A P P E N D I X  D

Configuring In-Band Management

Setting up the array for in-band management is outlined in the following sections:

About In-Band Management

By default, the management host communicates with the arrays out-of-band over Ethernet. You can also configure in-band management for communication to travel over the data path (using Fibre Channel (FC), etc.) between a data host and the array.

In-band management uses a proxy agent running on a data host to communicate with a managed array. The Common Array Manager software discovers the proxy agents on the subnet and then queries arrays registered with the software. The proxy agent receives the queries over Ethernet and passes them on to the array over the data path between the data host and the array.

New arrays can be registered with the software using the registration wizard. The wizard can auto-discover the array via the proxies or you can specify the IP address of the proxy agent. Once an array is registered, management of the array appears the same as does management with an out-of-band connection. Volume creation, deletion, and mapping are accomplished in the same manner.

In-band management uses a special access LUN mapping to facilitate communications between the management software and the storage array. You can view all mappings on the array on the Mapping Summary Page in the Common Array Manager software. For in-band communication, an access volume is mapped to LUN 31. This special access LUN (also called the UTM LUN) is mapped to the default domain. (All arrays have a default domain for volumes not registered with a storage domain.)

With new arrays, the mapping of the access LUN to the default domain is installed at the factory. If you lose this mapping, before installing in-band, use out-of-band management and the Common Array Manager software to re-map the access LUN to the default domain. See the Online Help in the software for more information about mapping.

This release supports Solaris Sparc and x86, Windows, and Linux for in-band management. For Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, Release 5.1 or higher is required. Check the Sun Storage Common Array Manager Release Notes for the latest list of packages to install.

In-Band Management Operational Information and Issues

About the RAID Array Proxy Agent

The in-band management proxy agent is a package that is added to a host (or group of hosts) with in-band connectivity via Fibre Channel to the storage array. An external management station can then talk to this proxy host via an out-of-band connection and the management commands are then relayed to the storage device via the in-band path. This is a transparent proxy agent which simply converts the RPC request packets to UTM SCSI- specific messages. The API Sun Storage Common Array Manager uses to manage the arrays is identical whether the array is managed via the in-band or out-of-band path.

The proxy agent packages for each OS are located in the “Add-Ons” directory. Refer to the README file for installation instructions for your particular OS.

Known RAID Array Proxy Agent Limitations

A proxy agent restart is required after disruptive changes to the storage configuration. This does not apply to changes in volumes exposed from a single array but it does apply if storage arrays are re-cabled differently or if the storage array configuration has changed (i.e. adding new storage arrays to the configuration).

The in-band proxy agents will start when the host boots, but they will terminate if storage is not immediately seen. A restart of the agent (instructions below) will force a re-scan for storage arrays and, if any are found, the agent will remain running.

Solaris: Checking the UTM LUNs and Start/Stop of the Proxy Agent

Download Sun Storage Common Array Manager in-band proxy agents for Solaris from here:


To verify the host sees the arrays management (UTM) LUN, do the following:

1. Start / Stop the Agent (Solaris)

/opt/SMgr/agent/SMagent start

If the agent is already running, this will stop and then restart it.

2. Check the status of the agent

# ps -ef | grep SMagent | grep -v grep

root 5144 1 0 11:58:24 pts/3 0:01 /opt/SMgr/agent/jre/bin/java -classpath

/opt/SMgr/agent/SMagent.jar devmgr.launch

Linux: Checking The UTM LUNs and Start/Stop of the Proxy Agent

Note - The SMagent requires Red Hat 5.1 (also known as “5 update 1”) or higher. It is not supported on Red Hat 5.0.

Note - This information applies only to FLX240, FLX280, FLX380, 6130, 6140, 6540, 6580, 6780, 2510, 2530 and 2540 arrays.

Download Sun Storage Common Array Manager in-band proxy agents for Linux from here:


To verify the host sees the arrays management (UTM) LUN:

1. Start/Stop Agent

[root@nsvr-150 agent]# /opt/SMgr/agent/SMagent start

Stopping Agent process 12632.

SMagent started.

