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Sun Java[TM] System Identity Manager 7.0 Workflows, Forms, and Views 

Chapter 1

This chapter describes Sun Java™ System Identity Manager workflow.

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Understanding Workflow

Identity Manager workflow defines a sequence of actions and tasks that are performed consistently according to a defined rule set. Using the Identity Manager Integrated Development Environment (IDE) graphical interface, you can customize each workflow launched by Identity Manager.

Before working with workflow, develop an understanding of:

What is Workflow?

In general terms, a workflow is a logical, repeatable process during which documents, information, or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules. A participant is a person, machine, or both.

In Identity Manager, this concept is specifically implemented as the Identity Manager workflow capability, which comprises multiple processes (workflows) that control creation, update, enabling, disabling, and deletion of user accounts.

Most Identity Manager tasks you perform are defined as a set of workflow processes. When you create a user in Identity Manager, for example, the corresponding workflow process defines and conducts activities that:

The Identity Manager Integrated Development Environment allows you to customize each of these activities.

Workflows are typically launched as a side effect of checking in a view. Views are checked in when you click Save on a page that implements forms and views.

Workflow Processes

Depending upon where you are in the product interface, workflows are referred as workflows, tasks, process, or TaskDefinitions.

Task Definitions

From the Debug page of the Identity Manager Administrator interface, access workflow processes by looking at the list of TaskDefinitions. Select TaskDefinition from the Type menu adjacent to the List Objects button, then click List Objects. Identity Manager displays a list of the TaskDefinitions you have access to. When you customize a workflow, you are editing its TaskDefinition object.

The launched instance of a TaskDefinition is represented as a TaskInstance object, which you can also view from the Debug page.

Task Definition Parameters

The following table lists the standard configuration parameters.

Table 1-1  Standard Workflow Configuration Parameters




Specifies the user-supplied name of the workflow as presented in the Identity Manager interface. Names should be unique among objects of this type, but objects of different types can have the same name.


Used for filtering purposes only


Identifies the name of the class that implements the task. By default, for workflows this class is com.waveset.workflow.WorkflowExecutor.


(Boolean) Indicates that the task can be suspended and resumed. Default is true.


(Boolean) Indicates whether the user is permitted to request synchronous or asynchronous execution. Default is true.


Specifies the type of execution we should use by default. Default is sync.

If this value is null, or set to ExecMode.DEFAULT, we treat it as ExecMode.ASYNC.


Specifies the limit in seconds that the task is allowed to execute. The task can specify a limit on the amount of time it is allowed to execute. If it exceeds this limit, the scheduler is allowed to terminate it. A limit of zero means there is no limit.

Default is 0.


Specifies the limit in seconds that a task instance is allowed to live after the task has completed. Default is 0.

Once a task has completed or terminated, the TaskInstance containing the task result is typically kept in the repository for a designated period of time, after which it is automatically deleted.

0 – Indicates that the TaskInstance will be deleted immediately after the task is complete.

-1 – Indicates that the TaskInstance will never be automatically deleted, though it can be manually deleted by the user.

This parameter is typically set to a value that is equivalent to a few days for tasks that generate reports for later analysis. Set to zero for tasks that are run only for side effect and do not generate any meaningful result.


(String) Specifies the options how the results of prior executions of repetitive tasks are handled. This object defines that data, and how to ask for it. Default is delete.

wait – Prevents the task from being run until the old result is manually deleted or expires. If this is a non-scheduled task, it results in an error at the time it is launched. If this is a scheduled task, the scheduler simply ignores it.

delete – Automatically deletes old results before executing the task. The old tasks must be in a finished state.

rename – Renames old results before executing the task. The old task must be in a finished state.

terminate – Terminates and deletes any currently executing task. This is similar to the DELETE option, but it also automatically terminates the task if it is running.


When set to true, specifies that the workflow continues to run after the completion of the action until the next manual action, and displays the next work item to the user immediately. This setting supports wizard-style workflows.

When set to false, the workflow continues execution in the background, and the user must go to a different page (typically the approvals page) when he needs to perform the next step in the workflow.


(String) Declares the visibility of this task definition. Default is run schedule. Other options include invisible, run task, and schedule task.


