed to the next step.

2. Click Refresh Report Data.

3. Click Refresh Data.

Result: The SBM application displays a message indicating the refresh was initiated. All report data is marked for immediate collection.

Note - This process can take some time depending on the number of devices managed by the various backup agents.

4. A message, similar to the following, will be displayed:

Next Steps

You are now ready to begin managing and monitoring the entire backup solution. For information, see the Sun StorageTek Backup Manager Administration Guide.