[root@nsvr-150 agent]# SANtricity Storage Array Host Agent, Version 09.17.A0.03

Built Tue Dec 05 14:52:38 CST 2006

Copyright (C) 1999-2006 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

Checking device /dev/sda (/dev/sg0): Skipping

Checking device /dev/sdb (/dev/sg1): Skipping

Checking device /dev/sdc (/dev/sg2): Activating


2. Check for UTM LUN

[root@nsvr-150 agent]# java -classpath /opt/SMgr/agent/SMagent.jar devmgr.versioned.agent.DeviceIdentifier | grep “Volume Access” /dev/sdc

(/dev/sg2) [Storage Array fms-lca1, Volume Access, LUN 31, Volume ID <600a0b80002fc0740000000000000000>]

Windows: Checking The UTM LUNs and Start/Stop of the Proxy Agent

To verify the host sees the arrays management (UTM) LUN, do the following:

1. Start/Stop Agent

E:\Program Files (x86)\StorageManager\agent>net start “SANtricity Storage Manager Agent”

The Storage Manager Agent service is starting.

The Storage Manager Agent service was started successfully.

2. Check for UTM LUN

E:\Program Files (x86)\StorageManager\agent>C:\Java\jdk1.5.0_11\bin\java -classpath SMagent.jar devmgr.versioned.agent.DeviceIdentifier |

findstr Access

\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0 [Storage Array fms-lca1, Volume Access, LUN 31, Volume ID <600a0b80002458d20000000000000000>]

\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1 [Storage Array fms-lca1, Volume Access, LUN 31, Volume ID <600a0b80002fc074

Installing In-Band Management

1. Connect two in-band (FC, etc.) cables between HBAs on the data host where the proxy is to be installed and the array (one cable to each controller).

2. Install the SMruntime and SMagent packages on the proxy host, using the pkgadd command in Solaris and rpm command in Linux.

pkgadd -d <directory or disk-directory> SMruntime-SOL-xx.xx.xx.xx.pkg
pkgadd -d <directory or disk-directory> SMagent-SOL-xx.xx.xx.xx.pkg
rpm -ivh SMruntime.xx.xx.xx.xx-xxxx.rpm
rpm -ivh SMagent-LINUX-xx.xx.xx.xx-xxxx.rpm

3. Solaris only - to verify that the host sees the access LUN to manage the array via the in-band path, perform the following commands on the data host:

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/SMgr/agent
java -classpath /opt/SMgr/agent/SMagent.jar 		devmgr.versioned.agent.DeviceIdentifier | grep "Volume Access"

The arrays with access LUNs visible to the agent will display as follows:

/dev/rdsk/c5t200600A0B82458D4d31s2 [Storage Array fms-lca1, Volume
Access, LUN 31, Volume ID <600a0b80002458d20000000000000000>]
/dev/rdsk/c5t200700A0B82458D3d31s2 [Storage Array fms-lca1, Volume
Access, LUN 31, Volume ID <600a0b80002fc0740000000000000000>]

4. Verify that the Proxy Agent is running. If necessary, check the SMagent process and restart in /opt/SMgr/agent/SMagent.

5. To start the agent, perform this command in Solaris or its equivalent: /opt/SMgr/agent/SMagent start

If the agent was running, it will stop and then restart after a status check.

6. Check the process status:

# ps -ef | grep SMagent | grep -v grep
/opt/SMgr/agent/jre/bin/java -classpath
/opt/SMgr/agent/SMagent.jar devmgr.launch

Sign in to the software and begin configuring as described in Initial Array Set Up. After the registration process discovers arrays, they display on the Storage System Summary page. The Network Address field displays whether the connection with each array is in-band or out-of-band. The Common Array Manager software can manage arrays with either in-band and out-of-band connections at the same time.

Copying Configuration Files and In-Band Management

If you copy a configuration file to a management host that will have in-band communication with the array, you need to preserve the mapping between the access LUN and the management host using the import array command with the -n (noclear) option.

import -x <XML-location> [ -L <list> ] [ -n ] array <array-name>

The import command typically applies an array configuration file to the specified array. The -n option preserves the current array configuration, including the mapping between the access LUN (LUN 31) and the default domain of the management host. This mapping is required for in-band management of the array.


-x,--xml <XML-location>

Specifies the location of the XML file to be imported. The XML location can be in the form of a URL (http://... or file:///...) or a file name.


Specifies that no import take place. Instead, the array is checked against the XML file to ensure that it is compatible.


Specifies that the current array configuration will not be cleared.

array <array-name>

Specifies the array to which the configuration file is applied.