Specifies the interval in milliseconds that Identity Manager should check for progress updates.

The task can specify an interval at which the task will be updating its progress. Defaults to 5000 milliseconds (five seconds). Specifying a shorter interval will give you more current task status, but increases the load on the server.

About Manual Actions

A manual action is part of the workflow process definition that defines a manual interaction. When the workflow engine processes a manual action, a WorkItem object created in the repository. The work item must be marked "complete" before the workflow can proceed. Since most manual actions are used to solicit approvals, the work item table is under the Approvals tab.

Any manual action that belongs to a workflow is represented by a WorkItem object in the repository.


Once a workflow task is launched, the workflow engine creates a TaskInstance in the repository. A TaskInstance is an object in the repository that holds the runtime state of an executing workflow process. It stores context variables and immediate transition information for the TaskDefinition from which it was spawned.

The TaskInstance references the descriptive TaskDefinition object through the TaskDefinition object's generated ID. If you edit a TaskDefinition, TaskInstances already in execution will continue to use the old TaskDefinition object, but new ones will use the modified TaskDefinition with its newly generated ID.

When Are Task Instances Deleted?

The life of a TaskInstance is determined by the resultLimit parameter. If the result limit is zero, the task will be deleted immediately after completion. If it is positive, the value is the number of minutes that the TaskInstance is kept.

To delete a suspended workflow TaskInstance

  1. Click the Manage Tasks tab in the Identity Manager Administrator Interface.
  2. Select View All Tasks.
  3. Select the suspended TaskInstance, then click Terminate.

Workflows in the Repository

Within the Identity Manager repository, a workflow exists as a configuration object typically of Type WFProcess. (The single exception to this object definition is the Create User workflow, which is defined as a ProvisioningTask object.) The taskType is always Workflow.


Identity Manager does not lock the repository while a workflow is executing. This is because workflows can run for days, and the repository cannot remain unlocked for that long. However, Identity Manager prevents you from launching another update workflow on the same user.

Workflow Engine

The workflow engine is a software service that provides the run-time execution for a workflow process. The functions provided by the workflow engine to support a workflow process include:

Workflow Components

Workflow processes represent the steps that must be followed to reach a desired goal. Processes define:

Each workflow process is defined by one or more of these components:

Default Workflow Processes

Using the Identity Manager IDE, you can edit the default Identity Manager processes to follow a custom set of steps. The Identity Manager workflow capability includes a library of default workflow processes, which includes:


The following Create User workflow has been modified to call an escalate activity if a timeout value is reached. If the timeout is not reached, then the results of the APPROVED variable are evaluated. The results of the evaluation determines whether to transition to the approved or rejected activity.

<Activity name='Wait'>

   <ManualAction name='approve' timeout='180'>

   <Owner name='$(APPROVER)'/>

   <Variable name='APPROVAL' value='false'/>

   <Return from='APPROVAL' to='APPROVED'/>


     <ObjectRef type='UserForm' id='#ID#UserForm:ApprovalForm'/>    </FormRef>



       <s>Awaiting approval from \n</s>





   <Transition to='Escalate'>






   <Transition to='Approved'>






   <Transition to='Rejected'/>


WorkItem Types

Manual actions have the ability to assign a type to the work item that is generated when the manual action is executed by the workflow engine. You can assign the work item type in a customization to filter the set of work items to be displayed or operated upon.

The following work item types are recognized by the system.

Table 1-2  Work Item Types

Work Item Type



Indicates that the work item represents an approval.


Indicates that the work item represents an arbitrary interaction with the user.


Indicates that the work item is temporary. Use this type to force a workflow into background execution.

In addition, you can assign customized work item types. For example, you might set the work item type to resource to represent a resource approval and role to represent a role approval.

Authorization Types

Manual actions can also specify the authorization type of the WorkItem to be created. The authorization type differs from the item type in that the system automatically filters the work items returned in a query to exclude those for which the current administrator is not authorized. Typically, any administrator with the Approver capability is authorized to view all work items in the organizations they control.

