Sun B2B Suite AS2 Protocol Manager User's Guide

ProcedureTo Edit the Atlanta Data File

You must make sure that the InputAS2.xml.~in data file is updated to reflect the appropriate Atlanta data path location. Use a text editor to do this operation.

  1. Make sure you have exported the sample data file.

  2. Use the Enterprise Designer’s Export feature to export the sample data files to a specified location, for example:

    cd C:\temp\eXchange\Sample\AS2\Data\Atlanta
  3. Change directories to the subdirectory of the location where you exported the sample data files.

  4. Use a text editor open the following file:


    You see text that resembles the following code:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <AS2ToPartnerInfo xmlns:xsi="">
         <ActionName>Pass Through Outbound</ActionName>
                   <FlieLocation directory="C:TEMP/eXchange/Sample/AS2/Data/
                        Atlanta" fileName="X12-Payload.edi"></flieLocation>

    The lines preceding the last line </TestInput> have the following definitions:

    • <PartnerName> … </PartnerName> line provides the name of the current TP, AS2Berlin.

    • <AS2-TradingProfileID>…</AS2-TradingProfileID> line supplies the name of the current Transaction Profile used in the TP.

    • <ServiceName> … </ServiceName> line supplies the name of the current Action Group in the Transaction Profile listed previously.

    • <ActionName> … </ActionName> line defines the type of action being used, in this case “Pass Through Outbound.”

    • <PayloadList> … </PayloadList> line supplies the path location of the payload data file for the current transaction, as well as the file name.

  5. If necessary, under <PayloadList>, in the line <fileLocation directory="C:/TEMP/ ...> (shown in the previous example), change the string after directory=to the actual path of the directory that holds your local copy of the InputAS2.xml.~in and payload X12-Payload.edi files.

    For example:



  6. If you have already run the sample and you want to experiment with other changes (such as using a payload file with a different file name, or using a TP with a different name), be sure they are also reflected here.

  7. When you are finished, save your changes and exit the text editor.