To specify a work item authorization type in the manual action, use the authType attribute as follows:

<ManualAction authType='RoleApproval'>

Assigning WorkItem Types

To specify an item type in the ManualAction definition, set the itemType attribute as shown in this example:

<ManualAction itemType='approval'>

Restricting Administrative View Capabilities for WorkItems

Typically, any administrator with the Approver capability is authorized to view all work items in the organizations they control. If you want an administrator to view only a subset of the work items in an organization, follow these steps:

  1. Define new authorization types that extend the WorkItem type. For example, define the RoleApproval type.
  2. Define new capabilities that have rights on the new authorization types rather than WorkItem itself. For example, define a Role Approver capability that has rights on the RoleApproval type.
  3. Assign the Role Approver capability to an administrator rather than the general Approver capability
  4. Set appropriate authorization types in each manual action in your workflows.

Creating Transitions

Transitions define the rules by which an activity moves to one or more other activities. A transition can be conditional, which means that it will be taken only if certain conditions are met. Simple activities can contain only one unconditional transition that is taken as soon as the actions within the activity are complete.

Updating a Process for Identity Manager Use

If you customize a process, validate and save your changes to ensure that the workflow process completes correctly and as you expect. After saving, import the modified workflow for use in Identity Manager. You can also use the Identity Manager IDE debugger. For information on the Identity Manager IDE to edit workflow processes, see Using the Identity Manager IDE.

Editing a Workflow in Production

Do not customize a workflow process in a production environment.

Problems can emerge if you edit workflow activities or actions while instances of the original workflow are running. Specifically, the TaskInstance contains a reference to the workflow TaskDefinition and stores the current activity or action by ID. Changing these IDs may prevent the task from restarting where expected when execution resumes.

If you cannot avoid editing a workflow in a production environment, use the following procedure. It will help prevent the loss of pending work items from task instances that are using the old definition.

  1. Rename the current TaskDefinition to include a time stamp. For example, to modify the Create User workflow, rename the TaskDefinition from Create User to Create User 20030701. You can rename a workflow TaskDefinition with the Identity Manager IDE.
  2. Save and import the edited workflow.

Following this procedure will help prevent problems with existing Create User tasks that may be in a suspended state within Identity Manager. This allows the TaskDefinition to keep its unique ID, which is referenced inside suspended tasks.

Standard Workflows

Identity Manager ships with standard workflows that are mapped to used processes. See Default Workflow Activities for a brief introduction to these default workflows. To display and edit a default workflow

  1. Open the Identity Manager IDE. For information on using the Identity Manager IDE, see Introduction to the Identity Manager IDE in Identity Manager Deployment Tools.
  2. Select File > Open Repository Object > Workflow Processes. The Identity Manager IDE displays the Workflow Processes list, which contains the standard workflow processes and any custom workflows in your deployment.
  3. Double-click on the name of the workflow you want to display or edit.

You can view process mappings by selecting Configure > Form and Process Mappings from the Identity Manager Administrator Interface.

Customizing a Process

You can change one or more of the Identity Manager processes to eliminate steps, include new steps, or customize existing steps. Each step in the process is represented by an activity.

The Workflow Toolbox facilitates workflow changes by providing pre-defined activities you can use when editing or creating a workflow.

To open the toolbox, right-click in the diagram view and select the toolbox option.

Default Workflow Activities

By category, these default activities are available.

Table 1-3  Default Workflow Activities



Add Deferred Task

Adds deferred task scanner information to an object.

Audit Object

Creates audit log records.

Authenticate User Credentials


Authorize Object

Tests authorization for a subject on an object in the repository.

Checkin Object

Commits changes to an object.

Checkin View

Commits an updated view.

Checkout Object

Locks and retrieves a repository object for editing.


Adds deferred task scanner information to an object.

Checkout View

Gets an updateable view.

Create Resource Object

Creates a resource object.

Create View

Initializes a new view.

Delete Resource Object

Deletes a resource object.

Deprovision Primitive

Deprovisions resource accounts.

Disable Primitive

Disables resource accounts.

Disable User

Disables an Identity Manager user account, resource accounts, or both.

Email Notification

Sends email notification of an action.

Enable Primitive

Enables resource accounts.

Enable User

Enables an Identity Manager user account, resource accounts, or both.

Get Object

Retrieves a repository object.

Get Property

Retrieves a property.

Get View

Gets a read-only view.

List Resource Objects


Query Object Names

Searches for objects with matching attributes.

Query Objects

Searches for objects with matching attributes.

Query Reference


Refresh View

Refreshes a view that was previously checked out.

Remove Deferred Task

Removes deferred task scanner information from an object.

Remove Property

Removes an extended property on an object.

Reprovision Primitive

Reprovisions resource accounts.

Run Resource Actions


Set Property

Adds an extended property to an object.

Unlock Object

Unlocks an object that was previously checked out.

Unlock View

Unlocks a view that was previously checked out.

Update Resource Object

Modifies an object managed by a resource.

Table 1-4  Default Approval Workflows




Performs the fundamental single approver process.

Approval Evaluator

Recursively evaluates an Approval Definition Object to implement a complex approval process.

Allows the form and template to be used to be passed in, but those can be overridden if specified in the set.

Lighthouse Approval

Performs the default Identity Manager approval process for assigned organizations, roles, and resources. Uses the Approval Evaluator process.

Multi Approval

Distributes approvals among multiple approvers. Users the Approval process for each approver.

Notification Evaluator

Recursively evaluates an Approval Definition Object to implement a complex notification process. The structure is expected to be the same as that defined for Approval Evaluator. In the standard workflow, approval definitions and notification definitions are maintained in the same structure. This is not required for a customized workflow.

Provisioning Notification

Standard process for notifying administrators after a provisioning operation has completed.

Table 1-5  Default User Workflows




Performs the standard steps to deprovision an existing Identity Manager user, with granular control over resource account deletion, Identity Manager user deletion, unlinking, and de-assignment. Individual resource operations are re-tried until successful.


Performs the standard steps to create a new Identity Manager user and provision resource accounts. Individual resource operations are re-tried until successful.

Set Password

Changes the password of the Identity Manager account and resource accounts.

Update User Object

Checks out a WSUser object, applies a set of changes, and checks in the object.

Update User View

Checks out the user view, applies a set of supplied updates, and checks in the user view.

Update View

Applies a collection of changes to any view.

Table 1-6  Default End User Workflows



End User Update Groups

Updates the group assignments on resources (that support groups) assigned to one of a manager's reports.

End User Update My Groups

Updates the group assignments on resources (that support groups) assigned to the logged-in account.

End User Update Roles

Updates the role assignments for one of a manager's reports.

End User Update My Roles

Updates the role assignments assigned to the logged-in account.

End User Update Resources

Updates the resource assignments and associated attributes for one of a manager's reports.

End User Update My Resources

Updates the resource assignments and associated attributes for the logged-in account.

Table 1-7  Default Auditor Workflows



Scan Notification

Notifies Attestors at the end of each Access Scan that they have pending Attestation workitems. Sends one notification to each Attestor, regardless of the number of pendng workitems. Also notifies the can owner (if any) that the scan has started and completed. This workflow takes the following input:

  • scanName -- name of access scan
  • scanOwner -- name of access scan owner
  • recipients -- list of IDM user names which should be notified
  • notificationType --Valid types include begin, end, attest
  • userCount -- number of users to be scanned (only on begin)

Standard Attestation

Creates an Attestation Subprocess for each attestor specified.


Creates a work item for each Attestor, and marks the User entitlement record as APPROVED when all work items complete with approved status, or REJECTED as soon as the first work item rejects. When one work item rejects, all other work items are canceled.

Launch Access Scan

Either launches or schedules an Access Scan Task, depending upon the setting provided by the Access Review task. It is directly called from the Access Review Workflow/Task.

Workflow Task

Table 1-8  



Add Result

Adds a named data item to the task result.

Add Result Error

Adds an error message to the task result.

Add Result Message

Adds an informational message to the task result.

Background Task

Forces the workflow into the background if it was launched from the Identity Manager Administrator interface.

Get Resource Result

Retrieves the result object returned by a resource adapter on the last provisioning operation.

Get Resource Result Item

Retrieves one result item from the result object returned by a resource adapter on the last provisioning operation.

Rename Task

Renames the task instance in the repository.

Set Result

Adds an entry to the task entrance result. This will appear in the workflow summary report.

Set Result Limit

Sets the number of seconds the task instance should be retained in the repository when it finishes. A non-negative value indicates that the task instance will be kept for this many seconds after the task has completed.

A negative value indicates that the task instance will never be removed automatically. However, you can remove it manually.

Using the Default Rename Task

To use the default rename task without customization, include the following action in your workflow:

<Action process='Rename Task'>

   <Argument name='name' value='New Task Name'/>


Tracking Workflow Progress

The designated owner of a task can always check on the status of a Workflow task. The owner is usually the person that initiated the task, but ownership can be redefined. Because tasks are objects in the repository, they will also be visible to anyone else with sufficient permissions.

Workflow status is typically represented in the Task List State column by the strings executing, pending, creating, and suspended. You can add additional, more informative strings summarizing workflow status to this column display.

Implement this feature by adding one of two possible expressions to the WFProcess file:

<WFProcess name='queryRoleTask' maxSteps='0'>


     <s>Customized Status</s>


     <Activity id='0' name='start'>

       <Transition to='GetReferencingRoles'/>


     <Activity name='GetReferencingRoles'>

       <Action id='0'>


<Status> can be any XPRESS statement that results in a string. For example,


   <s>custom string</s>





     <s>not appearing</s>

     <s>custom string</s>




The results of this expression, if any, are displayed in the Status column when a result is pending (for example, pending (custom status)).

Enabling Workflow Auditing

Workflow auditing is similar to regular auditing, except that workflow auditing stores additional information to enable time computations. Regular auditing reports that an event occurred, but does not indicate when the event started and ended. See Identity Manager Audit Logging for more information about Identity Manager auditing.

Workflow auditing is enabled by adding the audit attribute to a workflow or one or more of its Activities. Once the attribute is in place, activate workflow auditing by selecting the Audit entire workflow checkbox in the appropriate task template of the Administrator interface. See the chapter titled “Task Templates” in Identity Manager Administration for procedural information about turning on auditing in a task template.


Workflow auditing operations store predefined attribute names and their values per audit event. You can enable auditing within a workflow by adding the audit attribute (set to true) to the WFProcess element or to one or more Activity elements. Setting the attribute at the WFProcess level causes the entire workflow to be audited, while adding the attribute to individual Activity elements causes only certain activities to be audited. If the audit attribute is not set, then auditing is disabled. In addition, auditing must be enabled from within task template that calls the workflow.

The following example enables auditing for the Notify action:

<Activity name='Notify' audit='true'>

What Information Is Stored and Where Is It?

By default, workflow auditing collects most of the information stored by a regular audit event, including the following attributes:

These attributes are stored in the logattr table and are derived from auditableAttributesList.

Identity Manager also checks whether the workflowAuditAttrConds attribute is defined.

You can call certain activities several times within a single instance of a process or a workflow. To match the audit events for a particular activity instance, Identity Manager stores a unique identifier within a workflow instance in the logattr table.

To store additional attributes in the logattr table for a workflow, you must define a workflowAuditAttrConds list (assumed to be a list of GenericObjects). If you define an attrName attribute within the workflowAuditAttrConds list, Identity Manager pulls attrName out of the object within the code — first using attrName as the key, and then storing the attrName value. All keys and values are stored as uppercase values.

Adding Applications

You can register your own Java methods so that they can be accessed from the Identity Manager IDE. To do this:

  1. Edit the idm/config/workflowregistry.xml file.
  2. Add the application definition, in a form similar to this example:
  3. <WorkflowApplication name='Increment Counter'
    class='com.waveset.util.RandomGen' op='nextInt'>

       <ArgumentDefinition name='start' value='10'>
          <Comments>Get the next counter</Comments>

  4. Restart the Identity Manager IDE.

The new application is added to the application menu.

Configuring Workflow Properties

The System Configuration object controls workflow configuration properties. The following table lists the most frequently configured properties.

For information on using the Identity Manager Integrated Development Environment to view or edit the System Configuration object, see Introduction to the Identity Manager Integrated Development Environment in Identity Manager Deployment Tools.

Table 1-9  Workflow Properties in System Configuration Object

Attribute Name

Data Type

Default Value


























Specifies whether trace messages are emitted to the console. When set to true, trace messages are emitted. Default is false.


Specifies whether trace messages are emitted to a named file. To send trace messages to a specific file, enter the file name.


Specifies the maximum number of steps allowed in any workflow process or subprocess. Once this level is exceeded, Identity Manager terminates the workflow. This setting is used as a safeguard for detecting when a workflow is stuck in an infinite loop. The default is 5000 steps.


Specifies whether trace messages should be retained in the task's result object. When set to true, trace messages accumulate in the task's result object.


Indicates whether the entire history should be returned after the task has completed. When set to true, Identity Manager returns the entire case history. Although it can useful to examine the history when diagnosing process problems, complete results can be large.


Indicates whether generic objects should be included in workflow trace operations.


Specifies the level of detail included in workflow trace. An unspecified or 0 value generates the most detail. The default is 1.


Identifies the level of strictness that is applied when validating workflows prior to running them. Errors of this level or greater will result in the workflow not being run. Valid values are CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, or NONE, where NONE turns off validation completely.

The default is CRITICAL.

Synchronize User Password Workflow

Used by the PasswordSync application to synchronize user passwords. Called by the JMS Listener adapter, this workflow takes each request sent by the adapter and checks out, then subsequently checks in, the Change User Password view. After the workflow has completed check-in, the workflow by default launches a confirmation email to the user, specifying whether the check-in passed or failed.


The Synchronize User Password workflow contains the following variables.


Specifies the Identity Manager Account ID that was resolved by the message mapper. Null indicates that the user was not found in Identity Manager.


Identifies the password that should be synchronized to all resources.


Identifies the name of the resource where the resources account was found in Identity Manager.


Specifies the email address of the user. This value is derived either from Active Directory. If null, this is the email address stored in Identity Manager.


Specifies the configured number of seconds to allow before triggering synchronization. This setting ensures that passwords updated from the Identity Manager User Interface and sent to source resources will not trigger a recursive synchronization of the user's password.


Indicates the last time (in milliseconds) that Identity Manager updated the source resources password. This setting ensures that passwords reset from the Identity Manager User Interface and sent to a resource will not again trigger a synchronization of the user's password.


Indicates how many seconds ago the password was updated.


Lists the resource names that should always be excluded from synchronization. This setting can be configured by editing the System Configuration object attribute PasswordSyncResourceExcludeList.


Specifies the native accountId coming from the source resource.



Checks for a null IDMAccountId. If null, transitions to an empty activity called noIDMAccountForResourceAccount. If a non-null account exists, the workflow then transitions to checkLastUpdateThreshold.


Does nothing by default, but is called only if the MessageMapper did not resolve the incoming resource account ID or GUID into an Identity Manager user name.


Confirms that the lastUpdateSecs variable is less then the PasswordSyncThreshold. This activity is used to prevent recursive password resets when a password is changed from the Identity Manager product. For example, a user changes his resource passwords, which include Active Directory. Then, the password notifier tells Identity Manager that the password had just been changed. Without this check, Identity Manager would perform an extra password change. If the passwordThreshold had been exceeded we would continue to the checkoutView activity.


Checks out the ChangeUserPassword for the given Identity Manager account. If there is a successful check out, the workflow transitions to SetPasswordView. Otherwise, it transitions to NotifyFailure.


Iterates over the resource accounts and selects all resources that are not either the source resource or in the exclude list. All other resources are selected, and the expiredPassword flag is set to false to avoid the password having to be changed immediately afterwards. This activity always transitions to CheckTargets.


Checks to assure we got at least one other target to synchronize. If Identity Manager does not find any other resource accounts, the workflow transitions to UnlockView.


Unlocks the currently checked out view and transitions to end.


Checks the view in, if there is a failure transitions to NotifyFailure. Otherwise, it transitions to Notify.


Notifies the end user of a successful synchronization and uses the PasswordSyncNotice email template. This activity always transitions to end.


Notifies the end user of a failure synchronization and uses the PasswordSyncNotice email template. This activity always transitions to end.

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Part No: 819-6131-10.   Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.